ARKANSAS CITY TRAVELER, From Wednesday, April 28, 1886, through September 1, 1886. (2024)

[From Wednesday, April 28, 1886, through September 1, 1886.]



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.

W. P. WOLFE. Having purchased the entire interest in his furniture business,and having made heavy purchases of stock from the best makers, now offersto the public -MORE BARGAINS IN- FURNITURE! Cabinet Ware, and every lineof goods kept in a first-class


Parlor sets and chamber sets in good variety, and the latest styles ofsofas, lounges, and other upholstered work. Square bargains and honest dealingmy motto. General repairing by competent workmen. Your patronage solicited.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.

R. ROSENBERG keeps up with the procession, and offers GROCERIES at pricesthat defy competition.

5 lbs. of soap ........... 25 cts.

3 lbs. of gloss starch for 25 cts.

3 lbs. dried peaches . 25 cts.

3 lbs. XXX soda crackers . 20 cts.

Sack of O. B. Flour ...... $1.30

Good clothes basket ...... 50 cts.

Box of nickel cigars for . $1.25

Best brands of chewing tobacco for 45 cents per lb.

FRESH GOODS constantly arriving.

California canned fruits, Crackers of all kinds, and a full line of Stapleand Fancy GROCERIES.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.



Self-Setting Needle, Self-Threading Shuttle, Automatic Bobbin Winder,and Only Perfect Embroiderer. Ne Plus Ultra.

Do not buy any other before trying the White.


Needles, Oils and Parts for all Machines.

For catalogue, prices, and terms, address WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.,

921 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.

For sale by A. H. FITCH, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.

THE OLD RELIABLE TRANSFER LINE, is now running three new and commodiouswagons, and does a general training and jobbing business. Public patronagesolicited, and orders promptly attended to. Leave orders at Snyder &Hutchison's. W. WARD, Proprietor.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.


INSURANCE AGENT. Risks taken in the most secure companies.

Office in Grimes & Son's drug store, corner of Summit St. and CentralAvenue.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.


The above firm desire to inform the people of Arkansas City that theyare prepared to do a general TRANSFER AND JOBBING BUSINESS and Teaming ofall kind, having four covered teams, and solicit the patronage of the public.Leave Orders at Ware & Pickering's.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.

TO THE PUBLIC. We would like to inform all our old, and lots of new costumersthat we have again added Groceries to our stocks, and intend to keep a goodassortment of Fancy and Staple Groceries In connection with our stock ofClothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, etc., all ofwhich we will sell as cheap for cash as any house in the citty. We alsointend to keep all kinds of Flour, Feed, Corn, Oats, etc., and are headquartersfor all kind of Indian Goods, Moccasins, Gloves, etc. Don't forget the placesameold stand, one door north of Arkansas City Bank. Please give us a call,and oblige your friends.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.



Prime Corned Beef, Bologna Sausage, and Sausage Meat.



The Attention of Farmers and Families is invited.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.

E. L. McDOWELL, Makes a Specialty in SPECTACLES, In Gold, Silver, andSteel Frames. EYE GLASSES, COQUELLES, GOGGLES, ETC. Eye Glass, Hooks, Chains,Guards, etc. SPECTACLES sold by me are warranted to fit. E. L. McDOWELL.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.

W. ROSE, Boot & Shoe Manufacturer.

Shop on Central Avenue, Opposite Central Avenue Hotel.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.

EUROPEAN RESTAURANT, removed across the way two doors south of LelandHotel. First-class meals at all hours. New rooms and new furniture for Lodgers.Oysters in every style. GEO. A. DRUITT, Proprietor.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.


Have always on hand Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats, Poultry.

Game and Fish in season.

We furnish nothing but the best, and ask a trial. Cash paid for hides.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.


ALEXANDER LAMPORT & CO., have ordered, and are now receiving a newand complete stock of Lumber, Lath, and Shingles, which is as good and wellassorted a stock as has ever been offered to the trade of Arkansas City,and at reasonably low figures.

Call and Examine.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.


We guarantee full value in every article in our store. Gents' shoes gradedin price from $1.75 to $6.00. Gents' calf boot, from $2.50 to $6.00. Gents'slippers from 85 cts. To $2.00. Ladies' Kid Button, $1.25 to $6.

Ladies, we will invite your special attention to our line of slippersand low shoes.

Misses' and children's spring heel shoes at lowest prices.

South Store in Highland Hall Block.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.

Where you can buy More Goods for $1.00 than at any other housein the city.
Try One Sack of O. B. FLOUR AT $1.35.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 186.




Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 28, 1886.


My weekly sales amount to more than the entire stock of others dealersin the same line in the city. Ten years experience and ample capital, andthe judicious use of both place me in a position to make my selections fromthe very best line of goods direct from the manu- factories, and place themon the market at figures below inferior goods, and I will guarantee to doit. GEO. W. CUNNINGHAM.



Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

Major Osborne, the Ponca agent, advertises for a competent woman to dogeneral housework at that agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

The veterans of the Arkansas City post have appointed committees to arrangesome fitting celebration of Decoration Day.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

W. P. Wolfe has increased his storage facilities, and has given up thefront part of his store for office room to Dix & Miller, real estateagents.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

DIED. A. C. Gordon, an old soldier, died in East Bolton on Saturday morning,aged 48 years. His remains were buried in West Bolton the day following.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

Our new street commissioner has filled up that bog in front of the LelandHotel, and he has also repaired that dangerous break in the flume that crossesFifth Avenue at Sixth Street.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

Apples promise well, the trees being in full bloom, but the peach treesseem to have resolved on a rest this summer. Throughout Cowley County thepeach buds are everywhere killed.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

There has been a dearth of butter in town the past week, and the articlecalled by courtesy, "Creamery butter," has been made to do servicefor the missing staple.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

The Schubert Quartette Concert, being postponed last Friday on accountof the rain storm, the entertainment will be given this evening, and theseats secured last week will be retained for ticket holders. A good houseis assured.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

The two Presbyterian preachers in this city exchanged pulpis on Sundayevening, Rev. Fleming preaching in the U. P. Church and Rev. Campbell inthe First Presbyterian. Both were listened to by good sized audiences.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The jury returned a verdict of not guilty in the case of John Marshall,charged with killing Jack Schneider, in Maple City. The announcement ofthe verdict was received with boisterous applause.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

George Kroenert, of Wichita, last week purchased of T. H. McLaughlinthe property on Summit Street where R. A. Houghton & Co., have theirstore. The price paid was $6,500.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1886.

Wichita men have a fondness for Arkansas City, which is pretty convincingevidence they see growth ahead.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

At the last meeting of the city council there were four or five applicantsfor the office of street commissioner and no appointment was made. Lastweek Acting Mayor Thompson solved the difficulty by appointing Jacob Dunkle,a one-armed soldier, to the office. This is in strict conformity with civilservice rules.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Charles Rambo, an old timer, in Pleasant Valley, was in town last weekwith a supply pf pie-plant, which our grocers bought readily. He put insome plants a few years ago, and has since sold $1,000 worth of their produce.He has lately set out 1,000 apple trees and 500 grape vines, and is layinghis plans to have a first rate fruit farm.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

We were favored a few days since with a call from Elmer G. Oldroyd, brotherto T. B. Oldroyd, of this city. Mr. Oldroyd is from Wayne County, Ohio,and is making a leisurely visit to several friends in this state. This beinghis first visit here, he is surprised to find so solid and handsome a town,and is gratified at the activity and progress that surround him.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Three Italian musicians visited the city on Wednesday and gave our citizensmusic of a very superior order. The band consisted of a violinist, a flutist,and a harp player. On Thurs- day evening they furnished the music to a selectdance party in Hoyt's gymnasium, where twenty-five couples indulged in thelight fantastic and had an exceedingly happy time. The wandering troubadorstook their departure the following day.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

John M. Watson and his daughter, Eve, were guests at the Leland Hotellast week. They had in charge seven Indiansone a Caddo and two Comanchegirls, and one Arapaho and three Cheyenne boys, whom Miss Eva Watson leftthis city with on Sunday morning to conduct them to the Indian TrainingSchool at Wabash, Indiana. The dusky scholars ranged from 12 to 17 years,were neatly and comfortably clad, and were bright and intelligent in appearance.Mr. Jackson departed for the Chilocco school with a Ute boy, and will continuehis labors in gathering up Indian children for the various educational establishments.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Humpty Dumpty Pantomine at the Opera House Monday night next.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

John Carter makes announcement of his new barber shop, on north Summitstreet, in our advertising columns.

AD. TONSORIAL ARTIST. My old friends and patrons will find me at my newstand on South Summit Street (opposite Steinberger & Coombs' drug store),where they can enjoy the luxury of a good, easy shave for ten cents, anda stylish hair cutting for 25 cents.

Low rates and ready cash my motto. Give me a call. JOHN CARTER.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The Frick Bros. are putting up a substantial awning in front of theirbrick store, occupied by Steinberger & Coombs.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

J. D. Kunkle, living six or seven miles west of this city, and an oldsubscriber of the TRAVELER, has planted 115 acres of corn.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

A. P. Alexander returned on Monday from a business trip to Atchison andKansas City, which engaged him upwards of a week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The south store of the Topliff block is approaching completion, and theNickel Plate Restaurant will be opened next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

N. T. Snyder and his two children have been seriously ill the past week,but are now recovering. Their illness is attributed to a defective drain.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

City Marshal Gray has something to say to householders about cleaningup their premises. His message will be found in another column.

Take Notice.

All persons owning or occupying lots are hereby notified to remove allgarbage or decaying animal or vegetable matter from their premises and alleysadjoining, according to the requriement of the city ordinances. A thoroughcleansing and purifying at the approach of hot weather is necessary to thehealth of the city. Persons neglecting this notice will be punished to thefull extent of the law. WILLIAM J. GRAY, City Marshal.

ARKANSAS CITY, April 27th, 1886.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The Easter service at the M. E. Church last Sunday evening was a completesuccess. The singing, under the leadership of Prof. Funk, was remarkablygood, and the exercise throughout in harmony with the occasion.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Dr. Alexander has leased his store to an eastern man, who will be inArkansas City tomorrrow. The lease was taken by C. S. Smith, who will returnwith his friend, and will immediately proceed with building his hotel.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

DIED. Charles Lish, a farmer on the Grouse, died on Thursday last, ofpneumonia, aged about forty years. He was an old resident of the county,and was son-in-law to William Badley, who died about a year ago.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The publishers of the Republican Herald, of Ashland, Clarke County,have a libel suit on their hands. The plaintiff is a justice of the peace,and sues for $10,000 damage on account of an article reflecting upon hisofficial character which appeared in the said newspaper.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The Stonecutters and Stonemasons Association of this city publish aninteresting card in this issue, and we trust that their action will resultin a better class of work being done. Stonemason work that will not standtill the building is completed, is certainly no credit to the workmen, andit is time such "scab jobs" should be corrected.

To Whom It May Concern.

The stone-masons and stone-cutters of Arkansas City have formed an associationfor the protection of their respective trades, their object being to givethe endorsem*nt of the association duly to competent workmen. As troubleand dissatisfaction have arisen from inferior work done by unskillful workmen,we shall strictly decline to admit any such as members. We call upon thepeople of this city and vicinity to aid us in resisting a practice harmfulto our interest, whereby mechanics of other trades contract for our lineof work and make a profit off our labor.

We ask the people of Arkansas City not to contract for stone-cuttingor stone-mason work to persons who are not members of our trade.

Resolved, That we will not work upon jobs or contracts given tomechanics of other trades, and we shall declare such "scab jobs,"and boycott the parties guilty of such acts.

We wish it understood that this action has not been taken for the purposeof injuring their trades or out of any ill feeling, but simply in protectionof our rights.

ARKANSAS CITY, April 21st, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

DEXTER EYE: Mr. G. W. Childers and daughter, Myrtle, of Sedan,made the Eye a very pleasant call yesterday. Mr. Childers has tradedhis drug store in Sedan to J. D. Ward for the farm known as the Gale Bryanfarm. Mr. Childers is a man of superior business qualities and we will beglad to welcome him among us.

The Guild will give an ice cream and cake social in Gymnasium Hall onFriday evening, the 30th inst. The Buckskin Border Band will furnish music,and the exercises will consist of reading, recitations, and garlanding theMaypole. The ladies of the Guild who have this festivity in charge promisean enjoyable evening to their guests. Let there be a big turnout.

When the verdict of acquittal in the Elliott murder case was announced,the audience in the courtroom burst out in vociferous applause. W. E. Merydith,postmaster at Dexter and editor of the Eye, was so demonstrativethat he caught the eye of the court, and was fined $5 for his expressionof approval at an inappropriate time and place.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

A petition, numerously signed by the businessmen of this city, has beensent to the vice- president of the A. T. & S. F. Road, asking that anotherpassenger train be put on to accom- modate the increasing travel to andfrom this city. Similar petitions, we understand, will be sent from Winfieldand Wellington.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Our lumber dealers already feel the building boom, and are filling uptheir yards for a heavy trade this summer. Alexander, Lamport & Co.,have the contract to furnish lumber for Smith's new hotel; G. B. Shaw &Co., will supply the lumber for the second ward school- house, and housepatterns are being sold daily for private residences. Our hotels, also,are over-crowded and an empty tenement for newcomers is hard to find.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The march of improvement is making rapid strides along South Summit Street.Between Third and Fourth Avenues, Mr. Bittle is laying the foundations fora two-story brick building, 25 x 80 feet, and on the adjoining lot south,Charles Parker is excavating for a similar building of the same dimensions.South of them A. A. Newman is throwing up the earth to make room for a doublebuilding of 50 feet front, which will be finished off in handsome styleand be an ornament to that portion of the city. Our business growth is northand south, and it is also extending transversely along Fifth and CentralAvenues.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

We intended to mention last week a delightful serenade given to thiseditor and his household by "Our Serenading Club," but the pressof matter in our columns prevented its appearance. The performers were Al.Heitkam, Charles Stewart, Guy Sparks, Frank Barnett, and Enos Kuhlman, whohave obtained proficiency in the use of their instruments, and show judgmentand taste as musicians. Their soft harmonies in the still midnight air werepleasing to the senses, and we return our hearty acknowledgments to theyoung gentlemen named for their polite attention.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Belle Dunnaway, of Atlanta, announces in one of our county exchangesthat she is not dead, notwithstanding it has been published in the papersthat she had gone to the land of shades. Here we have a question of veracity.The friends of the lady seem to have concluded that she has gone to kingdomcome, and make public announcement of the fact; and surely their judgmentis to be trusted. The recalcitrant Belle insists on her survival, and may,possi- bly, be walking about to save the expenses of a funeral; but hertestimony stands unsupported against that of her friends, and she may belaboring under a harmless delusion. We incline to the belief that the caseof the lovely Belle is hopeless, and it will be the part of wisdom for herto subside.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Esop, the Greek fabalist, says there is "nothing like leather,"but if he had taken a turn through Alexander, Lamport & Co.'s well filledlumber yard, he would have sent down to posterity a different judgment.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Fine Stock Farm.

Albert Dean, of Bitter Creek, being in town a week or two ago, calledat this office to pay his subscription, and invited ye local to pay a visitto his farm when he took an outing. The newspaper man treated himself toa drive there a few days since, and on entering the gate found himself surroundedby a fine stock farm 400 or 500 acres in extent, securely fenced and cross-fenced.He has planted 140 acres in corn, and his fat herd of beeves puts to shamethose cattle raisers who leave their animals to rustle for themselves throughthe winter season. His granary is the most commodious and best appointedof any to be seen hereabout. He has a feed mill in one end with shaftingenough to attach elevators to raise all his grain into bins placed on thesecond floor. Power is supplied by a large wind mill, which pumps sufficientwater for the use of the stock and for all other purposes. Near the granaryhe has a Fairbanks scale (of 4,000 lbs. capacity), upon which he drove andweighed, for our benefit, a couple of his two-year-old steers. One weighed1,272 lbs., and the other pulled up the beam at 1,087 lbs. Such a resultfrom farm stock raising is a lesson to our cattle men that they must goand do likewise. This quality of cattle finds ready sale at $3.85, to $4.00.A return of $50 for a steer is some encouragement to go ahead. A few weeksago Mr. Dean sold forty head of three choice cattle to Branham & Schiffbauerto slaughter for the Osage Indians. He also showed us his noted stallion(owned one-half by M. S. Hasie), which measures 18 hands and weighs nearly1,000 lbs. Mr. Dean's farm is a credit to his judgment and enterprise, andwe are glad to learn that, notwithstanding depressed markets, it pays afair profit on the capital invested. We hope to see his example more generallyemulated.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Meeting of the School Board.

There was a meeting of the school board on Monday, the 19th last, atwhich a slight breeze was blown up. The president of the board, before thatbody convened, suggested that a secret session be held, but no such resolutionwas adopted by the board. In the early part of the session, William Gall,the architect of the proposed schoolhouse, entered the room, but was requestedby the president to retire, as the board was in secret session. He madea hasty exit. Others also entered, who on receiving a similar notification,also made themselves scarce. Finally Prof. Weir presented himself, and wasrequested by Rev. Witt to retire; but that gentleman thought he had a rightto be present, so he took his seat and remained there during the meeting.Some delay in the work will be caused by this bluff practice on Mr. Gall,as it is his duty to notify the contractors whose bids have been receivedof the fact. He naturally feels annoyed, and says the next time he is invitedto leave a meeting he has a right to attend, he will know what authorityhe is dealing with.

The following are the bids that were accepted.

J. E. Beck & Co., basem*nt complete, $595.70.

Baer & Endicott, brick in walls, $2,108.

H. H. Hyatt, carpenter work, $1,100.

G. W. Lacey, lathing and plastering, $650.

George Hasel, cut stone, $413.

G. B. Shaw & Co., lumber, $2,125.

Ferguson & Thomas, painting, $340.

Howard Bros. Hardware, $90.

G. W. Miller, tinwork, $28.42.

Total (exclusive of nails): $7,450.12

Measures will be taken to condemn the site for the building in the secondward.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Cherokee Strip Round-Up.

The Cherokee Strip Round-up will meet at Tom Snow's camp, on Red Rock,the 25th day of May, work to be commenced on the 26th.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Notice. The Stock Protective Union, of Bolton Township, will meet inthe Bland schoolhouse, on Saturday evening next, May 1. J. A. RAMSAY, Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Mr. Wright (of Wright & Tilton), who has the contract to build tenmiles of the Arkansas City extension of the Southern Kansas railroad, calledin our sanctum on Monday to make acquaintance. He has three constructionparties at work, from the south bank of the Arkansas to Chilocco Creek,making the grade, and yesterday established a camp on this side of the riverto grade from the townsite to the river. As this enterprising firm has noone working on the road ahead of them, it is probable they will extend theiroperations by taking another and a larger contract.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1886.

Died, in this city, on Sunday night, of laryngitis, Carrie M., daughterof Mr. and Mrs. E. Eddy, aged 6 years and 5 months.

There was an elegant display of flowers at the funeral services of littleCarrie Eddy yesterday, and among the most liberal contributors to this floralprofusion was Mrs. H. P. Standley. When the funeral cortege arrived at thegrave, it was found that the loving hands of playmates had decorated themound of earth with wild flowers woven into tasteful designs, and the sidesof the grave were similarly garlanded.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The contracts are let for the new schoolhouse, and soon our city willhave another commodious building in which to teach the young idea how toshoot. This suggests the important truth that Alexander, Lamport & Co.,have their yard in this city fitted with well selected lumber for all uses,which they are selling at rates adapted to the times.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

While the railroad furore is so thoroughly occupying the masculine attention,the ladies will please note that Mrs. W. M. Henderson will have her semi-annualdisplay of millinery on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the 6th, 7th, and8th of May.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The celebrated Tony Deneir's Humpty Dumpty Pantomine Troupe will appearat the Opera House on Monday night next, May 3. Admission 50 cents, reservedseats 75 cents. On sale at Ridenour & Thompson's.

Tony Deneir's Humpty Dumpty will be the greatest attraction of the seasonnowin its 18th annual tour. It carries a band and orchestra. Do not fail tosee it.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

E. L. McDowell notifies our readers that he will remove his jewelry storeinto the Bittle Block on Friday.



Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

There will be no postponement of the Schubert Quartette concert thistime on account of the weather.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Motion for a New Trial.

The hearing of the motion for a new trial in the Mowry case is set forFriday next. The reasons assigned for the application are that the courtadmitted improper and illegal testi- mony; that material evidence has sincebeen discovered favorable to defendant; that the jury misconducted itself,thus preventing a proper consideration of the case; that the court instructedwrongly in material points of law; that the court also erred in refusingto give special instructions as requested by the defendant; that the verdictis contrary to law and the evidence; and that one or more of the jurorsexpressed an opinion as to the guilt of the defendant during the trial.These grounds will be argued before the court, and if sustaned with adequatespecifications, the option remains with the judge to grant a new trial.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Guelph Items.

Every farmer in this neighborhood is busy planting corn. A larger acreagethan usual will be devoted to that cereal.

Dr. J. E. Bogart, of this place, is talking of removing his stock ofdrugs and medicines to the new town of Cale.

C. B. Carson and the Picket Bros. report a fair trade, notwithstandingthe prevailing dullness of times.

There is a man in this neighborhood who says he never has a minute'stime to read the papers. His neighbors say he frets himself nearly to deathbecause he cannot make $100 a day. Such a man deprives himself of all enjoymentof life because of his anxiety to get rich.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The railroad fight is being actively waged, the issue being whether ArkansasCity or Winfield shall gain the connection. Whatever the result, Alexander,Lamport & Co., will continue to sell lumber to their patrons, and offerto them a choice of extensive and well selected stock which cannot failto suit all in want of such material.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

What our Advanced Pupils are Doing and the Studies They Pursue.

Our school editor on Friday visited the high school, in its temporaryrooms in the Commercial Block. Mr. J. C. Bryan and Miss Elsie Obenchainare the teachers, Prof. Weir having charge of the class in Civil Government.The present attendance is 45 scholars, a number of the boys having beentaken away lately to engage in summer work. The rooms are commodious, welllighted, and provided with modern furniture; the pupils were evidently interestedin their studies, and showed marked intelligence. When our reporter enteredthe recitation room, he found Assistant Bryan laboring with a small classin the intricacies of English Grammar. Relative and demonstrative pronounswere under consideration, and the rules which govern their use in connectionwith animate and inanimate objects. Proceeding generations of text-bookwriters have endeavored to formulate rules for the correct use of this classof words, but none have succeeded in infusing clearness and precision intotheir work, and every tyro in grammar has the same perplexing difficultiesto encounter. To the foreigner the study of the English language is a subjectof wholesome dread, and our crude, inade- quate, and indeclinable pronouns(of the class above named) present no small share of the difficulties thatmeet him. Who, what, which, this, and that are made to do service in ourtongue, for a class of words which in the Latin and derivative languages(French, Italian, Spanish, etc.) clearly express every condition of being,and describe every deliency of tense, number, and circ*mstance.

The grammar class dismissed, the students of political economy took theirseats. "Exchange" was the subject under review; what an articlewill bring in the market, the various conditions that affect value, thediverse modes of interchanging products. It is admitted by the best writersthat the treatises of our most approved authorities on this subject arelargely theoretical and wholly unsatisfactory. They can only deal with generalprinciples, and when they undertake to define the laws that govern rents,values, labor relations, the interchange of commodities, and so on, theyfind so many conditions existing that cannot be reduced to law, that theirattempts at scientific codification are largely misleading. Young people,in school, can only learn what their text books contain, and when they havemastered the nomenclature and learned the principles as they are laid down,they are ready to go into the world to get their information from dailyexperience and at first hand. The teacher had his pupils define the variousmethods of exchange, engaged with them in a discussion on the functionsof money, and spent some time in considering the subject of taxation. Aptnesswas shown by the class, and the recitation was made interesting to all.

Accompanying Prof. Weir into his office our reporter looked over a numberof papers written by the class on "Civil Government." These papersconsisted of replies to a number of questions placed on the blackboard,in review of what had been studied, and were written by the class withoutcommunicating with each other or recourse to books. Statute and naturallaw were defined; the object and functions of governmentmonarchy, limitedand absolute aristocracy; a fierce democracy and a republic; the rightsof the citizen; the legislative, executive, and judicial functions; andsundry cognate matters. Several of these exercises were very creditable;the definitions being clearly given, facts correctly stated, the writingneatly done, and the spelling correct. Others less clearly apprehended theirsubject, were diffuse and illogical in their definitions, and wandered overtoo much space. This study is of great interest and importance, and creditis due Prof. Weir for having his class well advanced.

The hour the newspaper man spent with these young students was profitablyemployed, and he departed with the conviction that faithful work is beingdone by teachers and scholars.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

INDIAN CHIEFTAIN: Frank Dasher, a white man with a negro wife,and Aleck Scott, the wife's brother, living at Post Oak, Creek Nation, havebeen arrested for cattle stealing. The cattlemen in the vicinity declarethey are guilty and we presume they are.

CEDAR VALE STAR: A survey is being made from Howard by the SantaFe both to Grenola and Moline, and the road will be built to Cedar Valefrom one or the other of these points.

In concluding its notice of the Southern Kansas Medical Convention, theWichita Beacon says: "The convention was a decided success inevery particular, and will long be remembered with pleasure by those whoattended. The association is composed of a handsome body of able gentlemen,skillful in the practice of their honored profession and a credit to theirstate."

WELLINGTON PRESS: Arkansas City cast more votes at the last electionthan Winfield. The town on the border will eventually be THE TOWN of CowleyCounty.

FORT SCOTT MONITOR: In securing more information relative to thefuneral of an ex-soldier the other day, a Monitor reporter learnedthat the laws of Kansas prohibit, under penalty, the burial of the bodyof any person who served in the Union Army in the potter's field. The funeralexpenses to the extent of fifty dollars of such as die in poverty are chargeableupon the county. Kansas is about the only state to place such laws on thestatute book. In fact, it is one of the few states where an overwhelmingpublic sentiment in their favor makes such enactments possible.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The Railway Question.

On Saturday an election will be held in half a dozen townships in thiscounty to vote on the Independence and Southwestern bonds, and the followingMonday the issue of bonds for the Kansas State Line railway will be votedon. The contest is a keen one, the leading businessmen of this city andfrom Winfield being engaged in the canvass. The matter is fairly laid beforethe voters, and when they come to deposit their ballots, it will be a man'sown fault if he does not vote intelligently. It has been made fully knownthat the State Line com- pany submit an honest and practicable propositionto build a railway along a tier of counties east of here that are withoutrailway communication, and that will give them an outlet east and west.The money to build the line is pledged, and if the assistance asked is granted,it will be completed and in operation within the time specified.

The Independence and Southwestern road is not an honest proposition.It was concocted in a mere spirit of rivalry by Winfield parties to headoff the Arkansas City project; it describes an impossible course and isnot intended to be built. The fact that W. P. Hackney is the chief moverin the business, and brings no other forces to its advocacy than black-guardism, abuse, and mendacity, is enough to condemn it in the eyes of allright thinking men. The scheme was concocted in haste, it was bulldozedthrough the board of county com- missioners by a resort to ruffianism, andit goes to the voters with no responsible party at its back, with no guaranteesthat the projected road will be built, with no showing that entitles itto the faith of any reasonable being.

These facts, we say, have been clearly shown in the canvass that is makingthe present week, and we look to see the State Line proposition supportedwith such a majority of votes that the envious concocters of the Winfieldproposition will be rebuked into silence and humility.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

City Market.

Corrected April 28th, 1886.


Corn per bu.: $.38 @ $.30

Wheat per bu.: $.80

Oats per bu.: $.30

Potatoes per bu.: $.85

Hogs per cwt.: $3.30

Chickens per doz.: $2.50


Flour per cwt.: $1.00 @ $3.00

Corn meal per cwt.: $1.20

Sugar, granulated, 12 lbs.: $1.00

Coffee, 6 lbs.: $1.00

Butter, per lb.: $.15 @ $.20

Lard, per lb.: $.10

Chickens each: $.25

Eggs per doz.: $.10 @ $.125

Ham per lb.: $.125

Bacon per lb.: $.10

Beef, prime roast, per lb.: $.10

Sirloin steak, per lb.: $.125

Round steak, per lb.: $.10

Boiling pieces, per lb.: $.06 & $.08

Apples per pk.: $.85

Coal per ton, Canon City: $8.00

Anthracite per ton: $18.50 [? HARD TO READ...COULD BE $13.50.]

Osage and Weir City per ton: $6.00

Pittsburg per ton: $5.25

Wood per cord: $5.00


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Railroad Notice.

We will not be responsible for any supplies furnished our sub-contractorsor men working for us in any capacity without such supplies are furnishedupon our written order, and all accounts against us or our employees mustbe made out and furnished us by the 3rd of each month, for all goods furnishedthe preceding month. Take notice and govern yourselves accordingly.

WRIGHT & TILTON, Contractors Southern Kansas R. R., ArkansasCity Extension.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

The Business School closes this week. The evening classes in Bookkeepingwill continue as heretofore. L. F. ABERNETHY.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.


WHERE IS IT? Corner Third Avenue and Summit Street. Arkansas City, Kansas,

Where you can get the best accommodations in town. Everything new andclean. Good airy rooms, well ventilated, etc. In fact, it is the only first-classhotel in the city.

Please give us a call and be convinced. Respectfully,


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Wanted a woman who can cook, wash, and do general housework. A good salarypaid a competent woman. Address with reference.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Mrs. L. C. Funk, of this city, an artist of several years' experience,gives instruction in all branches of drawing and painting. Landscapes andflower paintings a specialty. Orders promptly executed. Call at residence,corner 7th Avenue and 10th Street, and examine work.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.

Y. M. C. A. Meets in its rooms (over China Hall, North Summit Street)every Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, and on Sunday at 3 p.m. All are invitedto attend.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

A. A. NEWMAN AND CO. are prepared with a large and varied stock of thenovelties and necessaries required to make life endurable through the hotseason. The variety of FANS, PARASOLS, AND SUN UMBRELLAS IS UNSURPASSED.

THE LINES OF Piques, Lawns, Nainsooks, India Linens, Mulls, Robes, Zephyr,Ginghams and crinkled Seersuckers, ARE VERY COMPLETE.

Our assortment of summer underwear, in Gauze, Balbriggan, Lisle Thread,and Silk is not equalled in variety and price.


Keep cool and visit A. A. NEWMAN & CO.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

CLOSING OUT! SALE. We are now offering our desirable stock of SADDLES,BRIDLES, DRAUGHT AND BUGGY HARNESS, AT REDUCED RATES, preparatory to removalinto our new store, in the Occidental Hotel. Bargains are offered for fifteendays, and the sale will be without reserve. Come and secure bargains.


Arkansas City, July 28th.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


First Door North First National Bank.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


KEEP A FULL STOCK OF Choice Cigars and Tobacco, Paints and Oils,

Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, etc.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

W. R. HERNIMAN & CO. -DEALERS IN- FINE PIANOS AND ORGANS, MUSICALMERCHANDISE, SHEET MUSIC, ETC. WEST END OF BITTLE BLOCK, ARKANSAS CITY,KANSAS. Keep a full line of all kinds of musical goods, and can supply anythingyou want, at lowest living rates. Our goods are strictly first-class, andguaranteed as represented.

Give us a call and see for yourself.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

MRS. L. C. FUNK keeps a full line of artists' materials, and gives lessonsin all branches of painting. Call and see specimens of her work.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

A Thriving Town.

Mr. S. Steinberg returned last night from Arkansas City, where he hasbeen making arrangements for establishing a branch of his large clothinghouse. He says he intends to make the store there equal to the one in thiscity, and if he does that, the people of Arkansas City can be satisfiedthat they are securing a business house which will be the best in theircity. The store will be opened about August 15th. It will be under the chargeof Max Straus, who will have an interest in the business, the firm namebeing Steinberg & Co. He will go to Arkansas City the last of next week.

Mr. Steinberg is enthusiastic over the people, the enterprise, and theprospects of Arkansas City. He thinks it has as fine a future before itas any city in Southern Kansas. It is located near the junction of the Walnutand Arkansas Rivers, four miles from the Indian Territory, 223 miles fromLawrence. The population is about 5,000, and is rapidly increasing. Thepeople are pushing, energetic, and pleasant. Water works are now being constructed,and in every way the town shows the spirit of advancement. The great rivalis Winfield, but Arkansas City is rapidly getting the Indian Territory trade,a big thing in that country, and has better prospects for the future. Thecrops there are doing splendidly, having had plenty of rain and a rich,fertile soil.

A great curiosity to strangers is the canal about three miles long connectingthe Arkansas and Walnut Rivers. The Walnut is on a much lower level thanthe Arkansas and the fall makes an unsurpassable water power. Already flourand saw mills are at work, and with their cheap power manufactories cannotfail to flourish.

Mr. Steinberg met a number of "formerly of Lawrence" peoplein Arkansas City. Among them were Judge Christian, once judge in this city;Ben Nessler, Ashton, who was burned out here and now has a contract on thegovernment building at Winfield; G. M. Walker, Jr., now with a surveyingparty. Lawrence (Kansas) Tribune.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


For Governor. JOHN A. MARTIN.

For Lieutenant Governor. A. P. RIDDLE.

For Secretary of State. E. B. ALLEN.

For Treasurer. JAMES W. HAMILTON.

For Auditor. TIM McCARTHY.

For Attorney General. S. B. BRADFORD.

For Sup't. Public Instruction. J. H. LAWHEAD.

For Judge of the Supreme Court. D. M. VALENTINE.

For Congress, 3rd District. B. W. PERKINS.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of Superintendentof Cowley County, subject to the Republican county convention. S. F. OVERMAN.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Probate Judgeof Cowley County, subject to the decision of the Republican convention.W. E. TANSEY.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-nomination for representativefrom the 60th district, subject to the decision of the republican districtconvention.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of Probate Judgeof Cowley County, subject to the decision of the republican county convention.P. B. LEE. (Vernon Township)

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

We are requested to announce the name of Prof. H. T. Albert, of WindsorTownship as a candidate for the office of Probate Judge, subject to thedecision of the republican county convention.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

The Late Rains.

The Arkansas River is out of its banks at Oxford. The Ninnescah is spreadingall over the country, and is within an inch of the highest ever known.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

NEWTON REPUBLICAN. {August 6, 1886.] The heavy rain this morningwas attended by no damage except the flooding of a few cellars and the displacementof walks in the lower parts of town. It was the heaviest rain that has fallenin twelve months. Sand creek, like our city, is on a boom.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

DEXTER EYE. On last Saturday during the heavy rain the water fromthe eaves of the two old schoolhouses and hillside ran into the northwestcorner of the new stone schoolhouse that was nearly completed, causing thatcorner to settle and doing great damage to the building, throwing out twoarches and making an ugly crack in the wall. We don't pretend to say whois at fault or if anyone is really to blame.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

CEDAR VALE STAR. One effect of the recent rains has been to stimulatethe blackberry bushes into producing a second crop this season. The berriesare now being brought into market, and are large, ripe, and luscious. Acase has been reported to us of a field which bids fair to yield seventy-fivebushels or more to the acre, from which a crop of wheat had been harvestedbefore the corn was planted. Kansas beats the world.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Winfield's Frauds and Follies.

Mayor Schiffbauer, one of the best informed advocates of the K. C. &Pan Handle railroad, and a director of the company, has been making an activecanvass of the various townships in Cowley County, where the bonds are tobe voted on, and reports a favorable feeling everywhere he has been. Quitenaturally he has been posting himself on all matters relating to this enterprise,and also on the rival scheme concocted by Winfield parties. He producesthe charter of the Chicago, Kansas and Western R. R. Co., which was setbefore the people as a Santa Fe project, and the proposition subsequentlywithdrawn because that company disclaimed all connection with it. This isquite a curiosity in the way of railroad literature. It provides for 19lines of road running all over the state, making an aggregate length of2,400 miles, and requiring a capital of $48,000,000. But the most notablepart of the business is the fraud perpetrated in the preparation of thischarter. The state law requires that a railroad charter shall be signedby five directors, three of whom shall be residents of Kansas. Mr. Schiffbauerpoints out that this instrument is signed by only two directors of the company,the other three names appended to the charter not being those of directors.The acknowledgment is also taken by a notary whose commission had expiredthree months previously; and another irregularity pointed out in the takingthe acknowledgement outside of the county for which he was appointed.

This element of fraud enters largely into all the railroad projects gotup by Winfield parties to head off this city. It will be remembered thatthe L. and S. W. scheme, hurriedly put together at a Saturday meeting attendedby half a score lawyers and bankers of Winfield, started out with the irregularityof submitting a petition to Commissioner Guthrie for signa- ture, askingthe chairman of the board to call a meeting to consider the propositionbefore the names of any taxpayers were obtained; and after the propositionhad been submitted and rejected at an election, the damaging admission wasmade that no survey had been run, no estimate of the cost given, and theroute designated was so circuitous and impracticable that its rejectionat the polls was a real blessing in disguise. Frank Schiffbauer, in handlingthis very assailable matter, gets in a number of his keen thrusts, and leavesthe operators in these crooked schemes in a very damaged condition.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

UDALL RECORD. Over at Cambridge last Wednesday James Wolfe, aman about 67 years old, stabbed Will Farris in the left side with a largepocket knife, severing two ribs and an artery. His recovery is doubtful.Farris was drunk and made the old man mad. Wolfe is now in jail at Winfieldand will be given a preliminary examination on the 12th of this month.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

WELLINGTON MONITOR. Mr. James Hill, a prominent railroad contractorof Arkansas City, on Monday signed a contract with the directors of theFort Smith, Wellington & North- western at their office in this city,for the construction of the road from Arkansas City through this countyand northwest through the counties of Sedgwick, Reno, and Rice, at the optionof the company. By the terms of the agreement, Mr. Hill contracts to furnishthe entire material, and do the work, turning over the completed road tothe company in accordance with certain specifications which will insurethem a line first-class in every particular. He further agrees to commenceconstruction not later than September 1st, the road to be completed in sectionswithin specified dates.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

GLOBE-DEMOCRAT. Judge Hawkins, the new Assistant Secretary ofthe Interior, has commended himself to popular favor by deciding that CommissionerSpark's policy of canceling land entries on the ex parte reports of hisinspectors must be discontinued. Where fraud is alleged, the decision says,the accused parties must be presumed innocent until proven guilty by regularjudicial methods. It is gratifying to know that a point has finally beenreached where Mr. Sparks' enthusiastic instincts as a reformer are to besubordinated to well established rules of common justice and fairness.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

The Kind of Men They Are.

The following from the American Sheep Breeder, of Chicago, April,1885, is evidence of the standing and character of Mr. Reece, president,and Mr. Harkness, secretary, of the Kansas City and Pan Handle Road.

"Mr. Reece came here from England in 1870 and purchased the well-knownBurnt Creek farm of 1,500 acres, a model tract of valley and slope land,adjoining his new town, and in 1871 was joined by Mr. John Whittaker Bean,a young Englishman of ample fortune, who has since been jointly interestedwith him in this noble estate. The farm lies a full mile on Burnt Creek,by which it is admirably watered, is almost solidly made up of rich alluvialbottom and slope land, embraces a fine body of young walnut, oak, ash, cherry,elm, hickory, and hackberry timber, some deep pools of clear, running water,and fine timber-sheltered fee lots, and is improved with a pretty cottage,stone dairy, and poultry houses, a good granary, fine horse barns, stablesand sheds, extensive stone corrals, several miles of stone wall, severalwells and cisterns, a fruitful orchard and handsome young catalpa grove;has 300 acres in cultivation to corn, oats and millet, and produced thelast season about 11,000 bushels of these grains. Mr. Reece has the placefarmed on the tenant plan, and devotes his best energies to the improvementof his new town. In the earlier years of his residence here, he broughtto Burnt Creek stud the well-known thoroughbred stallion, "John B."In 1878 he purchased and brought to the farm Alexander's thoroughbred stallion,"Alhambra," a son of the world-famous old Lexington, out of damby imported Glencoe, and for years held these illustrious sires for servicehere till the whole country was dignified with their offsping.

"Mr. Harkness came here in 1871 from Cleveland, Ohio; has investedabout $5,000, and has now personal and real estate well worth $30,000. Heis a representative young man of fine judgment and executive ability, thoroughbusiness habits, and high standing; is manly, public-spirited, and hospitable;owns one of the most desirable and valuable estates in the county, and couldeasily carry 4,000 sheep or 600 cattle without over-stocking his range andfeed yards. Mr. Harkness and his estimable lady dispense a generous andgenial hospitality, and are both delighted with the country."

From American Sheep Breeder, April 1885, Chicago.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

City Market.

Corrected August 11th, 1886.


Hay per ton: $5.00

Baled Hay: $6.00

Corn per bu.: $.30 @ $.35

Wheat per bu.: $.80

Oats per bu.: $.80

Potatoes per bu.: $.50 @ $.75

Hogs per cwt.: $3.50 @ $3.75

Chickens per doz.: $1.75 @ $2.00


Flour per cwt.: $2.00 @ $3.00

Corrn meal per cwt.: $1.20

Sugar, granulated, 12 lbs.: $1.00

Coffee, 6 lbs.: $1.00

Butter per lb.: $.10 to $.15 & $.20

Lard per lb.: $.10

Chickens each: $.25

Eggs per doz.: $.10 @ $.125

Ham sliced per lb.: $.175

Bacon sliced per lb.: $.10

Beef, prime roast per lb.: $.10

Sirloin steak per lb.: $.125

Round steak per lb.: $.10

Boiling pieces per lb.: $.06 @ $.08.

Apples per pk.: $.35 @ $.50

Wood per cord: $5.00


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Notice of Final Settlement.

Notice is hereby given to the heirs of law, legatees, and all other personswho may be interested in the estate of Wm. F. Dickinson, deceased, thatthe undersigned, administrator, with the will annexed, of said estate, willapply in the Probate Court of Cowley County, Kansas, at the October term,1886, of said court, on the 4th day of said term, at 9 o'clock a.m., forleave to make a final settlement of said estate. And you are further notifiedthat at the same time and place said Administrator will present to saidcourt for allowance, his claims against said estate for compensation forhis services and for the expenses of administration.

Dated at Arkansas City, Kansas, this 7th day of August, 1886.

OLIVER STEVENSON, Administrator of said estate.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Dissolution Notice.

Notice is hereby given that the partnership of Bundrem & Gallagher,has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, C. Bundrem retiring, andH. Gallagher continuing the business. All liabilities and debts of the firmmust be presented to H. Gallagher for settlement.


Arkansas City, Kansas, August 5, 1886.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


The Old Reliable is now running three new and commodious wagons, anddoes a general train and jobbing business. Public patronage solicited, andorders promptly attended to. Leave orders at Snyder & Hutchison's.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

CHARLES N. HUBER, UPHOLSTERY. Practical upholsterer. Mattresses madeto order and renovated. Upholstered Furniture repairing a specialty, carpetlaying and shade hanging. Awnings made and put in order. Shop over Wyckoff'sstore.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


INSURANCE AGENT. Risks taken in the most secure companies.

Office in Jerome Steele's drug store, corner of Summit Street and CentralAvenue, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

WALLACE & HUFF. ARKANSAS CITY TRANSFER. The above firm desire toinform the people of Arkansas City that they are prepared to do a generaltransfer and jobbing business, and teaming of all kind, having four licensedteams, and solicit the patronage of the public. Leave orders at Ware &Pickering's.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

S. C. ACKER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Tender their professional servicesto the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity. All calls in the city orcountry, night and day, will receive prompt attention. Office open nightand day.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


Abstracts examined and collections made. Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

M. W. SAWYER. EMPIRE LAUNDRY. Men's clothes renovated and repaired. Paints,oils, and other grease stains removed without injury to the garment.

One door north of Central Avenue Hotel, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


New Rooms and good table. House well located and well patronized.

Terms: $1 a day; $4.50 per week. Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

L. E. WOODIN & CO., LIVERY STABLE. Star Livery and Feed Stables.

Passengers carried to all parts of the country at reasonable prices.

Special attention given to boarding stock.

Stable at Fifth Avenue, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

JNO. W. KREAMER, Attorney-at-Law.


Practices in all courtsState and Federal.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

GEO. A. DRUITT, EUROPEAN RESTAURANT. I have just fitted up this popularrestaurant in modern style, and added an ice cream parlor for Ladies andfamilies.



Centrally located, and cosy of access to strangers. LUNCH at all hours.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

JOHNSON LOAN & TRUST CO. Cheap Money. Quick Loans. No weary waiting.Sign the papers and get your money. FARMERS! Call and see us and get thelowest rates and Best Terms on Farm Loans in Southern Kansas. Office inFirst National Bank Building, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Have always on hand Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meat. Poultry, Gameand Fish in Season.
We furnish nothing but the best and ask a trial. Cash paid forhides.
South Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

E. L. McDOWELL, JEWELER, is offering bargains in the newest styles ofjewelry.

Just received a FINE LINE OF GOLD PENS, the nicest ever offered in thiscity.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

ARMSTRONG, OLDROYD & RUBY, Land, Loan and Insurance.

Rents collected and taxes paid. Furnished City Property sold or exchanged.

Titles examined and abstracts made.

Office in D. L. Means' implement store, Summit Street, Arkansas City,Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

California Canned Goods, Fruits, Vegetables, and Provisions.
ICE CREAM SERVED TO FAMILIES, $1.00 PER GALLON. 30 cents perquart.

Warranted pure cream. Hamilton & Pentecost's Candies.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

(Opposite St. James Hotel.)
I am now open for a regular restaurant business, with lunch counterin connection.
Accommodations for a limited number of table boarders.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Medicines, Patent Medicine, Oils, Perfumery, and Toilet Articles.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


Are now in their new quarters, with a large and carefully selected stockof Drugs, Chemicals, and Druggists' Sundries. They invite their friendsand the public generally to give them a call. All drugs warranted. Prescriptionsprepared at all hours.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


Having made sale of a part of our shoe stock, to be delivered Sept. 1,we will sell the entire balance at wholesale or retail on or before Sept.1, 1886. Our goods are nearly all new and desirable, and we mean business.We will give you some REAL BARGAINS.


We sell a $5.00 shoe for $4.00.

We sell a $4.00 shoe for $3.00.

We sell our best low-cut ladies' shoes from 40 cents to 85 cents, worth60 cents to $1.00.


In Men's and Children's Shoes, to reduce, and if possible to close outour entire stock. Remember, this CUT OF PRICES only runs to Sept. 1, unlesswe see proper to continue longer thereafter.

If you want your fall goods cheaper than you ever bought goods in ArkansasCity, come and buy them at our closing-out sale. Come early before our stockis broken and make your selections. Come to the BITTLE BLOCK, where the"Big Dog" sits in the window, at

Dailey's Shoe Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

IF YOU WANT GOOD WEARING, RELIABLE BOOTS AND SHOES, Come and See Us.WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK, which we buy direct from the best manufacturers inthe United States.

If you want cheap, shoddy, worthless goods, don't come.

S. Matlack,

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


Land, Loan and Insurance Brokers. City and Farm Property for sale orexchange. If you want bargains come and see us.

Collections made, taxes paid, and rents collected. Money loaned on easyterms.

Two doors north of First National Bank. Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


We offer for Fifteen Days ONLY,

Three Hundred Pair of Ladies' Kid Button Boot, at $1.00 per pair.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.




All suits and pants marked down to rock bottom.

Come and examine our prices. You can save 25 percent in buying your clothingfrom us.

YOUNGHEIM & CO., Three Doors South of Post Office.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


No saddles ever sold in the Territory that please as ours do.

Ask any stockman for reference.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.


Keep on hand a large assortment of dimension and finishing lumber, siding,moulding, doors, sashes, and blinds. Mixed paints, lath, and shingles.

Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

D. L. MEANS, has moved to his new warehouse in the UNION BLOCK, wherehe keeps in stock full lines of Implements, Wagons, Buggies, windmills,gas supplies, plumbing materials, and other machinery. Agent for the Shuttlerwagon and Abbott's steel gear buggies. Give me a call before purchasingelsewhere. D. L. MEANS.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

COMING, COMING, WAIT, WATCH AND SEE! STEINBERG, THE KING CLOTHIER, WILLOPEN UP ON OR ABOUT THE 14TH OF AUGUST, IN HIGHLAND HALL BLOCK, with anentire new and fashionable stock of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, Hats,Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods. All prices guaranteed to be 20 percentless than was ever offered in this city by any other house. Remember placeand date.

Branch at Lawrence, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.


Say, neighbor, I hear you are going to build a new house. How is it?

NEIGHBOR. "Well, I reckon I do, for Mariar Jane says I must keepup with the boom."

I would say, neighbor, I have just come from Arkansas City, and the waythey boom there beats the world. Why, everybody is building, and everybodymust build. The town talk just now is all about buildingbuilding, and that4-eyed man, Miller, is nigh onto giving nails and locks away, if they onlybuild. It seems like everybody goes to him for tin roofing and guttering,because he does his work so well. He has got an awful nice store, chockfull of everything you can want in the hardware, stove, and tinware line.I say, neighbor, don't fail to call at 500 Summit Street for a good bargain,where you will be greeted with a smile by that G. W. MILLER.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.


The best quality of ice kept constantly on hand. Families supplied. Leaveorders at the office on Fifth Avenue, rear of Leland Hotel. Arkansas City,Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Business House, Business Lots, Residence Lots and Houses in allparts of city.

INSURANCE written in Leading Companies. Losses paid in 1885, $10.000.No disputed claims. LIFE INSURANCE a Specialty. Money to Loan on Farm, City,and Chattel Property. We make collections, rent houses, and pay taxes.

We have charge of the following buildings, in which choice rooms areto be had for offices or suits of rooms for families.


We also have the management of the Opera House. Good terms made for first-classtroups, entertainments, socials, dances, etc.

For information call on or address FRANK J. HESS.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

BADGER LUMBER COMPANY, (Successor to G. B. Shaw & Co.)
J. W. STROHM, Manager.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.


Ranging in price 10 cents to $1 PER PAIR, -AT THE- GREAT CLEARANCESALE.
AL. HORN, Sign of the "BIG BOOT."

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

1870 1886
EDDY'S DRUG STORE is the place to buy
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Books, Stationery, etc.
Oldest and most reliable Drug Store in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.



Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.


My stock of wagon wood work is complete. I sell only the GREAT WESTERNSTOVES, The most popular stoves ever sold in Kansas. TINWARE, My own manufacture,and sold cheap. GASOLINE STOVES. CALL AND SEE IT, AND HOW IT WORKS. I claimit to be the best vapor stove in the market. CLOTHES RINGERS, WASHING MACHINES,BIRD CAGES, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, CISTERN PUMPS, ETC. My facilities for themanufacture of anything you need out of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, etc., arenot excelled in Cowley County. Work of any nature in these metals solicited.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.



Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

E. M. Andrews advertises saddles and harness for sale.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Fresh bread and pies at Rothenhofer's, two doors south of Central Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Insure your property with Lowe, Hoffman & Barron.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

If you want to sell your farm, place it in the hands of Meigs & Nelson.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

6 percent money at Lowe, Hoffman & Barron's.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Confectioneries, fruit, and ice cold drinks at Rothenhofer's, North SummitStreet.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Rothenhofer serves delicious ice cream and cake in the Bishop block.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

The best ice cream in the city, only 10 cents a dish, at the Nickel Plate.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Pictures from card to life size, at the Arkansas City Art Gallery.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Go to the Little Gallery on the Corner for photographs. Geo. H. Dresser'sold stand.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Corn fed beef, prime young pork, home sausage, and lard kept constantlyon hand at the City Meat Market.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Fresh meat of the best quality kept on ice, at the City Market, Bower& Woods, proprietors.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Just received, another car load of bedroom suitswalnut, ash, and maple.All prices.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Joe Smith, formerly with Kroenert & Austin, is now with Geo. E. Hasie& Co., where he will be pleased to see all his old friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

A fine line of chemicals and drugs always kept in stock by Steinberger& Coombs.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

You will get the finest meal in the city, prepared by a French cook,at the Nickel Plate.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Sofas, lounges, easy chairs, tote-a-tates [?], and other upholsteredgoods, at W. P. Wolfe's.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Just received, another car load bedsteadsmaple, ash, and walnut. Pricesto suit the times. WRIGHT & STANFORD.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

Try my Arctic Soda. I make the syrup of pure granulated sugar, and itpleases the taste of the most fastidious. C. L. KLOOR.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

BABY CARRIAGES. I have the largest line of baby carriages in stock thatwas ever brought to this city. Come and examine them. All tastes and allsized purses can be suited.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.

FOR RENT. Good rooms in Central block. Apply to Armstrong & Co.



Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The oats for the cavalry horses on the Chilocco are shipped on contractfrom Leavenworth.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The Island Park Association papers are all made and signed, and workwill begin on putting it up again.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

W. G. Scott, formerly salesman for J. O. Johnson & Co., is now behindthe counters of A. A. Newman & Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The copious rains have cooled the parched earth, and the temperaturethe past week has been greatly moderated.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Doc. Raymond appeared on the street on Monday, after a week's confinementin his room with intermittent fever.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The contract to supply six beeves a day to the railroad contractors waslet by Halsell & Decker at six cents a pound, for dressed beef.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Charles Bundrem retires from his ownership in the Red Front meat market.His late partner, Hugh Gallagher, will continue the business.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Ed Butterfield was in town a few days last week. He is running a drugstore in Eldorado, and speaks well of his business.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

F. M. Stewart of the Winfield Cattle Co., returned from St. Louis onThursday, to which city he had shipped 175 head of fat cattle. He reportsprices low and the market badly demoralized.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

W. H. Beerhalter & Co., watch and jewelry manufacturers, have takena window in O. J. Dougherty's drug store, and their show counter containssome fine goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Mr. Crocker, on Bitter Creek, has a force of men on his range in theIndian Territory putting up hay for himself, and another force putting up1,500 tons at one dollar a ton on the ground for Mr. Foss.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

WESTERN ADVOCATE: Every indication goes to show that the comingseason will witness the heaviest immigration Kansas has ever known. In theeastern states times are hard, and farmers and laborers are dissatisfiedwith their crops and wages. Naturally an American's mind turns toward thewestward.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

A number of laborers came in on the Santa Fe yesterday, and were promptlyforwarded to work on the extension of that line in the territory. The buildingof the hundred miles during the present year, required by the charter, willbe put through with a rush.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

C. M. Scott started last week for Fort Smith, Arkansas, but was detainedby the washout on the Frisco road. He grew tired of the de tention, andreturned home, intending to make a later start. The Winfield Visitorspeaks of our pioneer townsman as D. M. Scott, the Indian interpreter.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The Grouse and Walnut were full and in many places out of their bankslast week. At John Irons ford Michael Bruner attempted to cross with hiswife and Mrs. Miller, when the wagon was upset and all thrown out. WhileMike was saving the women, one of the horses became entangled in the brushand was drowned.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Buel T. Davis announces his retirement from the Winfield Tribune,and Cad Allard succeeds to the editorial management. This gentleman,in his salutary, says: "In a few weeks we hope to be able to commencethe publication of a daily, which may prove a credit to our beautiful andthrifty city of Winfield." Three dailies in a town of 6,000 personsis a model instance of journalistic enterprise.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

On Monday Joseph H. Sherburne, accompanied by Ben Cooper, started forPonca, to be gone most of the week. He will first pay the grass money forhis former ranch to the Indians, $1,700, and then he will gather up whatproperty was not included in his sale to C. W. Burt, and remove it fromthe territory. We heard that the Poncas will harvest a good crop of corn,but the Pawnees will fare badly on this staple.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The distress of the Courier over the progress this city is makingis amusing to behold. In order not to spread our fame, it has for monthspast rigorously excluded the name of Arkansas City from its columns, using"sandhill" and "A. C." as designations for a rival citywhich will soon outstrip it. But this is not a boycott severe enough, foron Saturday the dire threat was made, "And now we close our bugle,and let the sandy burg sink into oblivion." The great trouble, however,is the sandy burg won't sink.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Meetings in favor of the Pan Handle road were held in Pleasant Valleyon Monday, and in Liberty Township yesterday. This evening a meeting willbe held in Sheridan; Silver Creek on Thursday; and on Friday in Harvey Township.The elections on the proposition to vote $7,500 to the Geuda Springs andCaldwell railroad and $20,000 to the K. C. & P. H. Road is held in thiscity today, and in the townships named above the election will be on Saturday.The feeling in favor of the latter road is quite general, and the votingof the bonds is counted on as a certainty.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

C. E. Hale came in on Saturday from the Ponca reservation. We mentioneda few weeks ago that he and his brother had taken a contract to put up 2,000or 3,000 tons of hay for the Mt. Auburn Cattle Co. They began cutting aboutthree weeks ago, but found the pasture light and burning up with the heat.The rain came after they had been a few days at work, spoiling about 150tons they had cut and cured, and keeping their force idle a day or two.But these haymakers are jubilant now. The grass is growing right along,and they expect it will be in good condition till Oct. 1st. Charles returnedto camp on Monday, with a wagon load of supplies, and taking his wife andfamily along. Coming to town Mr. Hale says he found the south bridge carrieddownstream a little way, and the flooring broken so that teams could notcross. He called for two or three volunteers from the line of vehicles gatheredat both ends, and an hour's work put the bridge in condition for passage.The Hale Bros. receive $1.50 a ton for all the hay put up, and our informantsays, if good luck continues, they will have a profitable contract.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Kroenert & Austin received a heavy consignment of goods yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Died Sunday evening at the residence of M. L. Krebs, Mrs. J. Wance, aged37 years.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

A trench for the water main is being dug across Summit Street at theintersection of Fourth Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Strangers continue to flock into town, and all are impressed with thestir and activity on the street.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Dr. Loomis shows his familiar face on the street, after a confinementof three weeks to the house with malaria.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Real estate has taken another boom, and a number of heavy transactionsduring the past week are recorded.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Yesterday was the last day for receiving bids on the city building, theaward was to be made by the building committee last evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Rev. S. R. Reece will deliver a lecture at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Fridayevening. Subject: "The Power of the Imagination." All are invitedto attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

R. O. Stearns, of Burden, paid his first visit to Arkansas City yesterday,and candidly admitted he had no idea it was any such town.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The M. E. Social will meet at Mrs. S. S. McDowell Friday afternoon. Supperat six and a fruit social in the evening. A cordial invitation extendedto all.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Rev. S. C. Fleming will be present at a church dedication in Grand Summit(in the eastern part of Cowley County) next Sabbath, and no services willbe held in the First Presbyterian Church that day.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Jas. L. Huey started for New York on Thursday to transact some financialbusiness, and on Monday Mrs. Huey and family went to visit friends in Iowa,where her husband will join her. They will be absent about two weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

J. F. Rothenhoefer, of Covington, Kentucky, spent two or three days inthis city on a visit to his brother and son. A younger son, Frederic, accompaniedhim here, and has taken a position in the confectionery store of Rothenhoefer& Co.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Died August 6, 1886, little Percy Potter, aged 18 months, son of Mr.and Mrs. Potter of the 4th ward. Funeral services were held at the familyresidence Saturday morning by J. P. Witt. Remains interred in RiverviewCemetery.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The Pan Handle elections will be held in Pleasant Valley, Liberty, SilverCreek, Sheridan, and Harvey Townships Saturday. Voters will promote theirown interest in turning out and lending the enterprise their hearty support.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Perley Davis came back on Saturday, having been away two months withthe grading party on the Geuda Springs and Caldwell railroad. He with hiswife kept boarding house for a gang of men at Drury, and the pair had abusy time. He talks of going into the territory on a commissary engagementwith a Santa Fe contractor.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

During the high tide last week, fears were entertained for the safetyof all the bridges leading into the city; but the water has since subsided,and the bridges are still passable. The west and south bridges over theArkansas are a constant source of trouble, and it will be economy, whencirc*mstances warrant, to replace them with more durable structures.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The meeting in Liberty on Monday evening was well attended, and the peoplewere treated to the same strong argument by Col. Birch, Mayor Schiffbauer,and Amos Walton. Bill Hackney was there and tried to controvert some ofthe statements made, but every point advanced was sustained, and the Winfieldwind bag subsided with a far away look.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

We received a call yesterday from Max Straus, a member of the firm ofSteinberg & Co., who is here to arrange the stock of goods for the openingon Saturday, and who will locate in this city to conduct the business. Mr.Straus is an alert, wide-awake businessman, and will make a useful additionto our mercantile community. Their ad appears at the head of this page.[AD ALREADY TYPED.]

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

COURIER, the 9th: "Sheriff McIntire, Ben. Harrod, Jim Bethel,and Jim Hybarger got back last night from Ponca, with the horses stolenfrom the Holiness camp meeting, July 28th, belonging to Billy Dawson andHybarger. The thieves had traded them to an Otoe Indian. McIntire had capturedthe horses the thieves had traded for and returned them to the Indians today,so all the original owners are saved and one of the thieves is in the bastille."

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The Democrat takes occasion to cavil with a statement made bythis journal in regard to the enforced retirement of Miss DeKnight fromher position of teacher in the Chilocco school. We said the lady "hadbeen rotated out," Our capricious cotem declares she left of her ownvolition to accept a position in the Haskell school at Lawrence. The itemwas written without thought or design, but we distinctly remember that MissDeKnight, in a conversation with this writer, impressed her great reluctanceto leave the Chilocco school; she felt her special fitness to teach Indianchildren, and she regretted to leave her work half done. We gathered fromher conversation that she had resigned to escape removal, and such is ourbelief now. By the bye, is it Superintendent Branham or our [? NEXT WORD?] neighbor who is so extremely susceptible to newspaper criticism?

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The railroad meeting in the Opera House on Saturday evening was not largelyattended, but the speakers advanced cogent arguments in support of theirposition, and were listened to with interest. Col. Birch, of Chicago, W.S. Reece, and Mayor Schiffbauer were the speakers, who are interested inthe building of the Pan Handle road to this city. They made a strong showingof the advantages to be derived from the increased facilities of transporta-tion and travel that it will afford, and the stimulus it will give to commercialenterprise and manufacturing industry. They impressed upon their hearersa sense of their heartiness in the undertaking, and convinced the most irresolutethat the road will be built if the aid they ask toward the work is granted.The meeting was pleasant and instructive to all who took part.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

We dropped into the office of W. A. Ritchie & Co., yesterday, andfound his assistant, J. W. Ginder [? Gander ?], busy upon the plans forJudge I. H. Bonsall's building. The dimensions are 25 feet by 122 feet,three story and basem*nt. The exterior design is elaborate and graceful,and it will be the handsomest business building in the city. The secondstory will be devoted to offices, and the third story will be finished offfor a lodge room. The judge proposes to begin work at once, and prosecuteit vigorously so as to have the building closed in before bad weather.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The city hall to be erected on Central Avenue and Eighth Street willbe a handsome and ornate building, and work will begin on it as soon asthe bonds are voted.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

There is a delay on John L. Howard's building on North Summit Streetin consequence of the non-arrival of the pressed brick from St. Louis, whichis to compose the front. The material is expected in a few days, and thenthe walls will begin to arise.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The plans for the business block on South Summit Street are also ready,to consist of four stores with 100 feet front, and to be built by DavidCarder, A. A. Newman, T. H. Tyner, and Baer & Endicott. The site ofthese buildings will be just south of the Monumental Hotel, and will forman important addition to our business facilities.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The cracker factory is now receiving its machinery, and will be readyto start up by Oct. 1st.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The second ward schoolhouse is closed in, and G. W. Lacey is now gettingready to plaster.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Cast In His Lot With Us.

We are pleased to announce that Mr. John W. Kreamer (brother of our popularjustice of the peace), who has been on a visit to this city for severalweeks, has rented a law office over the post office, and has concluded tostay amongst us. Mr. Kreamer is a lawyer of superior attainment and longpractice, having been connected with a leading law firm in Chicago for upwardsof twenty years, and is highly spoken of by his brother attorneys. C. B.Hosmer & Son, of that city, say of him: "The firm of Hard, Booth& Kreamer had a high standing here and enjoyed the confidence of a largeclientage. Mr. Kreamer is well read in the law, and from his varied experienceas counsel and attorney, is well qualified to take a high rank at the barof Arkansas City, where he writes us he has settled." We welcome thegentleman to this city, and trust that a prosperous future awaits him.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

A Short Lived Pool.

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, Southern Kansas, and St. Louis andSan Francisco roads have again opened up a serious freight war. The first-classrate from Chicago to Wichita is cut from $1.80 per 100 pounds to ninetycents, and other classes correspondingly. Lumber is carried there at eightcents per 100 pounds. The Southwestern Railway Association lines are proratingwith the Kansas lines on the above rates. The livestock pool recently formedby those lines is likely to be disrupted in less than a week. ChicagoTribune.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Prof. H. T. Albert adds his name to the list of applicants for the probatejudgeship. He comes from Windsor Township in the eastern portion of thecounty, a locality that has not received much favor in the distributionof office, and presents as claims to his fellow citizens for support, ripeexperience, solid judgment, and scholastic attainment. Mr. Albert suffersfrom physical disability, being badly crippled in both legs, but he hasindomitable energy, and if rewarded with the office he seeks, may be trustedto perform its duties satisfactorily. Mr. Albert speaks quite hopefullyof his prospects of success.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Republican Central Committee.



There will be a meeting of the Republican Central Committee of CowleyCounty at the Courier office in Winfield on the 20th day of August,1886, at 3 o'clock, sharp, for the purpose of calling a county conventionto nominate county officers and such other business as may properly comebefore it. E. A. HENTHORNE, Secretary.

By Order of Chairman.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Artillery Practice.

The Canal City Gun Club had its weekly shoot yesterday afternoon, a largecrowd being out to witness the exercise.

The following is the score:


Giving names and final score only...



COX: 7


E. J. HESS: 6


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.


T. R. Houghton & Co., move into their new quarters today. They haveincreased space for showing their stock of harness and superior facultiesfor manufacturing. The old Occidental kitchen in the rear has been soldto Theo. Fairclo, who will remove it, and a brick workshop erected thisfall, with benches for a score of workmen. The manufacturing industry ofthis town is rapidly growing.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

New Clothing.

A. A. Newman & Co., are now placing in stock one of the most completeassortments of Men's, Youth's, and Boys' Clothing ever brought to this city,and our prices are always the lowest. Don't purchase until you have seenour line. Yours respectfully,


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

The heavy rains and the overflow of the Arkansas have interrupted workon the canal extension, but the river having subsided, the work will beresumed when the earth is sufficiently dry. John Doyle is putting in thehead gates, and is laying some solid masonry.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Work on the railroad bridge across the Arkansas began on Monday. Thematerial is prepared and will be forwarded as fast as wanted.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

June Bugs.

A number of bright little misses called at the TRAVELER office last weekto show a "juvenile mother hubbard," the work of their own hands,and to explain the object of their industry. They were a delegation froma benevolent society, called the "June Bugs," and like their ordersin good work, they meet one afternoon every week to work for the destituteand the afflicted. Twelve young ladies compose the society, whose ages rangefrom ten to a dozen years. Living in a tent down by the Santa Fe depot,they had come across a family, the father white and the mother Indian, withseveral little mixed bloods for their progeny. The head of the family theydescribed as a nice looking man, but he makes no provision for those dependenton his industry.

"What does he do for a living?" we inquired.

"He drinks," said two or three in chorus.

"Not a profitable pursuit," we suggested.

"The children are nearly naked," was further explained, "andlast winter they would have starved to death if the neighbors had not takenin coal and victuals."

"Then this handsome garment you show me is to cover the nakednessof one of the children?" we queried.

"Yes, a nice little girl, about four, and we are going to make themsome more things."

"Is this the first work turned out by your sewing circle?"

"Yes, we made it yesterday, sitting on Mrs. Sherburne's porch, sewingit by hand, and we want you to speak about it in the TRAVELER."

This honorable mention we promised to make, and also to publish theirnames, if they so desired.

This led to a short counsel among themeselves, the conclusion of whichwas that they preferred to remain incognito.

"Which name do you think would be nicest for our society?"one of our pleasant little visitors asked, "June Bugs?" or "TomatoBugs?"

"Why tomato bugs are perfectly horrid," we replied. "Peoplewould want to run away from you if you bore that unsavory appellation. Junebugs are a fitter complement to your sister society, Bantam Hens, only youmust be careful they don't gobble you up."

This feeble joke was readily perceived, and the four little ladies laughedapprovingly.

Such gracious and winsome benefactors are enough to make a newspapereditor wish he were a half breed child in indigent circ*mstances, becausea "mother hubbard" wrought by such innocent hands loses its nativehomeliness, and is transfigured by sentiment into a robe of celestial purity.

Our smiling visitors departed taking all the sunshine in the apartmentwith them.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Danks Bros. Machine Shop.

Happening in the fourth ward on Saturday afternoon, we dropped in tosee the Danks Bros.' foundry and machine shop. We found both brothers atwork, John in the foundry assisting with a run of metal, and Charles inthe machine shop busy at the bench. The last named has been suffering severelyfrom malaria the last six weeks; but whenever he feels able to get about,he points for the shop and drives away till nature gives out. These youngmen have been owners of the above establishment for about eighteen months,and the first year they found discouraging. There was but little call fortheir industry, there being no workshops in town, and when trifling repairswere wanted, people were in the habit of going to the blacksmith. But theysaw success ahead and like the ancient philosopher they knew there are occasionswhen the only way to gain a victory is to know how to wait for it. The cityhad been growing this while and the building industry increasing, and theynow find their mechanical resources more generally in demand. During thesummer their force of five employees, with themselves, have been busy repairingmowers and harvesters. This demand has now abated, but they are still fullyemployed on general repairs. They have the loco- motive and other work forthe Geuda Springs and Caldwell railroad, and the Santa Fe graders bringin a good share of business. They have lately turned out a ton of boltsand nuts for the first ward schoolhouse; this iron work being used to strengthenthe walls, which had begun to crack in places. The water works company alsofurnished them work, and the repairs for a city of 5,000 or 6,000 peoplein a constantly growing quantity.

The machine shop now begins to assume a mechanical look with the recentaddition of a bolt and nut machine from St. Louis, and an improved drillingmachine from Cincinnati.

The castings on Saturday aggregated nearly a ton, and consisted of generalcustom work. During the fall they will make patterns for stove work, sothat repairs for any portion of the stove can be furnished on demand. Thisis understood to be one of the most useful enter- prises in the city, andit is gratifying to know that the proprietors are progressing so finely.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railroad.

Capt. R. S. Hynes, W. H. H. Shibley, and Col. J. M. Weaver, the committeewho went to Little Rock to wait on Mr. Wood, the general manager of theValley Route, returned last Thursday. They arranged with Mr. Wood to havethe freight depot at the lower end of Main Street opposite Mr. Hawkins'grocery store, and that the switching ground should commence east of Mr.Hayman's residence, thus saving his beautiful yard and about $1,500 to thecitizens of Van Buren. It is now a settled fact that Van Buren will be theeastern terminus of the Arkansas Valley Route, and we are satisfied willalso get the shops for the whole 600 miles of road. We are 220 miles fromArkansas City, Arkansas, and, including the Coffey- ville branch, the westernline will be about the same length. This should give us the shops for theentire system, and our people have strong assurances from men higher inauthority that we shall have them. So mote it be. Van Buren Argus.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Businessmen Who Do Their Best To Ruin the Town.

One day last week a heavy box of paper stock was delivered to the drugstore of Steinberger & Coombs, which that enterprising firm had orderedof some Denver house to meet the coming school demand. At the first leisuremoment Lute Coombs set himself to unload the package, and when he had takenout and checked off all the goods ordered by his house, he found a heavyremainder of goods at the bottom. Unpacking this and laying it on a separatetable, he found a whole raft of job work had been consigned to that firmfor distribution to the various parties who had ordered it.

Following is a list of the work.

Leland House: 5,000 envelopes and 5,000 note heads.

Mowry & Sollitt: 3,000 prescription blanks.

Hasie & Co.: 6,000 salesman's tickets.

Kimmel & Raney: 1,000 statements; 1,000 note heads; 1,000 envelopes.

It is safe to say that everyone of the business firms named above receivesa call, at least once a week the year through, from a solicitor for oneof our city printing offices canvassing for advertising or job work. Thereis a keen competition here. If a merchant wants cheap work done and willstate his wants, he will find a home printer ready to take his order atthe lowest possible margin.

But the competition introduced by these printing offices in other statesis not a fair one. They send round a smooth talker who dilates on the advantagesof steam machinery and improved facilities, puts on imposing airs, and offersa cut on large lots. A TRAVELER or a Democrat man goes to the samemerchant, and he can only draw a small order, the plea being thrown at himthat favors must be divided up evenly.

The job printing for the Leland Hotel has been done at this office sinceJan. 1st. When note heads or envelopes [NEXT TWO SENTENCES ARE GARBLED],and only the best quality of goods would be accepted. We have furnishedthe best quality of Florentine packet, 7 lbs. to the ream, an expensivearticle, because Mr. Hill, the business manager, would take nothing poorer.The shipment made to Mr. Kirker, the present proprietor, is of 4 lb. note,and a heavy writer will send the pen point right through the sheet.

The terms of payment are different also. This consignment is cash ondelivery, and the money is sent away to benefit other communities. Homeprinters get their pay the best way they can; trade it out for family useor pay orders to their workmen. Mr. Perry's business during the 5-1/2 monthsthis office worked for him amounted to $112, of which sum $96.45 was takenout in meals, and only the slight remainder ($15.55) paid in cash. Let Mr.Kirker figure up the quality of paper he has received, and the differencein the mode of payment, and we will wager a silver dollar that he has madeno saving.

The quality of the paper used in Hasie & Co.'s salesmen's checksis of the poorest imaginable. The pulp made of chopped straw, unbleachedand uncalendered; it suggests the idea of "workhouse" to the mostcareless beholder. He is swindled on them no matter what price he pays.The wash lists used by M. W. Sawyer, which fall into everybody's hands,were printed by the TRAVELER, 5,000 for $4. They are cut from heavy printpaper (90 lbs. to the bundle), good quality, well printed, and measure 12x 4 inches. If the Messrs. Hasie pay $2 for their 6,000 guide tickets, theypay more than they are worth.

Further than all this our merchants have the home papers with themto boom the town, to work for them when times are dull, and help along everypublic enterprise.

It is the daily experience of a newspaper reporter to be called in tonote some improvement in store or stock, some heavy sale, or some noveltyon show. He asks no pay for this. Setting the types and running the presscost money, but the journalist is contented to render gratuitous servicebecause his reward is derived from the prosperity of the com- munity. Buthe will have poor heart to act the part of champion and advocate if hisscant pay is to be stinted, and every dollar withheld from his hand thatcan be expended elsewhere. And we repeat the assertion that no saving iseffected. The TRAVELER office will engage to duplicate any bill containedin this shipment of job stock from another state, giving as good qualityof paper and better work.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Railroad Meeting.

A report being spread that Mr. W. P. Hackney would be at Tannehill tospeak on the railroad question, and more especially on the proposed Winfield,Geuda Springs and Southern railroad, much interest was felt to hear whatthis big gun would say on the subject. But he failing to put in an appearance,the citizens to the number of fifty, assembled together to discuss the matteramong themselves. The house was called together by Lucius Walton, and themeeting organized by electing R. S. Wright chairman and S. A. Beach secretary.The object of the meeting being stated, namely, to consider whether, ascitizens of Beaver Township, they would be justified in voting $15,000 bondsto aid in building the above named road. The proposition was supported byJ. W. Browning in a well argued speech, and opposed by L. Walton and C.W. Roseberry. S. A. Beach offered the following resolution.

Resolved, That we, the taxpayers of Beaver here assembled, areopposed to voting aid to the amount of $15,000, to aid in building a railroadfrom Winfield to Geuda Springs.

The resolution was unanimously adopted. A. BEACH, Secretary.

TANNEHILL, Aug. 5th, 1886.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

For Railroad Bond Election in Liberty Township.

WHEREAS, on the 12th day of July, A. D. 1886, the following proceedingsand order were had and made before and by the board of county commissionersof the county of Cowley and state of Kansas, and duly entered of recordon the journal of the proceedings of said board of commissioners in thewords and figures following, to-wit:

In the matter of the Kansas City and Pan Handle Railroad:

Now on this 12th day of July, 1886, at a session of the board of countycommissioners of the county of Cowley and state of Kansas, duly holden atthe courthouse in the city of Winfield, in said county; present, S. C. Smith,chairman, and J. A. Irwin and J. D. Guthrie, members of said board, andS. J. Smock, county clerk, comes J. O. Easterday, a resident taxpayer ofthe municipal township of Liberty, and presents to said board the petitionof himself and sixty-nine others, resident taxpayers of said township, prayingthat a special election be called for the purpose of submitting to the qualifiedvoters of said township a proposition for said township to subscribe tothe capital stock of The Kansas City and Pan Handle Railroad company tothe amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), and to use the bonds ofsaid township in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), in paymentof said stock, upon the terms and conditions in said petition mentionedand provided for, said petition being in the words and figures following,to-wit:

To the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas:

We, the undersigned, being more than two-fifths (2/5) of the residenttaxpayers of the municipal township of Liberty, in the county of Cowleyand state of Kansas, petition the board of county commissioners of saidcounty to submit at a special election, to the qualified voters of saidmunicipal township, a proposition to subscribe to the capital stock of TheKansas City, and Pan Handle Railroad company, a railroad company duly organizedand existing under the laws of the state of Kansas, which proposes to constructa railroad through and into said municipal township, said subscription tobe for the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000).

And in payment for said subscription to said capital stock of said company,bonds of said municipal township, with coupons attached, to the amount ofsaid subscription, as above set forth, shall be duly issued and delivered,in sums of five hundred dollars ($500) each, payable in twenty (20) yearsfrom date of issue, each bearing seven percent interest, payable semi-annually;both principal and interest payable at the fiscal agency of the state ofKansas, in the city of New York; such bonds to be duly issued and deliveredupon compliance with conditions hereinafter set out, and delivery of stockin said road as by law provided. The conditions upon which said subscriptionto the capital stock of said company is made are:

That said The Kansas City and Pan Handle Railroad company shall constructa railroad of standard gauge (including all necessary side tracks, stockyards, and switches) into said municipal township, and have cars runningthereon, from some point entering as near as practicable to the northeastcorner, and out as near as practicable to the southwest corner of said municipaltownship, and shall erect and maintain two suitable depots for the transactionof business, one on the east side of Silver Creek, and one on the west sideof Silver Creek, in said municipal township, on or before eighteen monthsfrom the date of said special election. (Delays by orders of the court orjudge thereof excepted.)

And we pray that said board of county commissioners, upon presentationof this petition, duly convene and make an order, which order shall embracethe terms and conditions of this petition, and such other conditions assaid board may deem advisable, and also fixing the time for holding a specialelection, which we pray may be held; as by law provided, under chapter 107,Laws of Kansas, 1876, and amendments thereto, to determine whether suchsubscription shall be made.

And the form of the ballot to be used at such special election for andagainst said proposition so submitted shall be as follows:

Each qualified voter voting for said proposition shall have printed orwritten on his ballot: "For subscription to the capital stock of TheKansas City and Pan Handle Railroad company."

Each qualified voter voting against said proposition shall have printedor written on his ballot: "Against subscription to the capital stockof The Kansas City and Pan Handle Railroad company."

And said board of county commissioners, having duly heard, examined,and considered said petition, together with the evidence introduced in supportthereof, doth find that said petition is in writing and signed by more thantwo-fifths (2/5) of the resident taxpayers of said municipal township, andis in all respects according to and sufficient in law.

It is therefore ordered by said board of county commissioners that aspecial election be held in the township of Liberty, of the county of Cowleyand state of Kansas, on Saturday; the 14th day of August, A. D. 1886, andthat thirty days' notice of said election be given by the sheriff of saidCowley County by publication in the Arkansas City TRAVELER, a weekly newspaperpublished at the city of Arkansas City, in said county, and having generalcirculation in said municipal township, and that at said election the followingproposition shall be voted upon and determined by the qualified electorsof said township, to-wit:

Shall the board of county commissioners of Cowley County order the countyclerk, for and in behalf of said township, to subscribe for thirty sharesof five hundred dollars ($500) each of the capital stock of The Kansas Cityand Pan Handle Railroad company, in accordance with the laws of the stateof Kansas and in payment therefor issue the bonds of said township, runningtwenty years, bearing seven percent interest, payable semi-annually; bothprincipal and interest to be payable at the fiscal agency of the state ofKansas, in the city of New York. The conditions upon which said subscriptionis to be made are: That The Kansas City and Pan Handle Railroad companyconstruct a railroad of standard gauge from a connection with the St. Louis,Fort Scott and Wichita railroad, at the city of Reece, in Greenwood County,Kansas, thence in a southwesterly direction into and through said municipaltownship, with two suitable depots and side tracks, sufficient to accommodatethe business; located, one on the east side and one on the west side ofSilver Creek, in said municipal township. The bonds of said township tothe amount of fifteen thousand dolalrs ($15,000) shall be delivered to saidrailroad company upon delivery by said railroad company to the county treasurerof thirty shares of five hundred dollars ($500) each of the full paid capitalstock of the said railroad company, issued for and in the name of said township.Unless said road shall be completed as aforesaid, on or before February14, 1888, said railroad shall forfeit all right to said township bonds.

And it is further ordered that the form of ballot to be used at suchelection shall be as follows: "For subscription to the capital stockof the Kansas City and Pan Handle Railroad company," and "Againstsubscription to the capital stock of the Kansas City and Pan Handle Railroadcompany." S. C. SMITH, J. A. IRWIN, J. D. GUTHRIE,

Commissioners of Cowley Co., Kansas.

Attest: S. J. SMOCK, County Clerk.




"...shall construct a railroad of standard gauge (includingall necessary side tracks, stock yards, and switches) into said municipaltownship, have cars running thereon from some point on the east side ofsaid municipal township to some point near the southwest corner of saidmunicipal township, and erect and maintain a suitable depot within one milewest of the point at which said railroad crosses the Walnut river in saidmunicipal township, on or before eighteen months from the date of said specialelection..."


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Recap: Assignment of Hemphill & Wey: GEORGIE M. GRAY, ASSIGNEE OFHEMPHILL & WEY ESTATE...MAY 25, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.


Land, Loan and Insurance Brokers. City and Farm Property for sale orexchange. If you want bargains come and see us.

Collections made, taxes paid, and rents collected. Money loaned on easyterms.

Two doors north of First National Bank. Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.


I have opened the above restaurant to which all persons are invited.A good square meal for a quarter. Ice cream made from pure cream, 10 cents.Meals on Short Order.

Nice accommodations for families. Fruits, confectioneries, cigars, etc.Give me a call.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.


The vote on the railroad bonds shows the determination of our peopleto spare no expense, and shrink from no burden, in their efforts to buildup the city. The opportunity presented in this section of country for growthand expansion comes but once in the lifetime of a city, and if not put toavail, it never returns. In the older and more populous states to the eastof us, the towns and cities have grown up, the natural resources are prettywell developed, and the trade channels are formed. There is still a steadysecretion of population, a slow increase in the volume and diversificationof mechanical products, and the assessor's lists still mount upward in numericaltotals. But society and its many activities may be said to be formed there,any change that takes place, is gradual, and the superincumbent pressureupon the young and the enterprising tends to repress and flatten out theirenergies. Here the situation is entirely different. A vast extent of countrycomprising 7,000,000 acres, lying in the heart of the continent, of unsurpassedfertility and well water, ceded fifteen years ago by the Osage Nation tothe government for white settlement, is being filled up rapidly, and itsresources turned to account. As farms are opened and their crops garnered,a necessity for trade centres arises; and along the southern border of thestate we see cities growing up, where capital in large sums is invested,and trade channels are formed. This naturally attracts the attention ofthe great railroad combinations of the east, who see the opportunity presentedof extending their territory, and absorbing the carrying trade of a formativepopulation whose possibilities cannot be accurately measured.

One of the propositions voted on last Wednesday was to subscribe $20,000in bonds to aid in the construction of the Pan Handle road. This is a MissouriPacific enterprise, and its charter provides that the line should startfrom Kansas City, and be carried southwesterly through Johnson, Miami, Franklin,Anderson, Coffey, Woodson, and Greenwood counties, to Reece, where the endof a division will be placed, and thence through Butler and Cowley countiesto Arkansas City; and from this point it will enter the territory and bebuilt to El Paso, Texas.

The usefulness to this community of introducing a competing line to theSanta Fe, and giving us direct access to the east and south was fully appreciatedby the voters on the proposition, and the ballots they deposited were almostunanimous in its favor. Only a light vote was cast, everybody feeling atease that the bonds would carry, and the majority, as is shown in anothercolumn, amounted to 353.

On the proposition to vote $7,500 to the Geuda Springs and Caldwell road,there was a greater diversity of feeling. On a previous occasion $20,000had been subscribed by our citizens towards building this road to ArkansasCity; they felt they had discharged their obligation and they regarded thisfurther demand on their pockets as oppressive and unjust. Railroad corporationsare proverbially soulless, and where they can take advantage, no conscienseintervenes to forbid the sharp practice. It will be remembered that afterthe bonds were voted by this city, on the distinct understanding that theroad was to be built here, a new proposition was started to run it threemiles to the north, and put us off with a spur, or bobtail. This calledour citizens to instant action, and a delegation visited Winfield to notifythe parties in interest that the Arkansas City bonds would not issue unlessthe railroad under- taking was carried out in good faith. The subject of"extra cost" was considered, the divergence from this city toGeuda Springs (five miles northward), being the basis of settlement. Thiswas compromised by the promise on behalf of our citizens to give an additional$7,500, and upon this engagement the sense of the voters was taken lastWednesday. A sober second thought abated the hostility, and the issue ofthe bonds was approved by a majority of 262. It was a good day's work, andshows that the people of Arkansas City are full awake to the opportunitybefore them.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.


The Cherokee Advocate is exercised over the use of the foresttimber that abounds in that nation. Judicious statesmanship would providefor the utilization of the material resources of a country taking propercare that waste is not practiced and that the supply does not become exhausted.According to the statement of our Indian cotemporary, the timber has beenstolen, the depredation not being committed alone by citizens of the UnitedStates, but by members of the nation also. "Some of this stealing,"the Advocate says, "has been done by citizens who have usedthe woods of the nation for other purposes than those allowed by the constitutionand laws."

The authorized uses of the timber of Cherokee land, under the constitutionand laws of the nation, are for fuel, for the construction of dwellings,and other necessary domestic uses. The Cherokees are not a manufacturingpeople, therefore there can be no great consumption of the forests for industrialpurposes.

The Advocate thus states the evil and the remedy:

"If the timber belongs to the nation, then to take it without thenation's permission, or for any purpose except that approved and allowedby the nation, is stealing it from the nation, then there is but one wayto stop the wrong and the loss. In the case of our own citizens, the offendershould be prosecuted and jailed when found guilty. We have courts alreadyestablished and they have jurisdictionor would have if there was a law todefine the offense."

The obstructiveness of the Indian race is a puzzle to American statesmanship,and here we have it brought down to concrete shape. What is the use of natureendowing a country with the elements of wealth if the industry of its inhabitantsis restricted and these natural resources are to be turned to no usefulpurpose? Under the communistic system that prevails with our dusky neighbors,the land is held in common, and all the timber and rock and mineral thatit contains. A Cherokee or Creek may take up his abode on any unoccupiedportion of the soil and cultivate to whatever extent he pleases. He mayplant an orchard, raise livestock, put up barns, and provide himself withall the facilities necessary; but he cannot acquire individual ownership,and he is liable to be turned off at any time by an act of the nationalcouncil. We can see what an insuperable impediment this is to the exerciseof industry and thrift, and we can perceive why it is that these five "greatnations," instead of establishing their right to the soil they occupyby putting it to proper use, are constantly clamoring to the governmentfor protection, and are forever crying to be let alone.

The Indian race is not without notable examples of business aptitudeand successful enterprise. We can mention George Washington, a Wichita,who owned a profitable store and could point to his herd of cattle on athousand hills. Black Beaver, a Delaware, is famed in local annals as ascout and negotiator, and his thrift enabled him to accumulate a valuableproperty in livestock and merchandise. With proper stimulus, and under favorablecondi- tions, other redskins would apply themselves to reproductive pursuits,and thus fit them- selves for the struggle in which they will soon haveto engage.

But where can you find a people alert and active who live in tribal relations,whose soil and natural resources are sequestrated, and who are withheldfrom the wholesome stimulus of competition? The duty of the government isplain. Give each head of a family a farm, let him have the benefit of palefaceexample to stir up his energies, and a fund held in trust by the government(derived from the sale of surplus land), with which to aid him in his effortsat self-support. The present system of nursing and coddling will keep theIndians helpless and unprogressive to the end of the chapter.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.


"The recent decision by the Supreme Court that the Indian tribesoccupying reservations in the Indian Territory are by act of law nationalin their nature, and that congress has no authority to grant charters torailway companies through said reservations, is liable to put a stop torailway extensions in the Indian Territory, and we are credibly informedthat the S. K. Road will soon put their forces to work on the line fromKiowa westward. Let them come; bad wind that blows usually any good."Burden Enterprise.

Our neighbor is badly astray in his statement of facts. No such decisionas he mentions has been rendered by the Supreme Court, or any other tribunalthat we have heard of. In ruling on a demurrer brought in the Supreme Courtof the District of Columbia to the indictments found against Col. Phillips,Ross, and Wolfe for appropriating to themselves $27,000 out of a paymentmade to the Cherokees for the strip or outlet, want of jurisdiction waspleaded by their counsel. The demurrer was sustained by Judge McArthur,he holding that the Cherokees were a distinct and independent nationality,and the offense charged against them was outside the jurisdiction of a UnitedStates court. This quashed the indictments, but it in no way affected thegranting of charters to railroad companies, and will certainly not stoprailroad extension through the territory. It was a fool judgment, but ajudge is not supposed to know the law.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

CALDWELL JOURNAL. John Powers jumped from a hotel window and killedhimself Tuesday in Kansas City, so a telegram states. He was well knownin these parts, having held cattle on the ranges of the Cherokee Strip forsome years. He shipped two train loads of cattle from Kiowa Sunday morningto Kansas City. He was the owner of the J buckle brand of cattle. No causeis assigned. He leaves a large family, who if we mistake not, reside inMobeetie, Texas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.

CEDAR VALE STAR. On Wednesday last the first detachment of D.M. & A. graders struck this town. The party consisting of the campsof James McMillan and J. T. Boland, comprised eight teams, with tents andequipage complete. The former has been working on the road between ArkansasCity and Caldwell, and the latter has been on the Santa Fe line in Kingmancounty. They will form a part of the force to grade the line from Sedanto Cedar Vale. Their teams are the finest we have seen, and everything pertainingto the outfit appears to be first class.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.

INDEPENDENCE STAR AND KANSAN. The track of the Verdigris Valleyrailroad has been laid through town and away south towards Rock Creek. Aroundhouse has also been built on the company's lands about half a milesouth of the Caledonia mills.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.

The Cracker Factory.

The cracker factory is approaching completion. The engine, which is offifteen horse- power, is in process of erection, and the brick work of themassive and capacious oven is all in place. There is some machinery yetlacking, which is expected here the end of the present week; and when thatis fitted in, the building will be ready for operations. The troughs areto be made and the thousand and one things provided necessary to the runningof such an establishment. But Mr. Davidson intends to go slow at first,and provide facilities as the business demands them. He is making no effortto get business till he is ready to supply samples; and when his ovens getfairly to work, he is under no apprehension about orders coming in. Thefull capacity of the works will be 120 barrels of flour daily, but Mr. Davidsonis willing to allow a year to work up to this maximum.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 18, 1886.

Accidental Drowning.

On Tuesday Capt. Jack Hayes, in command of B troop, 5th cavalry, on servicein the Oklahoma country, in company with his driver, a soldier, Wm. Hamiltonby name, drove into the North Fork at the Chisholm trail crossing, 18 milesbelow the agency, for the purpose of watering his team. The river was up,and the first step of the horses took them into swimming water. The carriagewas too heavy for the team to swim out with it, so the only show for lifeof its occupants was to do their own swimming. The soldier, together withthe horses, were drowned. Capt. Hayes put forth every effort to save hisman, and in so doing very narrowly escaped the same fate. The body of thesoldier was not recovered. The carriage and horses were, however, but theremains of the unfortunate soldier were dashed swiftly downstream to a waterygrave. Cheyenne Transporter.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.


IS NOW OPEN and ready to show to the public, the largest and most completestock of Men's, Boys and Children's CLOTHING. Also Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises,Tent and Wagon Covers. Call and See the King. WE DEFY ALL COMPETITION.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.


A few samples only are given...

Fresh bread and pies at Rothenhofer's, two doors south of Central Avenue.

Baltimore oysters received fresh every day at Rosenberg's.

Rothenhofer serves delicious ice cream and cake in the Bishop block.

The best ice cream in the city, only 10 cents a dish, at the Nickle Plate.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Pictures from card to life size, at the Arkansas City Art Gallery.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Corn fed beef, prime young pork, hams, sausage and lard kept constantlyon hand at the City Meat market, Bower & Woods, proprietors.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Second hand goods bought and sold by John Gabel, in the alley rear ofthe Bittle block. Also dealer in rags, old metal, and bottles. Give me acall.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Call and See Me. I desire to inform my friends that I am now salesmanin the clothing store of Steinberg & Co., and shall be happy to havethem call upon me.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Removal. T. R. Houghton & Co., move into their new quarters today.They have increased space for showing their stock of harness and superiorfaculties for manufacturing. The old Occidental kitchen in the rear hasbeen sold to Theo. Fairclo, who will remove it, and a brick workshop erectedthis fall, with benches for a score of workmen. The manufacturing industryof this town is rapidly growing.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

A. A. Newman left for New York on Friday, to purchase a fall stock ofgoods.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Danks Bros., have placed an iron railing in front of the post officestore.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Mrs. L. D. Davis is in town on a visit to her parents, Major and Mrs.L. E. Woodin.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Hon. E. M. Hewins and wife, of Cedar Vale, drove to town yesterday, andput up at the Leland Hotel.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

W. H. Grow, a prominent farmer in the northern part of the county, offersa good farm in trade for cattle or sheep.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

J. J. Clark, city agent for Adams & Co.'s express, has his officein Stanford & Wright's furniture store.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The city council met on Monday evening, but there being no quorum present,an adjournment was had till this (Wednesday) evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The Buckskin Border band devotes numerous evenings to practice, and ourcitizens are thus regaled with much pleasing harmony.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

John Lewis, our light weight constable, sprained his ankle running tothe fire on Saturday night, and now he goes about with his foot in a sling.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Sam Burrus came out on Saturday, with his clothes a world too wide forhim. He has been sick for a week with malaria, and has evidently had a severetussle of it.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Mr. George Eddy, a solid citizen of Leavnworth, accompanied by McCownHunt, arrived in this city on Saturday, and tarried over Sunday with hisbrother, E. D. Eddy and family.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Squire Lindsay yesterday was notified of his appointment as referee inthe suit instituted last fall between D. R. Beatty and John S. Henderson,proprietors of the City Meat Market.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Ira Barnett last week shipped 256 fat steers to Kansas City, purchasedof Capt. C. W. Burt, the present owner of J. H. Sherburne's ranch. In thesame train the S. & H. Co., forwarded about 150 steers.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Archie Dunn has put a handsome new sprinkler on the street, and beganto draw water from the hydrant; but this was objected to on the ground ofinsufficient supply, and his enterprise was thereby frutrated.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Sam Gould returned last week from a visit to Illinois. Some countiesof that state, he says, will harvest fair grain crops, but in the largestportion all prospect of a yield has been ruined by drouth.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The First Presbyterian Church was closed last Sabbath in consequenceof the absence of the pastor from town; but services were held in the othercity churches, which, notwith- standing the extreme heat of the day, werewell attended.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Miss Ella L. Kelly, independent candidate for county school superintendent,writes us that she has been confined to her father's sick room for someweeks past, but friends have attended to her correspondence. She is preparingfor an active canvass.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

A second warder who lives near the cracker factory, says a few morningsago he counted as many as forty wagons (some of them with four horses) loadedwith provisions and miscellaneous supplies, all going into the territory.This is a nice little item in our city trade for one day.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

A representative of Young America took a pony ride from this city toCale a few days ago, and when he returned his father asked him what he toughtof that famed border town. "I couldn't see the place," was thereply, "for a box car that stood in the way."

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The South Haven New Era is now edited by C. A. Branscomb and C.W. Coombs. Charley moved his family and household effects to South Haventthe early part of last week and has now settled down to the case and thetripod. We wish him abundant success.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The Cedar Vale Star says: "We do not understand the withdrawalof the bond proposi-tions in the townships between Cedar Vale and Winfieldby the Santa Fe company, to necessarily mean an abandonment of that routeand the choice of one from here to Arkansas City." The editor of thatsheet has a good deal to learn.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Dr. F. Quimby, formerly surgeon at the Ponca agency, returned from theeast on Saturday with the intention of becoming part of our city population.The doctor has spent a year in Maine and New York, having the TRAVELER mailedto him; from this sheet he learned of the prosperity we enjoy and the progressour city is making, and by this means he was attracted back to his old home.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Herman Wyckoff and wife left town last week to take up their abode atRed Rock, Indian Territory. Herman will take charge of the trader's storethere, his father having a license to trade with the Otoes; and the formertrader, J. N. T. Gooch, has removed to this city with his family, to assumehis duties in the grocery house of Wyckoff, Gooch & Co. Johnnie is arustler, and will be a useful addition to our mercantile community.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The Courier keeps up its accustomed blowing, and gives this asits latest utterance: "Cowley County has a number of good towns, answeringevery purpose for light local trade, but they can't possibly compete forheavy-weight trading with many of the mammoth establishments in the centralmetropolis." Winfield merchants admit that trade is distressingly dullthere, while in Arkansas City it is unusually brisk. It is no exaggerationto say that the volume of business done here in a week fully doubles thatof our declining neighbor city.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

A. F. Hale came in from the Territory on Monday evening to purchase suppliesfor his force of haymakers, and the next morning was chasing Assessor Vaughn,of Creswell Township, to demand of him that the south bridge across theArkansas be put in fit condition for travel. Just before he crossed overa Bolton farmer, whose name he could not give, had a horse's leg badly laceratedand his load of hay lost overboard, and Mr. Hale says he took terrible chancesin getting over. He demanded of Johnnie Breene that the bridge be repairedin 24 hours or somebody would be sued for damages.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

On Saturday evening, shortly after 8 o'clock, a fire started in the secondward, which destroyed a barn and contents, owned by Dr. Morris, and a handsomenew barn just finished by Dr. Fowler. At the time the fire started all theinhabitants of the block were away from home, but neighbors say the flamesoriginated in some loose hay and litter between the two buildings, whichcommunicated to Dr. Fowler's barn and then destroyed that of Dr. Morris.Dr. Morris loses [AMOUNT IS COMPLETELY GARBLED], upon which he has an insuranceof $100, while Dr. Fowler's loss is nearly double that amount, and he hasno insurance. Fortunately, there was no wind at the time, or the loss mighthave been serious.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

On Saturday Sheriff McIntire, with his deputy, Tom Herrod, aided by CityMarshal Gray, raided a number of joints in this city, and captured severalprisoners. The parties taken in were Frank Blubaugh, J. W. Hall, W. D. Johnson,and Ed Leonard, alias W. B. Bartholomew. Blubaugh was admitted to bail,the others were carried to Winfield and committed to jail, to await trial,which is set for today. Frank Miller and Van Skoid, owners of the billiardhall, in the Sherburne building, escaped arrest and have left the country.The charge against the accused is selling intoxicating liquors in violationof law, and the Couty Attorney is said to have proof to convict. There areseven counts against Johnson and four against Leonard.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Bluff Township Stirred Up.

We mentioned a week or two ago the defeat in Bluff Township, Sumner County,of the proposition to vote $20,000 township bonds to the Geuda Springs,Caldwell & Western railroad. The Caldwell merchants, as we are informed,opposed the extension of the line beyond their city, thinking it would beinjurious to their business interests, and they had so assiduously impressedthis feeling on the minds of the Bluffites, that the latter accorded analmost unanimous vote against it. Now another railroad proposition is tobe submitted to them on a new organization, the St. Louis, Kansas &Southwestern R. R. Co., being substituted for the designation above given.The petition sets forth that the proposed line shall form a connection withthe Kansas City & Southwestern railroad, at some point in Cowley County,and extend westerly by way of Caldwell and through Bluff Township. In theproposition that was rejected a few weeks ago, a stipulation was made thata freight and passenger depot should be built within 1-1/2 miles of thegeographical center of the township; this was objected to by the votersas too indefinite. The present proposition provides for a depot within halfa mile of the center of the township, thus removing one important groundof objection. The Caldwell Journal tells of a railroad meeting heldby the Bluffites to listen to a talk from Mr. Asp, and the appointment ofa committee to consider the matter. "The people out there," theJournal says, "are getting stirred up over this matter, andhave taken it into their own hands. Some of them are against the proposition,and others favor it; but which is in the majority cannot yet be determined.Bluff ought to have the Border Line, and will have it if she does her partin the matter."


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Geuda Notes.

H. C. Nicholson, partner to Isaac Ochs, the licensed trader at Pawnee,is an invalid at Geuda, trying the healing properties of the mineral springs.He was taken down with malaria, at the agency about six weeks ago, and layon his back for a month, receiving such scant attention as the two clerkscould give him. He was then brought to town lying prostrate in a wagon,and so immoderately dosed with morphine on the way that it produced nausea,which lasted forty-eight hours. He is now at Geuda, crippled with rheumatism,but slowly recovering health.

Harter & Stolp are the new proprietors of the Commercial Hotel, andare running it on improved principles.

The railroad boom has reached this place, and property holders are lookingfor a lively time in real estate. With one road running through our cityand another road shortly to build here, there is no reason why this healthresort should not become a railroad centre and surpass the growth of itstwo ambitious neighbor cities.

The hotels and boarding houses are well filled with invalids, who seekthe healing waters, and the proprietors of the springs are doing a goodbusiness.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Business Mention.

Wright & Stanford announce to our readers today that they are preparedto furnish parlor and chamber sets of the choicest design, or any articleof the plainest description. They have an immense stock of household goodsand cabinet ware, and are offering bargains to purchasers.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Wyckoff, Gooch & Co., have started out with renewed energy sinceorganizing the new firm, and in the race for business pre-eminence theyintend to take no man's dust.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Steinberg, the king clothier, has got into quarters at last, and hasfilled up his large emporium with a choice stock of men's and boy's clothing,underwear, hats and caps, trunks, tent and wagon covers. He has come hereto do business and will let no customer pass who is willing to buy.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

T. R. Houghton & Co., announce their removal to more extensive quarters,and the superior facilities they enjoy for carrying on trade. They haveadded largely to their stock, and offer the best quality of material andworkmanship for all uses and at the lowest price.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Stock Notes.

John Harmon has been offered $100 for a Hambletonian colt not yet threemonths old. It pays to raise good stock.

Wiley & Harkness advertise in the Caldwell papers that they want2,000 head of steer cattle to stock up their range on Red Rock Creek, sixtymiles below this place.

That new Victor hay press on the street last Saturday belonged to C.M. Scott, who will bale one thousand tons of hay this fall.

Five hundred horses and mares are offered for sale at Fremont, Nebraska.


CALDWELL JOURNAL. The Whistler cattle from Sac and Fox were shippedlast week to Chicago by their owner. They made fourteen cars and weighed919 pounds. They struck a good market.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Fairs and Festivals.

We have received the premium list of Sumner County Agricultural Fair,which will be held on the Wellington fair grounds Sept. 7th to 10th. Wealso acknowledge the favor of a season ticket to this grand stock display.

The Cowley County Fair will be held in Winfield, the season beginningAugust 20th and ending Sept. 3rd. The premium list is now being distributed.

From St. Louis we have received an illuminated program of a great expositionin that city to be open Sept. 8th and close Oct. 23rd. The features of thisdisplay are a night parade of the trades, a grand nocturnal pageant of theveiled prophets, night parade of the flambeau battalion, nocturnal paradeof the league of American wheelman, gorgeous illumination of the bostevanis[?], triennial conclave of the Knights Templar of the United States, andnumerous other gorgeous festivities.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Pass Him Around.

ED. TRAVELER: One of Winfield's dudish smart Alecks came to the sandhill Saturday evening and asked for the best room at the Monumental Hotel.After refusing two or three rooms offered him, he accepted the parlor; butthe next morning showed the thread of his moral fibre by failing to seethe clerk he had caused so much trouble the evening before. The initialsof this dudish young man are Joseph Clark. It will be a good thing to passhim around. C. W. BROWN, Clerk at Monumental Hotel. Arkansas City, August17th.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Building Notes.

Work began last week on two of the four business houses to be erectedon the block south of the Monumental Hotel. Baer & Endicott and A. A.Newman lead in this good work.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The pressed brick for the front of John L. Howard's store building arrivedfrom St. Louis last week, and the workmen are now running up the walls.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The upper story of the St. James Hotel is now reached, and the galvanizediron cornice is ready to be put in place.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Jerome Steele moved his stock from the Bonsall building yesterday intoDr. Alexander's vacant store.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The laying of the water mains will finish up very shortly; and by Sept.1st, Mr. Quigley and his assistant, Mr. Andrews, will leave town to attendto the fulfillment of contracts in other parts. The company has done itswork handsomely laying several thousand feet more pipe than their contractcalled for, a good share of it of larger diameter than it engaged to supply.The company is willing to extend the service in any direction where sixconsumers to a block engage to take water.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The Winfield papers profess to derive great comfort from the result ofthe bond elections on Saturday, declaring that the Pan Handle project issquelched, and Reece and Harkness will retire into the shades. While thetruth is two townships out of five voted the bonds, two others offer theaid asked on a compromise, and a volunteer township (Silver Dale) stepsin to offer the aid that Pleasant Valley refused. Not much of a beat inteat. [??? LAST SENTENCE ???}

Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The Vote on the Bonds.

The result of the bond election in the five townships on Saturday wassatisfactory to the Pan Handle people, although we have no victory all alongthe line to record. To Harvey there was a local difference about the locationof the depot, in conseqnence of which want of harmony the bonds were defeated.

Silver Creek voted the aid asked with gratifying alacrity. Sheridan voteddown the proposition, while in Liberty the bonds carried. In Pleasant Valleythe bonds were rejected by a majority of 47.

This was the result of the election Saturday, but it does not correctlyexpress the sentiment of the people toward the railroad proposition. InHarvey the citizens the same evening pledged themselves to give the rightof way through their township and $5,000 in money. The defeat in Sheridanwas due to the fact that $15,000 was asked, while that township is tiedup within $10,000, which is the limit of additional indebtedness it canincur. The citizens pledged themselves in writing to vote that amount onthe submission of a new proposition.

The victory gained in Liberty for the Pan Handle was in spite of themost persistent efforts of W. P. Hackney and his co-workers to defeat them,and the result is memorable as being the first time this big gun of Winfieldwas ever overthrown by that community. It seems as if the braggart Billwas losing his grip.

In Pleasant Valley another election is to be held, at the request ofa number of voters; but success is not so material there as Silverdale comesin with an offer to give $10,000 in bonds and half that amount additionalin cash if the route is deflected southward, so as to traverse that townshipand leave Pleasant Valley to the right.

Those who have been waging the campaign in the interest of the Pan Handlebonds, Mayor Schiffbauer, Amos Walton, Major Burch, and others, expressthemselves entirely content with the work done on Saturday, and are confidentin their statements that the road will be built to this city.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Work on the Grade Suspended.

Work on the grade in the territory is suspended for awhile, but graderswith their families and provided with abundant supplies are still flockingin. The delay is accounted for by the variation of the line from the originalsurvey causing dissatisfaction to the Ponca and Pawnee Indians, who claimdamages for the injury to be done them by the new route. This change, furthersouth, throws the line into Oklahoma, and the approval of Secretary Lamarhas not yet been given to entering that disputed land. If, as some assert,there is no Indian title to that country and it belongs to the public domain,the payment imposed in the charter for every mile of railroad built throughIndian land will not have to be paid. Then there is some talk of a boomermovement in this continued hegira southward of workmen and their families.Being provided with passes by the various contractors to whom they are professedlyengaged, the military have no power to stop them, and they travel on unmolestedto the coveted land. If under this thin disguise enough population can begathered there to assume respectable proportions, and their successful entranceleads other thousands to rush in and take possession of the soil, the president,having an eye to a future election, may make a virtue of necessity, andso shape his execution of the laws as to allow that country to be colonized.The railroad interest would ask nothing better because a profitable operationin townsites would be afforded it; the American people would be contentbecause homes would be secured by thousands who are now landless; and certainlythe people of this city would not complain, as it would give a greater impetusto commercial and indusrial enterprise than any other movement that couldbe started.

It is believed that the secretary of the interior will take action ina week or so, and then work will probably be resumed.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Fancy Stock Farm.

Mr. Samuel Newell's annual circular for the present year is out, a copyof which lies on our table. He is owner of the Hawkswood stock farm, GreatBarrington, Massachusetts, which is devoted to the breeding of thoroughbredregistered short horn and Jersey cattle, pure South Down sheep, Indian ponies,swine and poultry, all of the best breeds. The circular gives a list ofthe choicest short horns and Jerseys.

Of Indian ponies he says:

"The breeding of this class of horses may be regarded as a "newdeparture" in New England farming. The proprietor first became acquaintedwith the Indian pony while on a trip to California five years ago, has hadone at his farm for the use of his family as a saddle pony, and has hadfrequent opportunity to study their habits and character during frequentvisits to the Indian Territory and Southern Kansas since 1881.

"The present season he has received a car load of the choicest poniesto be found in the Indian country, where they were bred. They are free frombrands or blemishes, and were selected by Vincent Hawkins of Arkansas City,Kansas, a well-known horseman who has lived on the frontier many years.Several have already been sold to well-known New York gentlemen, and theygive great satisfaction.

"These ponies are easily kept, tractable, and great pets, and inmany respects are the best horses under the saddle for children and grownpersons, for driving singly in village carts and pony phaetons or in pairs."

Mr. Newell is well known to our citizens as president of the ArkansasCity Bank, which business connection induces his frequent visits here. Moneychangers, as a class, are not popular with their fellow citizens, and theyare not promised the best treatment in the world to come. But this gentlemanis wise in his generation, and makes atonement for his sins as a plutocrat,by devoting himself to an industry which ranks among the most useful inthe country.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

Police Court Doings.

There was a disturbance in a bagnio on Summit Street on Friday night,which led to the arrest of all the inmates, and their appearance in thepolice court the next day. Fred J. Webb was the first offender tried, thecharge against him being unlawful cohabitation. His story was that he hadtreated one of the inmates of the house to a carriage ride, had had a socialtime with her, and when he arrived at her rooms went to bed to sleep offhis debauch. While in the house he was assaulted by J. J. Thompson and drivenout into the street. Fined $10 and $7 costs.

J. J. Thompson was next arraigned for unlawful cohabitation and assault.His assessment was $25 fine and $6 costs.

Mrs. Jeffries, for keeping a house of ill fame, was mulcted $10 and $4costs; and her daughter, Miss Jeffries, for being an inmate of a disorderlyhouse, was assessed in the same amount.

The same day Police Judge Bryant was called on to settle an African warwaged in the fourth ward. Ross Warner with a voluble tongue and profusevocabulary of epithet, assailed Maggie Solomon, who procured her arrestfor disturbing the peace. The irate Ross condoned her offense by paying$2.50 fine and $4.10 expenses.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The Bonds Voted.

The election on $20,000 of bonds to be voted the Kansas City and PanHandle railroad, and $7,500 in bonds to the Geuda Springs and Caldwell road,was held in this city last Wednesday, and the following majorities for thebonds were recorded.

Pan Handle railroad: First Ward, 79; Second Ward, 87; Third Ward, 70;Fourth Ward, 117. Total 353.

Geuda Springs railroad bonds: First Ward,63; Second Ward, 78; Third Ward,61; Fourth Ward, 90. Total 292.

This is rendering hearty support to the roads, and shows that the peopleof Arkansas City are ready to take the same medicine they recommend to others.The Winfield Courier and other blowhards of that burg have been talkingit around that this city is ready enough to urge other people to incur indebtedness,but is very chary of assuming any of the burden herself. The election lastweek shows the utter falsity of this disparagement.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

For Rent. Good rooms in Central block. Apply to Armstrong & Co.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

A Young Drug Clerk Grows Despondent and Shuffles Off.

DIED. At an early hour yesterday the report was circulated that ClarenceA. Brown, cousin to Dr. C. D. Brown, who has been clerking in the doctor'sdrug store the past six months, had committee suicide the evening previousby shooting himself through the heart. The deceased was from Cadiz, Ohio,belonged to a good family, was about 22 years of age, bright and cheerfulin his deportment, and came to this city to reside in February last. CoronerWells was notified, who came to this city on the noon train to hold an inquest.

The body was viewed in a bedroom in Dr. Brown's residence, and then thejury proceeded to Justice Kreamer's room to hold an investigation into thecause of death.

Mr. Brown's testimony was as follows.

"I left the store about 9:00 on Monday evening, and stopped at arestaurant on my home to get some ice cream. My wife spread the dishes,and went to Clarence's room to ask him if he would like a dish. When shethrust her head inside the room, she waited to see if he was asleep. Hesaid, "What is it, Ella?" She inquired, "Will you have someice cream, Clarence?" He replied, "No. I don't care for any tonight."

She returned to the table, and had filled one dish with the cream, whena report of fire- arms was heard. Dr. Brown said, "I sprang to my feetthinking a cartridge in my pocket had exploded. I then said, `It ain't here.'"Wife replied, "It sounded as if it was alongside of my head."Dr. Brown started for the front door to see what the report was, but passingClarence's room, he smelled gunpowder. He said, "I threw the door openand looking in saw a revolver in his left hand lying across his body. Iexclaimed, `My God? Clarence has shot himself!' I passed my arm under hishead and raised him nearly to a sitting posture. I called to the neighbors,who had assembled, to bring me my medicine case. It was handed me. He wasdead when I raised him up, and never gasped. I can give no reason for theact except that it was done in a fit of despondency. Deceased was subjectto fits of despondency."

The testimony of Mrs. Ella Brown and of her niece, Macie Rush, a childof 12, corroborated his testimony.

The pistol was produced and identified by Dr. Brown. He described thewound as a little to the left of the sternum and between the fifth and sixthribs. A hole was burnt by the powder through the bosom of deceased's nightshirt.

Dr. Morris testified to his being called about 10 o'clock on Monday evening;went to Dr. Brown's house and examined the deceased. Found a gun shot woundprojecting through the lobe of the left lung, also penetrating the heart.Probed the wound and found considerable cavity in the region. Turning thebody over found the ball underneath the shoulder blade, near the spinalcolumn. There was no laceration of the wound, but the orifice was powderburnt. Believed it was a case of self-destruction.

J. C. Hanna described the sickness of the deceased for several days.(He had been suffering from malaria.) Mr. Hanna testified that on Fridaynight he took Clarence Brown to his (witness') room, and was up the entirenight with him. Mr. Hanna said that during the night Clarence Brown askedfor morphine to send him to sleep. Mr. Hanna said he sent to the druggistfor some, but he refused to dispense it. Then Mr. Hanna said he went toDr. Mitchell, who told him to give some simple remedies. Mr. Hanna saidhe did as directed, but they produced no effect. Clarence said, "Ishall surely go crazy, if this lasts." Mr. Hanna said, "Sabbathday I was with him all the afternoon and evening. When I was about to leave,he asked when I should be back." I replied, "When church is over."He said, "I shall be dead then." He added, "I wish I coulddie. I'm as crazy as a loon." Mr. Hanna said, "I bathed him andput him to bed, and this was the last I knew of him."

The jury returned a verdict that death was caused by the discharge ofa pistol in the hands of the deceased.

The remains were escorted to the Santa Fe depot by the Knights of Pythias,of which lodge the deceased was a member, where they were sent to Cadiz,Ohio, to be disposed of by his friends.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

About Our Water Power.

Arkansas City during the present summer has been visited by hundredsof strangers who are impressed with its advantageous location, its fineagricultural surroundings, the building industry that meets their gaze onall hands, and the business activity that crowds its streets. Many of thesevisitors publish their impressions in their local journals, and a numberof their letters come back to us marked. We notice that every writer dwellswith special emphasis on our water power, describing the canal dug fromthe Arkansas River to the Walnut, having a fall of 15 feet, and supplyingwater power sufficient to operate all the mills that can be built alongits banks. This important facility strikes the intelligent observer as ofsurpassing value and a liberal estimate is generally placed on the benefitthat will be derived from this power when it shall be fully utilized.

At present the industry on the canal is confined to a few flouring mills,the aggregate capacity of which is 700 barrels a day. The scarcity of rawmaterials is a bar to manufacturing development in this section; but theextension of railroad communication now in progress will soon remove thatdifficulty. The Kansas and Arkansas Valley R. R. now building from FortSmith to this city, is chiefly prized because of the direct access it willgive us to the south; and the interchange it will promote of the food productsof this section of country, with the cotton, fuel, pine and hard lumberof the lower region.

The city is growing rapidly, real estate values are improving, and moneyis flowing in from all directions for investment in property or businessenterprise. But all admit that this city cannot attain the proportions someassume for it as a trade centre solely. Beside distributing the productof others, our city population must produce value. We need a diversifiedmanufacturing industry; foundries, and machine shops, saw and planing mills,cotton factories, beef and pork packing houses, canneries, and so on. Thisis the ambition of all growing western cities, and the custom has been tooffer bounties of land or money to men who are willing to embark in a suitableindustry. But this plan has not worked successfully because unfit personsare often attracted by the subsidy offered, who trust more in the boundybestowed than to their energetic prosecution of business. Want of fuel isa hindrance in many cases, in others deficient railroad communication. Butour unsurpassed water power relieves us of the cost of fuel, and the extendedrailroad system, of which this city is becoming the center, will lay theentire west and south tributary to our wants.

This canal is certainly one of the biggest advantages that could be prosecutedby an enterprising people, and the time is not remote when its value willbe more fully demonstrated.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

On the Move.

Mr. N. S. Martin (of Burke & Martin) came to town on Friday, as heexpressed it, "to get some chuck for the boys." They are movingtheir herd from the Cimarron River to the Osage Nation, having agreed onterms with Col. Pollock, manager of the Aurora Cattle Co., to pasture theirherd on his range. Mr. Martin says their cattle are in fine condition, manyof them being four and five year old steers, which they have withheld frommarket on account of the low prices prevailing. The present change in locationis made because of a false survey run some time ago, by which a portionof land south of the Cimarron was attached to the Cherokee strip. They selectedtheir ranch there as members of the Cherokee Livestock Association, andunder authority of their lease; but before they had finished putting uptheir fence, the piece of land south of the river was declared a portionof Oklahoma, and their occupation of it forbidden as a trespass. This leftthem in bad shape with their ranch unenclosed, and subject to the incursionsof boomers at one time and a cavalry raid the next. Last winter they hada rough deal, feeding every tramp that came along for fear of incurringhis ill will, and then having their range fired by the very men whom theyhad hospitably entertained. This hanging on by the eyelids became too precariousat length, and they are now comfortably housed on the Aurora Cattle Co.'sfine ranch, with abundances of feed for the winter, and Col. Pollock, themost genial of cattle kings, for a neighbor. May they rest in peace.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.

The Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railroad.

It seems that the law of supply and demand, if it can be called that,is about to be equalized in relation to railroads in our country. By congressionalauthority the right of way from Arkansas City to Fort Smith, has been securedand work will likely begin soon. Already a corps of engineers are lookingover the route, by the way of Fort Gibson on to Fort Smith. Present andfuture advantages, as presented by the country between the two points, will,doubtless, control the course of the road, and the points to be touched.Fort Gibson may be one, or some place near. Gibson station may be another,if by so doing advantages can be secured. If not, the road may pass southor north of that place. Muskogee may prove to be a point, as a part of theroute, from some crossing on the Arkansas River, which can be laid southof that stream to Fort Smith. In that case, Webbers Falls may have a railroad.A direct or a meandering route, so as to pass through the best and mostpromising portions of the country, is at the choice of the company.

That this road will contribute much to the thrift and prosperity of thepeople, no one can deny; but that it may prove a source of trouble, or anotherTrojan horse, to our government and institutions may be as equally sure,some time in the future.

The road from Rogers to Bentonville, Arkansas, has been bought out andis now a branch of the Frisco. If rumor is correct, it will be extendedto the line of our nation and await congressional action to come in. Itssupposed exits will be by the way of Tahlequah and Fort Gibson to an unknownterminus somewhere. With these two new roads in the country, in additionto those already in, there will be a network of railroads that will answerany reasonable demand of travel and commerce for the century. IndianChieftain.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 25, 1886.


Politics are stirring up our dusky neighbors in the territory, and theCherokees, like their paleface brethren, are forming a new party. The Chieftainpublishes the platform adopted by this new political organization, whichhas the merit of setting forth candidly the aims and objects of its members.They call themselves "Independents," which designation is correctin showing the framers and supporters of this political confession of faithto be independent of the obligations imposed on them by the present conjunctionof events, and sublimely indifferent to the social issues they will soonbe called on to meet.

Art. 4 sets forth: "We are emphatically opposed to the establishmentof any kind of United States territorial government over the Cherokee nationand people." Which is a declaration that they are opposed to an improvedform of government; that they are distrustful of the political institutionswhich would assimilate them in social life with the American people; andthat the wheels of progress must not be allowed to roll over that darkenedand unprogressive land.

Art. 5 is expressive of the same spirit. It says: "We are opposedto selling one foot of our Cherokee soil for white settlement, for in lessthan one year the country would be settled up with white settlers who wouldbe calling on congress to establish a territorial government or state whichwould embrace not only the entire Cherokee nation, but the present IndianTerritory."

The question for these quiet-loving platform builders to consider, iswhether a refusal to "sell one foot of their soil," will preventthe intrusion of white settlers. Their one desire is to be let alone. Onall sides around them they see the world in active movement, old forms fadingaway and habits adopted which embody the requirements of the present age.But these people are distrustful of change. The constitutional lethargyof the Indian race keeps them hopelessly in the rear of their white brethren;yet they dread change; set themselves, with all the force they can command,to keep out the tide that is rising to overwhelm them. Dr. Arnold has declared,"There is nothing so revolutionary, because there is nothing so convulsiveand unnatural, as the strain to keep things fixed when all the world is,by the law of its creation, in eternal progress."

These Cherokee Independents would refer us to the treaties of 1833 and1866, guaranteeing them immunity from paleface intrusion; but it is timethey were aware of the fact that race movements are not restrained by paperguarantees; and prudence should admonish them to have an eye on the signsof the times, and stand from under.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 25, 1886.


The activity in real estate in this city, the steady influx of capitalwith a corresponding growth of population, and the enlarged conceptionsthat all express of the future possibilities of our city, are immediatelydue to the successful issue of the railway bond election in May last. Inthat contest was fought out a direct issue between this city and Winfield,in which allies were sought in several of the eastern townships. The menrepresenting Winfield, with their accustomed arrogance, assumed to declarewhat railroads should be built in this county, and which communities shouldbe benefited by their operation.

The Sandhillers (or "A. C." men) resented such dictation, andmade appeal to the people of Silver Dale, Spring Creek, and Cedar. The strifebetween the opposing parties was acrimonious and stoutly contested, butthe Sandhillers won and Winfield left the field routed and demoralized.It was recognized, and so grudgingly admitted at the time, that the triumphof this city was largely due to the friendly and efficient aid renderedby the communities amid whom the strife had been waged; and when the ladiesof Arkansas City prepared a feast to celebrate the new friendships formedand to allow of our guests exchanging sentiments with their new allies,it will be remembered what hopeful views were expressed of the future prospectsof the city, and how all declared that the insolent domination of Winfieldwas at an end.

From that pleasant reunion new ambitions rose, real estate grew in demand,building became active, money sought investment here, and the energies ofour people were stimulated. The expenditure of large sums of money in realestate based on the future growth of the city, led to the earnest inquiryon what agencies can the prosperity and development of the city be predicated?Its rich agricultural surroundings would be first suggested, with the energyand intelligence of the people who till the soil. Our unsurpassed waterpower would be next mentioned, affording the prime essential for a diversifiedindustry. Next would be suggested our expanding railroad connections, whichwill give us direct access to the staple products of the south, and afforda market for the surplus food products of this region. Some others countedon river navigation helping us, and the opening of the territory to whitesettlement entered largely into the expectations of others.

These are the considerations upon which real estate values have increased100 percent, and upon which cautious capitalists are willing to risk largesums of money.

And to sustain and approve their judgment, we see the Geuda Springs andCaldwell road extending westward; the Santa Fe building through the territoryto Texas, making this city its point of departure; the State Line road willbe built within the time specified, if not by the Missouri Pacific interest,certainly by the Santa Fe; the Kansas City and Pan Handle enterprise isin such vigorous hands and is receiving such hearty encouragement alongits proposed route that it is certain to become a reality; and last, butnot least, the Kansas and Arkansas Valley route is now in course of construction,which in two years will place us in direct communication with Fort Smith,and the lower railroad points as far south as New Orleans.

And in addition to these general considerations, the supremacy of thiscity over its former rival, Winfield, is established. There cannot be twotrade centers within a dozen miles of each other, having the one regionof country tributary. One will grow and prosper, the other will dwindlein its shade. Winfield had an earlier start than this city; the county seatwas located there, it first gained railroad connection, and was first inestablishing its trade channels. Its advantages over this city were so manifold,that the Sandhillers were constrained to take a back seat, and content themselveswith making the best showing possible. But the arrogance and injustice oftheir trade rival put the A. C. men on their mettle; they hazarded a contestfor superiority with their boastful antagonist, and won so complete a victorythat the pre-eminence is awarded our city by general consent. Hence thenatural advantages we enjoy, the industrial and trade facilities we arecreating, and our deliverance from former domination, have so vividly impressedthe public mindthat we see people flocking in from all directions, and embarkingin business or investing their money in real estate as an evidence of theirfaith in our growth and stability.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.


The Cherokee editors have made repeated complaint of the issue of certificatesof citizenship by the United States agent, which entitle the holders toresidence within the nation. Applications for citizenship are frequent andcontinuous, and the number of whites admitted to residence causes increasinguneasiness. This has been going on for five years under an order authorizingthe agent to examine the claims presented to him, and where he consideredit profitable that they were founded on fact and entitled to credence, thisofficial would issue what is called a prima facie certificate, entitlingthe applicant to reside until the matter was finally disposed of. This order,it is claimed, has been taken advantage of by numerous adventurers, whoknow that with the certificate in their hands, they would live on unmolestedfor years. With the white population increasing in their midst by meansof marriage with an Indian woman and this certified affiliation, the ultimatedivision of the land becomes a question of some moment. The Chieftain,published at Vinita, has two or three times said if the much talkedof allotment in severalty was not soon made, the continuance of this practicea few years longer would leave nothing to allot. But to prevent furtherinjustice and misrepresentation, the interior department has recently issuedan order requiring all applicants for citizenship to remain outside thenation until their status has been determined, and their application definitivelyacted on. This will be very soothing to the Cherokee mind.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Fort Scott has taken out a charter for a $100,000 oil company.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

D. S. Weir, of this place, was appointed a notary public by Gov. Martinlast week.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The real estate business is still active, and during the past week anumber of heavy transfers have been made.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Warren Converse, of Aurora, Illinois, came to the city on Friday; andis stopping at the home of M. S. Hendricks.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Ed. Gray and wife came to town on Saturday, and spent Sunday at the homeof H. P. Farrar.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Saturday was a busy day for our merchants, and the streets were crowdedduring the day.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Isaac Ochs last week traded some farm land to Mr. Parlin for 14 lotsand a brick residence in the fourth ward.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Frank Raymond, from Easton, Indiana, a nephew of John Danks, arrivedin the city on Monday with the intention of making it his future abode.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

We regret to learn that Aaron Hardley is suffering from an attack oftyphoid, but yesterday an improvement in his condition was noted.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Married, on Monday evening, the 23rd inst., at the residence of Rev.Kline, John Woolveridge and Mrs. Melissa Mann, both of this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The Women's Relief Corps of this city spend today in Winfield, the guestsof the sister corps of that city. Several of the G. A. R. veterans accompaniedthem.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Mrs. G. W. Miller returned on Saturday from a visit to Douglass, ButlerCounty, where she has been spending a few weeks with friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

H. C. Nicholson came to town on Monday from the healing springs at Gueda,much improved in health, but still lame with rheumatism.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

School wanted by a competent lady teacher for the year. Address or applyto Geo. L. Sudborough, attorney-at-law, Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

T. W. Williams and wife, of Lebanon, Tennessee, came to town on Saturday,and left for Ponca on Monday, to take charge of the school at that agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The Maine Cattle Co., on Monday, brought up 185 prime steers to the stateline, with the intention of shipping them east to market if not disposedof to a local buyer.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Miss Lou Lockley, after spending the summer vacation with her parentsin this city, yesterday returned to Butte, Montana, where she has been re-engagedto teach school.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

T. R. Satterthwaite, formerly clerk of the Ponca agency, but now in mercantilebusiness at Girard, Kansas, spent a few days in town last week greetinghis many friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

At a meeting of the city council on Wednesday evening, the 18th inst.,the contract to build the city hall was awarded to Uhl & Giele, of Winfield,for $6,836, they being the lowest bidders.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Geo. A. Sutton and wife, of Maple City, were in town yesterday. He reportsthe corn crop in Spring Creek made, and the yield will be about half theaverage amount.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

You need not go to Winfield or Wichita for a fashionable suit. Call onJohn Monsey, merchant tailor, who carries a full line of foreign and domesticgoods. All work guaranteed. Room No. 3, Commercial block.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Prof. Buel T. Davis, late editor of the Winfield Tribune, hasaccepted the principleship of the Chetopa schools, which position he hasoccupied before. He has the reputation of being one of the best educatorsin the state.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

W. A. Ritchie, the architect, left here for the east early in July, onbusiness connected with the government building in Wichita, but he was takensick while away, and has been resting with friends in Lima, Ohio. He isnow convalescent and is expected back this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The survey of the State Line railroad leaves the Santa Fe road near theroller mills at this place, following the Walnut River to its mouth; thencedown the Arkansas to a point on Probasco's farm, where it crosses Grousenear Coburn's schoolhouse; thence up Otter Creek to Maple City.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Dr. J. A. Mitchell will deliver the sixth lecture in the Y. M. C. A.Home Lecture Course, Friday evening, August 27. Subject: "The HumorousMan." It deals with the philosophy of humor, and will no doubt be veryentertaining and instructive. Come and enjoy the lecture and the music free.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Prof. Weir returned on Friday from his summer vacation in Bloomington,Indiana, his family remaining behind to spend another month with their relatives.The professor says the crops in Indiana are unusually abundant, sufficientrain having fallen through the season to keep everything growing.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The Republican Central Committee of Cowley County met in Winfield onFriday, the 20th, and the date of the convention was set for Saturday, Oct.2nd. The primaries were recommended for the Thursday preceding. A recommendationwas also made that the townships at the primaries elect members of the centralcommittee.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Capt. Price, whose troop of the 5th cavalry is still stationed at Chilocco,says he is no longer troubled with boomers, as all the sensible ones havegone to work. Anderson is busy on a railroad contract, and Capt. Couch hasthe same employment in view. All the cattle companies have expressed theirwillingness to abide by the president's proclamation. So all is quiet onthe Potomac.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The Caldwell Times report a compromise effected between the GeudaSprings & Western Railroad Co., and the people of Bluff Township, inwhich the parties mutually agree on $15,000 bonds. This removes an impedimentto the extension of the road westward, and we hope no further difficultywill arise to retard its progress.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The Kennard & Sons Carpet Comp., of St. Louis, announce in our advertisingcolumns their handy and economical way of furnishing country merchants afull line of samples, thus obviating the necessity of carrying a heavy stock.[SKIPPED AD WHICH STARTED OUT: "TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS WHO DESIRE TOSELL CARPETS! J. KENNARD & SONS CARPET CO., OF ST. LOUIS, MO., Appreciatingthe difficulty experienced by Merchants in smaller towns of keeping in stocka variety of Patterns of CARPETS, on account of the large amount of moneyinvested in doing the same, have established a WHOLESALE SAMPLE DEPARTMENT,From which to supply the demand. . . ."]

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Among the other advantages enjoyed by our citizens in consequence oftheir advancement in population and opulence is the increase of lawyersin our midst. Latigious persons can now indulge in the luxury of law, andregulate their outlay by the eminence and attainment of the counsel theyemploy.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

A bid has been before the city council for some weeks past, to paintthe west bridge over the Arkansas City, and at the adjourned meeting ofthat body last Wednesday, it was again read by the clerk. Councilman Thompsonremarked there would be a difficulty in getting the bridge to stand up longenough to be painted, which bon mot produced a laugh and the bidwas allowed to lie on the table.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

W. D. Johnson, from this city, sent to Winfield for trial on the chargeof violating the prohibition law, was acquitted by the jury because evidencecould not be adduced to prove that the liquor he sold was intoxicating.The vile decoction sold at these joints, and called "extract of malt,"is an unsavory beverage, and we cannot hear of the most inveterate bibulisttaking more than one glass of it at a sitting. If men must tickle theirpalates with the flavor of malt, this drink is certainly innocuous, andthey can delude their senses with the belief they are drinking beer, whenin truth they are taking down the poorest quality of swipes.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

CALDWELL JOURNAL: A war dance was held on the open ground southof the opera house Monday evening, in which 15 or 20 of our citizens, assistedby fifty Cheyenne Indians, joined. Over 300 of our town people were interestedspectators of the novel dance. Every- thing passed off pleasantly and theIndians were well pleased with their treatment. They are here for fifty-fivewagon loads of flour and coffee.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

WICHITA EAGLE: It may be that we are more than ordinarily obtuse,but the Winfield Courier's list of "land slides" breaksus all up, or at least some initials connected therewith have that tendency.About every other description terminates with the capital letters "A.C." The other descriptions have no initials of any character. A gentlemanhanded us a copy of that paper yesterday and asked for an interpretation.We hope the Courier will enlighten this section.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

WINFIELD VISITOR: The Central Hotel is no more. Mr. McKibben willgo into the real estate business at Arkansas City, having made arrangementsto that end. He will probably open a boarding house also, having furnituresuitable for such an establishment.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

DEXTER EYE: This part of Cowley is surely blessed with a goodcorn crop this year, and many of our farmers will rake in some of the ducatsthey have been paying out for the last year or two.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

CEDAR VALE STAR: Those who have traveled over the river road fromElgin to Cedar Vale will remember near Hart's mills a large fragment ofrock that stood almost directly in the road. It was found to be directlyon the line of the Santa Fe railroad, and the graders have removed it. Asingle keg of powder, distributed in a number of charges, did the work.The rock measured 495 cubic yards of stone, and was quite a natural curiosity.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

SOUTH HAVEN NEW ERA: The Associated Press reporter at Winfieldis not a very reliable man. Last Saturday he sent out a telegram (whichwe clipped and had printed on the eighth page before the truth was known)saying the bond propositions for aid to the Pan Handle railroad throughCowley County were overwhelmingly defeated. Later reports show that thebonds were carried in two townships, defeated in two, and withdrawn in one,and that new propositions are to be submitted.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

WELLINGTON MONITOR: The War Chief at Caldwell has suspendedpublication on account of insufficient support. The publishers, Messrs Smith& Son, announce that they hope to resume at some future time. The Chief,with its long articles on Oklahoma and the robber cattle barons of theTerritory, may be missed in boomer circles, but hardly by the general public.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Assault With a Deadly Weapon.

A case came up before Justice Lindsay on Monday, which was listened towith considerable interest. J. P. Gilbraith, a railroad man, was the partyin troublethe charge against him being assault with a deadly weapon. Thetestimony on the part of the prosecution showed that on the Tuesday precedinghe took a team to Hilliard & Keeler's barn, and wanted to borrow $32,leaving the animals as security. Mr. Hilliard, not caring to make the loan,he was referred to Capt. Thompson, who advanced the money, taking Gilbraith'snote for the amount. Gilbraith went off and was not seen until Saturday,when he entered the barn and demanded the team. Mr. Keeler, being present,presented the note Gilbraith had made to Capt. Thompson, left there forcollection, and also demanded his livery bill, $1.60. The man objected tothe charge, and, becoming boisterous, declared his intention of taking theteam, and started for the stall to carry his threat into execution. Expectingtrouble, Mr. Keeler mounted a horse, hitched by the office, to go in questof a constable, and on his return met the man on the street and the teamstill in the stable. All being quiet, Mr. Keeler proceeded home to dinner,first instructing the stableman left in charge (Chas. Consilyea) to collectthe note and livery bill before he gave up the team. Consilyea in turn resignedhis charge to the foreman, Ernest Elderting, repeating to him the instructionshe had received.

Pretty soon Gilbraith entered and asked the charge for keeping his team.The price was told him, to which he again demurred, tendering seventy-fivecents in payment. It seems Elderting was under the impression the note waspaid, as the dispute was over the trifling feed bill. His demand for theteam being refused until the bill was paid, he drew a revolver on the stablekeeper and declared, with an oath, he would take the animals. Eldertinghastened to close the barn doors to prevent his egress, but while thus employedGilbraith hastened to the stall, and unhitching his team, led it out theback way.

Nothing more was seen of him until Monday, when he presented himselfat the barn to pay his note. He was then taken in by Constable Breene, andthe above facts being established in the justice's court, he was fined $10and costs for assault, and in the police court he paid an additional fineof $5 for carrying a concealed weapon.

[Note: Name appeared as "Gilbraith" until the very last time.Then it was spelled "Gilbreath."]


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The Private Secretary.

Frank J. Hess has an engagement with the Union Square Company to presenttheir popular comedy, "The Private Secretary," in this city thelast week in September. . . . [Mentions Clarence E. Holt, W. S. Richardson,Harry Arnold, Miss Alice Clark as part of cast.]


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Ira Barnett last week purchased 256 steers of C. W. Burt for $27 a head.He shipped them to St. Louis, but finding the market not favorable there,sold one car lot of his lightest animals and sent the rest on to Chicago.In that market they sold for $3.55 {? NOT SURE OF AMOUNT] and the averageweight was 941 lbs. It was feared that the adventurous dealer would comeout a loser on his adventure, but his profits count up to about $400.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

A calf being carried to the shambles in one of Henry Bowe & Co.'smeat wagons, made a desperate leap for liberty; but the rope around hisneck caused him to fall short, and a hind leg, getting mixed up with thespokes of the wheel, the fugitive bovine got into bad plight. A sharp knifeapplied to his jugular relieved the animal of all suffering.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

DIED. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Pickard died in the Fourth wardyesterday, of spasms.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Business Mention.

Baird & De Turk, in Deming's former grocery store, are drawing anice business together, and are winning public favors.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

P. L. Snyder & Co., report a good business in their new coal yard.Both of the young men owning the business are popular, and there is no barto their success.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The Debt of Gratitude We Owe to Two Fellow Citizens.

The old Latin adage is, "the prize to him who has won it."[COULD NOT MAKE OUT THE LATIN WORDS...VERY HARD TO READ]

In felicitating our citizens on the successful result of the late townshipelections to vote bonds to the Pan Handle road, let it be remembered thatthe merit of the victory is mainly due to Frank P. Schiffbauer, our popularand progressive mayor, and our efficient ex- commissioner, Amos Walton.These gentlemen show a special fitness for this kind of missionary work,in holding the religious belief that the locomotive is the true pioneerof civilization, and in their readiness to seize the salient points of anaudience. On the platform, Frank Schiffbauer is an effective public speaker.His personal magnetism wins the confidence of an audience, and his candorand unreserve go home to their bosoms. He makes no pretensions to oratory,is not always grammatical, and presents some verbal combinations that wouldsend a cold shiver through the frame of a rhetorician. Yet he has a happyselection of words; is always clear and forcible; can enforce his argumentwith happy illustration, and shrivel up the sophistry of an opponent withunsparing ridicule. His power of grouping facts and figures is remarkable,his mental armory having every weapon in place, and its equipment complete.With this intellectual endowment he combines enterprise, enthusiasm, andaudacity. In a stormy debate he keeps his head cool, is quick to perceivethe weak place in an antagonist, and is most at his ease when most vigorouslycontested. In a railroad bond campaign, in a water supply enterprise forthe city, in any project for local advancement, his judgment is uniformlygood, and his pertinacity may be trusted to override all obstacles.

Amos Walton is a valuable coadjutor. He is one of the early settlers,has a property interest in the county, is thoroughly acquainted with itswants, and is always forward in every useful public movement. As a speakerhe is not engaging. His movements are constrained and awkward, his voicenot modulated, and he is just as apt to turn his back as his face to theaudience. But he always commands attention. He is known to be astute andlong-headed, his understanding of his subject is always thorough; and wheneverhe presents a matter, it is always illustrated with new and striking ideas.It takes him some little time to warm to his work, but he holds the attentionof his hearers as he goes along, and his argument, though given withoutelocutionary force, has due weight on the reasoning faculties, and neverfails of effect.

These two men, as doughty paladins, espoused the cause of the KansasCity and Pan Handle bonds, and although they were met at every town by themost effective speakers from Winfield, and had the false statements of thepress of that city to embarrass them, presented their claims with such prevalenceand effect that they signally triumphed in their undertaking. In two townshipsthe bonds were voted; in two others, although unsuccessful at the polls,subsequent guaranties were given of a right of way and satisfactory financialaid; and in case of Pleasant Valley remaining obdurate, the offer is madeby Silver Dale to furnish the aid asked in order that the building of theroad may be secured. Honor to whom honor is due, and when the people ofArkansas City figure up the advantages they have derived from the railroadenterprises that are wending their way hitherward, it will be only justthat they accord a large share of credit to the mayor of their city andtheir ex-county commissioner for the valuable and efficient service theyhave rendered in bringing about this consummation.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The Critic Criticized.

ED. TRAVELER: We state our cause of offense to you because quite a numberof citizens desire that it should receive public reprobation. The Republicanof last Friday, in a hyper-critical mood, fell foul of the revolvingadvertising case on display in front of the First National Bank. All concedethat it is a tasteful and elegant piece of mechanism, of a character toengage the attention of every passer-by, and the advertisers (which includenearly all of our prominent businessmen) express themselves entirely satisfiedwith the work. But the Republican scents "an advertising dodgeand fraud" in the device, and, with paternal care for the interestof others, "hates to see our businessmen taken in this way." "Theyshould get value received for their money," it asserts. On lookingthrough the article for evidence of fraud, we can find nothing adduced excepta few inaccuracies of spelling on the part of the painter: "Builder"is spelt "buider," and "chosing" is short a vowel. Fivetrivial errors in all are pointed out, which you can understand are annoyingto us, but they in no way detract from the artistic merit of the performance.Our fellow townsman, Thomas E. Braggins, is the culprit, and if deficienteducation in an ingenious and skillful workman constitutes "fraud,"it is to be feared that many of our most competent mechanics fall underthe condemnation.

Such severity of criticism would suggest that the Republican isfree from blame. But the readers of that sheet know that errors in its columnsare manifold, its proof reading being the most slouchy and blundering ofany paper in the state. On the page where this illiberal article appears,we have marked upwards of thirty instances of wrong spelling, on a cursoryreading, and can point to copies of the Republican where the typeappear to have been stuck up at haphazard, the combinations they presentbeing so entirely unlike anything known in the English language.

Jealousy prompted this petty exhibition of illiberality, although thewriter disclaims it. The enterprise is our own, and the work was done byhome talent. The Republican editor, therefore, cannot justify hismalignancy by pleading that the money on this work was sent away. Thosewho live in glass houses should not throw stones, and the abode of our captiouscritic being so extremely frangible, his resort to missiles betrays hisentire lack of discretion.


Arkansas City, August 21st.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

The Unpardonable Sin.

One of our most prominent citizens, meeting this writer on the street,said, "I see you are giving H. T. Albert, of Harvey Township, a goodsend-off for probate judge. It would be well for you to let that man severelyalone. During the bond election two weeks ago, he worked all day againstthe Pan Handle proposition, and not from honest conviction, either, butfor what money there was in it. It was openly charged by his neighbors,while he was making himself the busiest, that he received $10 for his day'swork. Is that the kind of man you want for a county officer?"

If this statement is true, and we publish it that Mr. Albert or his friendsmay have an opportunity of contradicting it, if it does him injustice, hehas forfeited all chances of his reaching the goal of his ambition, andhe may as well cease his labors at once. He betrays utter disqualificationfor the position he seeks in his entire lack of judgment, and his totaldisregard of fairness and decency. Can he not profit by the experience ofothers? Three or four men now holding county office have given mortal offenseto the people of this city by taking active part in sectional fights, andworking zealously against a portion of the county. The reproof administeredto them for the misconduct has been general and unsparing, and notice hasbeen served upon them that their public services will not again be required.

"Cassio, I love thee,

"But never more be officer of mine."

Candidates for county office will visit the TRAVELER office to ask supportto their claims. Of course, we wish well to every fit and deserving manwho expresses his desire to serve his fellow citizens, but we never failto admonish these gentlemen that while seeking office or while in the performanceof public duty, they must regard themselves as belonging to the county,and must sedulously eschew all entangling alliances. This city, by its voicein the convention and its strength at the polls, is now able to take carefor its own interests, and it should as well to every candidate seekingcounty office, to understand that to take part in any local contest is fatalto his prospects and destructive to his usefulness. It is now in order forMr. H. T. Albert to give an account of himself.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

How He Played Out in This City, and Tried His Game in South Haven.

The South Haven New Era, a few weeks ago, made the following announcement.

"Mr. Landes, of the Arkansas City Roller Mills, was here the forepart of the week, establishing an agency for his flour and arranging tobuy wheat for his mills. Mr. J. B. Walker will buy wheat for him."This seemed a nice thing for Johnnie. He had gone to that thrifty burg,played out and penniless, where he rented a vacant room and blossomed outas a real estate agent. In this city it was said by the few persons whoknow of the appointment that Mr. Landes had got hold of the wrong man, whichfact would soon be impressed on his mind, as no one ever had dealings withthis very plausible gentleman without being outwitted by him.

C. M. Scott laughingly tells of one of Mr. J. B. Walker's operations.A few years ago he came back to the city from a visit to his parents, whoare said to be high toned and well-to- do. He was busted, as usual, andappealed to Mr. Scott to befriend him. His suggestion was that the lattersupply him with a stock of cord wood from his sheep ranch on the Grouse,deliver it in town, in some wood yard that he would procure, and as thewood was sold, he would pay over the cost price. The proposition struckMr. Scott favorably, and he furnished his impecunious petitioner with 100cords, for the cutting and hauling of which he paid out $250. When he cameto town, at brief intervals, he would call at Mr. Walker's wood yard, wherehe would find a few cords sold; but his beneficiary was never ready to pay,assigning as a reason he had not collected on his sales. Finally somethingengaged Mr. Scott's attention for several weekssheep shearing it might be,or a trip to Texas to buy poniesand when he next visited the wood yard,he found sixty cords of his wood gone, and Mr. Walker still unable to payover a cent. He then fully comprehended the character of the man he wasdealing with, removed what wood there was left on hand, and figured up thecost of his experience at $150.

Mr. Walker was taken into the employ of the TRAVELER a few months ago,on a solemn promise to reform his evil ways, behave sober and uprightly,and turn over every dollar he received. Johnnie has the character of beinga rustler, and this editor was told by a number of old citizens who knewthe man well, that if we could keep him from stealing and getting drunk,he had the skill to rake in business. But we found, after a very brief acquaintance,that this faculty had deserted him. A man who loses self-respect, who indulgesthe basest appetities, and lives a life of fraud and deception, cannot retainusefulness. His bad habits pervade and saturate his moral system, and heis only fit for the state to take care of.

Mr. Walker left the city when he found his dishonest practices were discovered,and a notice was published in the TRAVELER to caution the public againstpaying him money. Hearing of his removal to South Haven, we notified himthat unless an accounting was made without delay, he might look for arrestto answer to the charge of embezzlement. This seems to have caused somealarm in his breast, as the following letter was sent in quick response.

SOUTH HAVEN, KANSAS, July 23, 1886.

Mr. Lockley, Arkansas City, Kas:

DEAR SIR: Yours received. As I have not one dollar in the world on hand,I can't go to see you until I can earn some. I have some business that willbring me something when finished, and when I get it will go to see you.I can't find any memorandum book as yet, but will hand it up; it may bein Arkansas City yet, as I have some old papers there. The reason I didnot go and see you was on account of that notice you published. It mademe feel so bad that I just wanted to go away, and my poor wife sufferedterribly over it. I knew it would never do for me to try to do anythingin Arkansas City again. I felt bad enough to almost resort to desperation,and do yet. If times are good, I can do pretty well here and get even withthe world again and make a new start; and I hope that no misfortune willovertake me now as it would nearly kill my wife, who feels bad enough, anyhow.I am trying to do what is right, and to become a sober, temperate, reliableman.

If you can give me a short time till I can do something (business isdull now), I will try and see you as soon as possible. Such a thing as youpropose would do great harm to me, my family, and my old mother. Will getthe memorandum book as soon as I can find it, and make the account up andsend it to you. * * * Please write me by return mail. We get only one mailby railroad each day, and the mails close outward before the mail arrives.

Respectfully, J. B. WALKER.

His tender consideration for his wife and mother is very touching, butwhen the writer's heartlessness is known, and his utter disregard for theirhappiness, his sheltering behind these innocent women is the resort of acraven.

On Saturday we heard that he had been removed from his purchasing agencyfor the Arkansas City Roller Mills Co., and meeting Mr. Landes on the street,we inquired whether his company had been added to the list of this deftoperator's victims. He laughed at the idea. "I knew my man too well,"he said, "to give him any show to rob me."

"Then why his dismissal?"

"Well, complaints were continually coming to us of his being drunkon the streets, and it also came to my knowledge that he had been tryinga gouge game on the bank; so on his general misbehavior, I thought it wastime to get rid of him."

"He has not succeeded in fleecing you, then?"

"No. Mr. Hill has for some time felt an interest in the young man,and been desirous of befriending him. When he recommended the appointmentof Johnnie as purchasing agent at South Haven, he thought he had securedthe services of an energetic, enterprising man, and he instructed me toplace $2,000 to his credit. Mr. Hill is not very often caught napping; butwhen he places confidence in a man, he is willing to give full play to hisenergies. I gave Johnnie credit at the South Haven bank, but instructedthe cashier, Capt. Hunt, not to cash any of his checks unless accompaniedby a weigh bill properly signed as a voucher. This went well enough forawhile, then he began to try his tricks. He sent a check to the bank forthirty odd dollars without a weigh bill, which Capt. Hunt refused to cash.Then he sent in another check for a smaller amount, also without a voucher,and this was refused. This being reported to me, I stopped his game by dismissal,and I am not aware that the company is out a cent by his operations."

The English have a saying, "What is bred in the bone won't comeout of the flesh!," and we fear that dishonesty and general worthlessnessare so inbred with our South Haven real estate operator that his flesh willnever be purged of the moral infection.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Vinita, Indian Territory, Fair Association.

We have received with the compliments of C. S. Shelton, secretary, aninvitation to attend the Fifth Annual Exposition of the Vinita Fair Association,which occurs October 13, 14, and 15, together with a copy of the premiumlist. Vinita, situated at the crossing of the St. Louis and San Franciscoand Missouri Pacific railways, in the Cherokee nation, is the largest townin the Indian Territory. This fair association since its organization hasmet with marked success and its annual expositions are looked foreward toas the gala occasion of the year throughout that section. The competitionfor premiums is spirited in all classes while in the speed ring the interestis intense. A copy of the premium list, in published form, will be mailedto any address on application to the secretary, at Vinita.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Notice to Builders.

Sealed bids will be received by H. O. Meigs for the erection of a brickor stone building on I. H. Bonsall's lot. Said bids may be made on the entirebuilding or on different parts of said building; said work to be done accordingto plans and specifications on file in the office of W. A. Ritchie &Co., Commercial building. The right to accept any bid or reject all bidsis hereby reserved. Time required to finish said building must be specifiedin said bids. All bids will be opened on the 1st of September, 1886. Bondsfor the fulfillment of said contract will be required. I. H. BONSALL.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Too Thin, Henry.

It was told during the canvass for the Pan Handle bonds, that Henry Asphad visited Mr. Reece and offered him $4,000 a mile to have the road constructedto Winfield. This was allowed to pass unchallenged till the day before theelection, when Mr. Asp published a denial of the statement in the Courier,knowing there was not time to get a reply in print in time to be ofservice. How this estate lawyer's strategy affected the popular mind, isshown in the following commentary, taken from the Burden Enterprise.

"Oh! Ha!! What a plausible story of Mr. Asp's, in regard to hisnot having any conversation with Mr. Reece. This is about as thin a thingas we have heard come from a man that pretended to come within a mile oftelling the truth. Give us something a little more plausible next time,Henry."


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

MUSICAL INSTITUTE. Prof. F. J. Moore, of Wichita, Kansas, will conducta musical institute in this city, commencing August 30th, and closing witha CONCERT, September 10th, 1886.


[Y. M. C. A.]

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

Lessons will be given in the Y. M. C. A. room as follows:

Elementary class, 4:30 p.m.

Voice Culture and Church Music, 7 p.m.


For Circulars and other information, call on L. F. ABERNETHY.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.

WRIGHT & STANFORD, have now on hand the nicest line of BED-ROOM SETS,ever brought to Arkansas City, and at prices to suit everybody. Also a finedisplay of PARLOR FURNITURE, Easy Chairs, Lounges, Book Cases, etc.; infact anything you want in the way of Furniture. Also keep all kinds of COFFINSAND BURIAL CASES, IN WOOD, CLOTH, OR METALLIC. Parties wanting the serviceof an undertaker during the night or Sundays will please call at eitherof the undersigned.

Benedict Block, Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.




Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.


Some pleasant magazine writer describes the absorbing effect of a prevailinginterest on the minds and manners of a community. In an extended trip byrailroad, the traveler comes to an oil region, for instance, and the trainstops at a station. The olfactores are assailed with the pungent odor ofthe oleum; pumps and pipes and well gear are everywhere in sight; oil trainscumber the side tracks, and the passengers who come aboard are deep in thediscussion of the flow of such a well, and depressed quotations in the lastmarket report. Next he arrives at a lake port where ships' stores are astaple, nd the streets are crowded with heavy loaded drays, all wendingto the wharf. The smell of tar pervades the entire lake front, and sailorsand sailors' boarding houses give character to the scene.

So he describes the arrival at an iron district, a coal mining station,and a grain emporium. At each place the whole population is absorbed inthe interest by which they live and thrive, and no other matter seems toenter their thoughts.

We can imagine this same traveler arrived at Arkanss City, and mixingwith his fellow man during a brief sojourn in our midst. Being away frommines, manufactories, and fisheries, and surrounded by a rich agriculturalcountry, he would naturally expect to hear the condition of the crops discussed,the probable price of corn this fall, and the exhibits to be entered atthe approaching fair. But instead of farming engaging the attention of thepeople here, he hears real estate talked on all sides.

City lots which six months ago were rated at $50 are now selling rapidlyat ten times that amount; investors are eager to pay $2,000 or $3,000 fora piece of property, which in the spring would have sold for as many hundred.Farm property surrounding the city has also caught the inflation, and handsomefortunes are paid for 160 acres, which tracts, when subdivided, are againsold at a liberal profit.

We can understand that such a rapid advance in real estate values muststrike a stranger as remarkable, and lead him to suppose that the peoplewho are dealing most extensively in this property have parted with theirjudgment. But the wisest heads, who exercise discourse of reason, lookingbefore and after, point out adequate cause for the enhanced prices thatprevail. Some real estate experts in our midst express their belief thatthis upward movement will last another year. Then they appear to think thelimit will be reached, and whether a reaction will set in, or this standardof values will be maintained, will depend largely upon circ*mstances.

Value is an uncertain quantity, annd much scientific ingenuity has beenexpended upon its definition. A thing is worth what it will bring in themarket; but no man can tell how the market is going to rule the next year,or the next day, even. In the case under consideration, the substitutionof one standard of values for one much higher was perfectly natural, andthe suddenness with which it was done in no way affected its soundness orits permanency. Arkansas City has grown in the course of a dozen years froma remote settlement of a few hundred inhabitants to a thriving city of 5,000people. Its situation as a business centre was known to be favorable, andas population continued to flow into Kansas in a steady, increasing streamoccupying the waste places and developing its vast resources, it was expectedthat Arkansas City would keep pace with the growth of its surroundings anddouble or quadruple its numbers as the field of enterprise and industryextended.

But the successful issue of the bond election last spring acted on theenergies of our people like a new revelation. Their first perception wasthat this city is bound to take precedence of its former rival, Winfield.It has an exhaustless water power, destined to become the motor to a diversifiedmanufacturing industry; in the territory, within handy water carriage, thereis a deposit of coal to supply all the workshops that can be erected withinits limits; and at no distant date the Cherokee strip and Oklahoma willbe opened to white settlement, which inviting region will attract millionsof settlers, a large proportion of whom will look to this city as theirsupply point. Railroads, too, are coming here from all points, extendingour facilities of traffic, and opening up a field of operations which willreach from New Orleans to the Galveston bay.

This situation can be illustrated by a parallel case. Suppose a minerallode discovered in some barren region, found rich in silver and holdinga defined course for miles along the ledge. Intense excitement would beawakened, thousands of adventurers would rush in, capital would be appliedto the production of the hidden treasure; shafts would be sunk, tunnelsrun, mills and smelters and hoisting works erected as fast as the machinerycould be procured. Here is a barren, worthless region suddenly transformedinto a hive of industry; what was before a waste is now turning out a steadyflow of treasure, and land which was before worthless is now doled out ata heavy charge by the square foot.

The vision before our people's minds is a thrifty commercial and industrialcity of 30,000 or 40,000 inhabitants, a railroad center with work shopsand other division buildings, and a river navigation employing a large lineof boats. This vision they feel so confident of seeing speedily realizedthat they have their estimate of value on what is shortly to be, and showtheir faith by putting their money into property at rates commensurate withtheir expectations. The only risk they run is in carrying this businesstoo far and getting prices so high that they cannot be maintained.

To secure the growth of the city, the price of residence and businesslots must be maintained at living rates; fancy prices will drive away capitaland disappoint all expectations. It must also be remembered that speculatingin real estate produces no value, and the more assiduously this suit isprosecuted, the greater a burden the community will have to carry. Markingup prices is pleasant while they can be maintained; but when the limit isreached, it is a good time to stop.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.

We mentioned a week or two ago that work on the Southern Kansas railway,in the territory, had been suspended, awaiting the action of Secretary Lamaron the deflection of the route surveyed east into Oklahoma. A week or soago, the secretary rendered his decision, approving the route selected,representatives of the company having shown that the route laid out in thepreliminary survey was costly and difficult of construction. This throwsthe line within the Oklahoma country and traverses its full length fromnorth to south, running about forty miles of the route first surveyed.

The Boston Transcript, commenting on this subject, says: "Thiswill inevitably open up the long coveted Oklahoma land to settlement bywhites. It is also thought by some that the discretion exercised by thesecretary in this instance lays the foundation for granting right of waysthrough Indian land by executive action."

Here is another big thing for Arkansas City. It never rains but it pours.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.


Last week, on the authority of one our most prominent citizens, we publisheda statement that Mr. H. T. Albert, whose name appears elsewhere in our columnsas an aspirant for the probate judgeship, had given unpardonable offenseby taking an active fight against the Pan Handle bonds during the day ofelection. In giving publicity to this charge, we commented on the falsityof persons who seek public office mixing themselves up with sectional strifesand giving mortal offense to a large portion of the people whose friendshipand assistance they need. In today's issue we publish Prof. Albert's emphaticdenial of the charge, and a vindication of the gentleman from fully twodozen of his neighbors. The letter we publish was accompanied by another,signed by Messrs. Barker and Hickman, in which they say: "We couldget 150 of the 175 voters of Harvey to sign the within vindification, ifnecessary; but it is not. We are truly sorry any such article against thisworthy man should have appeared in your columns, because it is utterly false."

We gave our authority for the statement, but did not condemn until theother side was heard, knowing Mr. Albert to be a man highly respected byhis neighbors and contending against adversity with true heroism. Physicallyhe is sorely afflicted, but he is endowed with sound judgment, has ripeexperience, and is stirred with an honorable ambition to make proper provisionfor his family. It is no injustice to our two other friends, Capt. Tanseyand Mr. P. B. Lee, who are also aspirants for the same place, to say wewish success to Mr. Albert, because we are moved with the most kindly feelingto all three, and are only desirous to say nothing (unjustly) to the disparagementof any, that the choice may be left, without bias or prepossession, to thewisdom of the convention. When that body shall have indicated its choice,the TRAVELER will do its best to insure the success of the candidate.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

And His Neighbors Declare He Did Not Fight the Pan Handle Bonds.

MR. EDITOR: I did not intend replying to any article that might appearagainst me in the canvass for probate judge, but the article headed "TheUnpardonable Sin," demands that I should state the facts in the caseand leave my destiny in the hands of the good people of Cowley County. Ihave tried to keep aloof from all railroad fights. I have never, in wordor deed, shown a preference for any of the propositions; I am a citizenof Cowley County, and her interests belong to all alike. I did not voteagainst the Pan Handle bonds; I did nothing to defeat them; I did not receiveany money, large or small, either in favor of or against said bonds; andthe good people of Harvey Township, who know me and who have no politicalaspiration to be gratified in the near future, will substantiate the abovestatements. H. T. ALBERT.


We, the undersigned, neighbors of H. T. Albert, of Harvey, who is a candidatefor the nomination to the probate judgeship, who was assailed in last week'sTRAVELER, rise in protest.

Mr. Albert was not at the polls all day but during a portion of the morningonly; he did not work against the bonds, and he did vote for them. His friendsworked and voted for the bonds, feeling it was policy for them to do so.

Mr. Reece or Col. Burch, who by the way, took dinner with him on thatday, will substantiate the above if called upon.

There are none of Mr. Albert's neighbors who will say he received moneyto vote against the bonds, not one who will say he worked against them,and the prominent citizen of A. C. who informed the writer of last week'snotice, did so upon hearsay evidence only, and you all know how treacherousthat is, especially in political times.

Many a man's character has been blackened beyond redemption by the slursof a scandal monger, or the machinations of a political shyster, of whichlatter, we have a good specimen in our own township.

We know Mr. Albert to be a man of sterling worth, one who would not andwho did not dabble in the late railroad bond election, when he saw thosestanding around ready to push him at his first misstep, to his undoing.

We sincerely hope and feel assured that Mr. Albert's old friends willrally to his support, and let this contemptible lie die the death it deserves,with no one to weep over its grave, save its originator, an office-seeking,would-be political demagogue of our own township.

No worthier man has ever appeared before the good people of Cowley Countyfor nomination, and the last man in the world to sell his honest convictionsfor money, great or small, is H. T. Albert.

[Signatures of Harvey Township supporters of H. T. Albert.]

Robert Barker

A. W. McCan

Jacob A. Moser

W. H. Hill

G. W. Savage

J. F. Savage

Jack Reddick

S. Neer

J. Neer

G. Wilkins

F. Stall

T. J. Hickman

D. A. Cunningham

F. M. McHill

J. C. Herr

J. M. Riveors

G. W. Thorp

P. Loy

L. Smith

J. K. Herr

John Parker

D. C. Herr


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.

A company of French soldiers and sailors passed through Topeka on Wednesday,on their way to France from Tonquin.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.

CALDWELL JOURNAL: The city council of Harper "hid out"one day last week and signed up and sold to H. C. Munger, $30,000 in citybonds lately voted in that city. They had been enjoined once and to avoida second cut off of supplies, hid out until the job was done.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.

CEDARVALE STAR: The corn crop has matured, and for better or worse,will be unaffected by the weather in the future. It is difficult to estimatethe yield. Some of the fields on the bottom are as good as could be desired,and others, on the upland, are a failure, or nearly so. In other cases,the upland corn is to all appearance as good as any. Our opinion is thatthe crop will fail but little short of the average for the last five years.Great quantities are being cut up, the price paid being six cents per shockof fourteen hills square.

Willie Sells, the boy murderer, was taken to the penitentiary on Thursdaylast.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.

DODGE CITY DISPATCH: This morning a fire broke out in one of thewooden structures situated in the Dodge house block, which soon spread tothe adjoining buildings, and wiped out half a dozen landmarks, situatedbetween the bank of Dodge City and Hoover's brick, occupied by Geo. S. Emerson,grocer. Both the bank building and Hoover's brick were on fire, but throughthe heroic efforts of our citizens, both were saved. The buildings burnedwere Sturtevant's drug store; H. J. Dunlap, jewelry; Hart & Haynes,saloon; Tilgman & Co., lost the most of their stock. The balance ofthe occupants moved a goodly portion of their goods. The loss is estimatedat $20,000, partially covered by insurance.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.

WICHITA BEACON: The city council should pass an ordinance at theirnext meeting relative to the punishment for cruelty to animals. Lately ourcity has been disgraced by several incidents of extreme and brutal treatmentof horses. The perpetrators have escaped well merited punishment simplybecause there was no city ordinance regarding it; and when arrested andbrought before the city judge, he was compelled to dismiss the case.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.

DEXTER EYE: The wall of the new school building in Dexter gaveway recently, and it is now discovered that the foundation was not broadenough to support the superstructure. The wall fell in while the buildingwas untenanted; otherwise, there might have been a fearful loss of lifeto report.

The South Haven Township injunction suit restraining the proper officersfrom issuing the bonds voted to the Border road has been compromised. Thecompany have built a spur to Hunnewell, and paid the costs and attorney'sfees, and the suit has been dismissed.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1886.

WELLINGTON PRESS: A new town has been started out on the SantaFe railroad called Ingalls, and it is to be the county seat of a proposednew county to be called Plumb. The names are expected to boom things outthere.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

J. M. Roney, a druggist of Geuda Springs, was taken to Wellington lastweek to stand trial on the charge of violating the prohibitory law, butthe county failed to establish proof of guilt and Mr. Roney was acquittted.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Agent Osborne, of Ponca, and wife, were in town on Monday, to see thelady's sister off to her home in Tennessee, after a five months' sojournamong the aborigines.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

At the meeting of the school board, on Monday next, furniture for thenew schoolhouse will be purchased, and what grades shall be taught theredetermined on. It is expected the building will be ready for occupancy byOct. 10th.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

MARRIED. Now our rubicund friend, E. Baldwin, has shuffled off the stateof single blessedness. In Winfield, on Sunday, at the hands of Elder Rider,he took unto himself a wife, and is now the happiest man in Arkansas City.Mrs. M. E. Hastings is the lady, cousin to Mrs. Netherland, and the pairhave taken up their abode in the First ward.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Oscar Titus, in J. O. Johnson & Co.'s store, has a pair of owls takenfrom a sandbank in Geuda Springs, which are a curiosity. Owls are proverbialfor their wise looks, but the countenances of these animals broaden intothe serio-comic. They are monkey-faced, and endowed with immense capacityof lungs, and blow off at frequent intervals like the exhaust pipe of asteam engine. Oscar is quite proud of his pets.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

From G. C. Hitchco*ck, instructor in shoemaking in the Chilocco IndianSchool, we learn that Superintendent Branham and one of his subordinatesare now out drumming up scholars for the present school term. When the schoolclosed in June, about 180 Indian youth were in attendance; of this numberone-half returned to their homes to spend the vacation with their tribes.The task of gathering them together again is always a difficult one; theparents are unwilling to have their offspring leave home, and they seemto have a dread of subjecting themselves to the restraints of school. Schoolwas to have opened this week, but in consequence of the difficulty of gatheringin the flock, it is probable the opening will be delayed awhile.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

R. B. Ware, sub-agent to the Tonkawas, was in town yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Oscar Titus is hobbling about with the assistance of a cane and layshis debility to rheumatism.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Col. W. J. Pollock is in town from the territory, spending a few dayswith his many friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

A. F. Huse returned home on Saturday after an absence of two or threemonths.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Capt. Thompson on Monday bought the lot adjoining the site of the proposedcity hall on the east. Consideration, $2,500.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Judd Marshal, one of the early residents of this city, but now doingbusiness in Leavenworth, came to the city on Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Bob Howe, from Maple City, put in an appearance on the streets yesterday.He has been sick, and looks the worse for the attack.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

John Monsey, the merchant tailor, Room No. 3, Commercial Block, has afine line of patterns from which he is making some elegant suits.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

The county fair opened in Winfield Monday. The attendance was light thefirst day, but yesterday the number of visitors had increased.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Last week J. H. Otto, veterinary surgeon in Capt. Price's cavalry troop,completed his third term of enlistment and was paid off and discharged.He will take a two months' vacation and then re-enlist.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

S. C. Barr, of Cambridge, Ohio, is on a visit to this city; he is socharmed with the city and progress surrounding him, that he expresses awish to go back forty years in his life that he might be a young man andjoin in with this growing community.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

F. E. Kelly, a solid man of Harper, spent a day or two in town, withhis wife, the guests of M. A. Thompson, our new mail contractor. He is deeplyimpressed with the business advantages in our city, and intimates a desireto become one of us.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

The Women's Relief Corps of this city visited their sister corps at Winfieldlast week, and were royally entertained. Toward evening a number of theveterans of Winfield joined the company, and a happy time was enjoyed. QuartermasterMiller and Chaplain Ruby were among the visiting guests.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Ross Netherland, a boy of twelve years, living with his parents in theFourth ward, brings to our table a mammoth radish, measuring eighteen inchesin circumference, as an evidence of his successful vegetable gardening.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

P. A. Ireton, a successful farmer of Bolton Township, exhibited in townsome prime ears of corn on Monday, as a specimen of a field of thirty acresof that cereal raised on the Arkansas River bottom. Yestgerday he took twobushels of this gran as an exhibit to the county fair.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

The accumulation of bridge and track material at the Santa Fe depot isassuming immense proportions. When the railroad bridge is completed acrossthe Arkansas, this material will be rushed into the territory, and thenthe work of track laying will be started on in earnest.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

J. W. Oldham and B. R. Bittle are about to open a real estate and insuranceagency in the handsome and commodious basem*nt in the Bittle block. Bothof these gentlemen are well and favorably known to our citizens as beingreliable businessmen, diligent and deserving, and we predict that gratifyingsuccess will attend their venture.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Our fellow townsman, Mr. Fitch, had a lively adventure in Dexter lastweek. He had sold a sewing machine to the family of J. R. Miller, residingthere, and when pay day came round, was met by Mr. Miller, who presenteda gun, instead of the greenbacks, at him. Mr. Miller was arrested and fined$10 and costs for breach of the peace.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

T. M. Finney, late U. S. Trader at the Kaw Agency, has purchased thepost office book store of Will Thompson, and the transfer will probablybe made today. The new proprietor will largely increase the stock, addinga line of wall paper and fancy articles. Mr. Finney is an enterprising businessman,well known to our citizens, and we have confidence in his success.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Jacob Hight came to town on Saturday. He reports the five railroad stationson the Geuda Springs & Western line, between here and Caldwell, closedin and ready to receive freight, and but a few weeks' labor required tofinish them for the company's use. He has put in his best licks to pushthe work to completion, and takes becoming pride in the handsome structureshe has provided for the company.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Prof. Gordon, late superintendent of the Ponca schools, came to townon the 24th and proceeded to Winfield to meet his wife, on her return froma visit to friends in Tennessee. Mr. Gordon has been appointed superintendentof the [GARBLED]...??? LOOKS LIKE: Pawnee schools, charge being given himof the {?] and supplies, for the faithful care of [???] Agent Osborne of$5,000. This [?] establishment. T. W. All care of that [??] has been Williams,of Lebanon, Texas, [?] of the appointed superintendent [?] last Ponca school,and we [??] week the arrival of that gentleman, with his wife, to enterupon his duties. [WOW! WAS THIS ARTICLE EVER MESSED UP! HAVE NO IDEA REALLYWHAT WAS SAID!]

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

S. C. Smith returned from his trip east last week, and he expresses hisdetermination to push his hotel building with all the expedition possible.Building the walls was compara- tively slow work, as only a few men couldbe employed; but now the roof is ready to go on, work on the interior canbe begun, and expedited by a multiplicity of hands. Mr. Smith expects tohave the building ready for occupation some time in November. A good hotelis among the most urgent needs of this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Buel T. Davis, former editor of the Winfield Tribune, was in townon Friday and favored the TRAVELER with a call. He has been quite successfulin canvassing the county for the fair edition of that journal, and cameto this city with that object in view. But he found a disinclination inour businessmen to patronize a Winfield sheet, hence he did not prosecutehis labor. We dislike to see ill feeling exist between two neighboring communities,but insult and reproach having been freely dealt in by that city, it isonly natural that such injury should be resented. Mr. Davis has been appointedprincipal of the Chetopa schools and bids adieu to journalism.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

A couple of the laddies, J. H. Flood and Jerry Adams, appeared beforethe council at the last meeting, to ask that the hose reels to be providedfor their use be of the strongest make, and hose light. Mr. Flood, beingasked how much hose would be necessary for the city, said one cart wouldcarry 750 feet. If only one cart was supplied, he thought 1,000 feet wouldbe enough; but if two carts were provided, then 1,500 feet should be purchased.He preferred cotton to rubber hose as being lighter, and less liable tobecome unserviceable from frost. Mayor Schiffbauer displayed a specimenof rubber hose of very light make, which the manufacturer warranted to standa pressure of forty pounds to the inch, and which was generally approvedby the council. The fire boys held a meeting last evening to organize, butwe go to press before their proceedings could be learned.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Work on the cracker factory is progressing, most of the machinery havingarrived. Workmen are now engaged in setting it up. The oven, as the Psalmistdescribed man, is fearfully and wonderfully made, and the beholder is perplexedin watching the mechanical arrangements introduced into that immense cavityto admit of the baking into crackers of every variety, of sixty barrelsof flour a day. The machinery for rolling and stamping is in place, andthe array of baking panssome of them of prodigious sizestrikes the gazeas sufficient to furnish the wants of Grant's army of the Potomac. Troughs,each capable of mixing eight barrels of flour, with the necessary tables,shelving, and other wood work, are being made on the premises, Manager Davidson'saim being to provide just enough to start the business, and then increasethe facilities as enlarged operations demand. A delay in receiving the machinerywill cause the starting up of the works to be postponed till next week.Mr. Davidson has been confined to his room several days with malaria, butis now about again.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

The Right of Way Commission.

The commission appointed by the president to procure the right of wayfor the extension of the Santa Fe road through the territory arrived inthis city on Thursday evening and left for the performance of their truston Saturday. The commission consists of John A. Gallaway, of Ft. Scott,Kansas; W. H. Dyer, of Van Buren, Arkansas; and Jas. Brodie, Little Rock,Arkansas. S. S. Benedict, formerly U. S. Indian inspector, is in chargeof the party. Commissioners Dyer and Brodie met Mr. Benedict at Topeka,and the three came on to this city, arriving as above stated.CommissionerGallaway came in on the Santa Fe train on Saturday and took his departurewith the party.

Their first visit will be to the Poncas, to agree with that tribe inthe purchase of the right of way through their reservation; thence to theOtoes, and through a portion of the Cherokee strip to Oklahoma. The actof congress granting the charter to the Santa Fe company, provides thata strip 100 feet in width shall be conceded to the railroad company forits track, with sufficient ground for water tanks, passenger and freightstations, and necessary work shops, for which a consideration of $50 permile shall be paid the respective tribes, and an annual rental of $15 permile hereafter. In event of the rate of compensation being unsatisfactory,notice of the fact is to be given the secretary of the interior, whose businessit is to instruct the commission of the grounds of objection raised, andauthority is given them to make terms with the Indians. In the case of thoseIndians who occupy separate allotments, and object to the compensation allowed,the commission act as a board of appraisem*nt, and condemn the thoroughfareneeded without circumlocution.

The commission will probably return to this city by Saturday next. Theywill then start west to Kiowa, and thence to the Pan Handle of Texas.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

New Sash and Blind Factory.

H. T. Roberts is progressing with his planing mill on the canal, butwill be delayed in getting to work until the head gates are put in and thewater is turned on, which will not be until the end of the present month.He proposes to manufacture everything used in fitting up stores and dwellingssuchas sash, doors, blinds, counters, shelving, balusters, refrigerators, andany other article called for. He is setting up a fine equipment of machineryfor all such uses; and having had extensive experience in the managementof planing mills, we look to see his enterprise take permanent root andbecame an important factor in our home industries. This is development inthe right direction.

Improvement in real estate values is a healthy and encouraging sign,marking the greater importance of this city as a train center and puttingincreased means into the pockets of all real estate owners. The multiplicationof our business houses is also a good indication, showing as it does, anincreased volume of business and attracting buyers from a greater distanceto our city. But with this growth and development, we also need a diversifiedmanufacturing industry to furnish employment to hundreds of operatives andretain money in our midst, instead of sending it away in the purchase ofgoods manufactured elsewhere.

Mr. Roberts comes here from Waterloo, Iowa, attracted by the opportunitiesafforded him for the exercise of his energies. He is making provision foran extensive business, and we hope to see his highest expectations fulfilled.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Street Improvement Wanted.

Some months ago a spasm of improvement seized the city council, and aresolution was adopted to grade and pave Fifth Avenue its entire length,from depot to depot. This movement was incited by a petition from a numberof the lot owners on that thoroughfare who agreed to raise a certain amountof money for that purpose if the city would donate an additional sum equalto one-half of the amount raised. It was argued that strangers visitingthe city, and their first impression being formed from the clean and thriftycondition of the street they first traveled along, would be prepared tothink well of the enterprise of the people they were among, and thus beimpelled to take up a home here, if that was the business that brought them.The money was raised by diligent canvass, the quota from the city councilpaid, and that portion of Fifth Avenue west of Summit Street was gradedand paved, adding much to the beauty of its appearance. But east of SummitStreet, leading down to the Santa Fe depot, the besom of reform has notbeen wielded, and the need of improvement daily grows more urgent. StreetCommissioner Moore last spring started out to improve the road by scrapinga gutter way each side, and throwing down a hundred or two loads of foundationstone and rubble gathered up from the burnt district. But the sidewalksremain untouched and are in a chaotic condition; and as the pedestrian approachesSummit Street, he has to flounder over hollows and broken stones, to theimminent peril of his equilibrium. If first impressions are to be regarded,it is certain that the eastern portion of Fifth Avenue must exercise a mischievousinfluence.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Honorable Mention.

EDITOR TRAVELER: Seeing your complimentary notice of a portion of theworkers in the recent Pan Handle contest, I wish to say in reference tothe canvass in Liberty, that Mr. Easterday, on the west, and Mr. Cochran,in the west, and John Marks, in the center, believing that they were workingfor the real interest of their township, and that their labors would assurethem a road, did yeoman service for the cause, thereby earning from theirown people and from the people of Arkansas City, a debt of gratitude, whichI hope in the future we may be able to repay. A. W. Arkansas City, Aug.28.



Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Attention, Republicans!

A convention for the nomination of a representative to the legislaturefrom the Sixtieth representative district will be held at the Highland operahouse, in Arkansas City, on Monday, October 4, at 2 o'clock p.m.

It is recommended that the primaries for the election of delegates tothe above convention be held in the several townships and wards at the sametime as those nominating delegates to the county convention. J. E. WOODIN,Ex. Com. Arkansas City, Aug. 28.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

It is reported that the great Santa Fe system will drop their name entirelyand take up the name of the "Chicago, Kansas & Western," assome of its branches are already named, and all new cars are being letteredthat way.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

More Hotel Room Wanted.

When Mr. S. C. Smith started to build his new hotel, some of the morecautious expressed a doubt whether this extensive design was not in advanceof the wants of the city. The sum of $50,000 expended in erecting and furnishinga hotel in a city of 4,000 inhabitants (our population at that time) wasregarded as hazardous, and the financial success of such an enterprise wasconsidered undertain. But while the massive stone walls have been goingup, all these doubts have been removed. Since last fall our population hasincreased 50 percent, and is growing daily. Travel has increased two-fold,and the number of strangers repairing here seeking business opportunities,the investment of capital, or employment for their hands, far exceeds thecapacity of the few hotels and lodging rooms we have to accommmodate them.The Leland Hotel is always full and running over; the Monumental Hotel hasall its rooms engaged, and a dozen cots are spread every night for personsseeking lodging; A. E. Kirkpatrick, mine host of the Central Avenue Hotel,is crowded and overflowing into the annex supplied by M. W. Sawyer's largeframe building on the east. The European Restaurant, kept by Geo. A. Druitt,furnishes lodging for a dozen men, and turns away double that number. C.L. Kloos, of the Nickel Plate Restaurant, is negotiating with his landlord,J. C. Topliff, for the upper portion of the Houghton block, with a viewto furnishing a score of rooms for lodgers; and G. A. Groglode, of the BradfordRestaurant, has his tables crowded at every meal, but is hampered badlyin his business through having no rooms for lodgers. This condition of thingsshows the urgent need of more extended hotel accommocations, and that aprofitable business is awaiting the St. James Hotel from the day that itsdoors shall be opened.


Also, this article showed G. A. Groglode at Bradford...not sure thatthe name Groglode is correct.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Women's Relief Corps.

At a meeting of the Women's Relief Corps of this city on Saturday, the28th inst., the president, Mrs. Ashton, tendered her resignation in consequenceof failing health, which was accepted; and Mrs. J. D. Guthrie elected tothe position. Mrs. Ruby was elected vice president.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Sealed Proposals.

Sealed proposals will be received until Saturday, September 4, at 12o'clock m., for excavating a ditch, 10 feet wide at the bottom, with 2 to1 slope, extending from the southernmost extremity of the west slough duesouth to the Arkansas river. Plan and profile can be seen at the officeof the city clerk, Arkansas City. The right is reserved to reject any orall proposals. C. T. THURSTON, A. A. DAVIS, Committee.

E. B. WINGATE, City Engineer.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Excursions in the East.

The excursions to the east over the Santa Fe road from this city haveafforded enjoyment to many of our citizens, and the opportunity is againpresented of taking a pleasure trip at a cheap rate. Three excursions willbe run, the first on Monday next and the last on the 18th, and the ticketswill be good till Sept. 30. D. L. Means is the excursion agent, and allinformation can be obtained by calling at his implement store.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

From Mr. W. T. Wingate we learn that the work of excavating the canalis proceeding more satisfactorily, now that the ground is in better conditionfor working. Messrs. Franey & McCrea have thrown up their contract,and H. J. Locnan, who had the upper mile to dig, has undertaken the excavationof the entire length, which is about two and a half miles. At present one-fourthmile of the upper end has been dug, and half a mile at the southern extremity.The ground is of a diffucult nature to handle, being composed of sand, loam,marl, and again quicksand in successive layers. The piers to the head gatesare now above water line, being built in solid rock, and will be carriedthirteen feet above the foundation, or eight feet above the water line.All possible expedition is being made to complete the work, as the millsare lying idle, and serious loss and inconvenience are incurred in consequenceof the delay.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.

Recommendations of Mayor Schiffbauer to the Council.

At a special meeting of the city council, held on Monday evening, Augl30th, the following communication was read.

To the commission council of Arkansas City, Kansas.

GENTLEMEN: I find, upon examination of the records, that a meeting ofthe council held July 19th last, Acting Mayor Thompson appointed a committeeconsisting of Messrs. Wingate, Davis, and Thurston, to investigate and reporton the feasibility of draining the slough west of the city. The report ofthis committee is herewith attached. I further find that on Aug. 2nd thecity clerk was ordered to secure the right of way, and that at the samesitting the city engineeer was ordered to advertise for bids to excavatea ditch for draining the slough, said ditch to be ten feet at the bottomwith 2 to 1 slope. The bids to be opened and considered in ten days.

Now I submit that this system of draining said slough will entail a heavyexpense, and become an onerous burden on the taxpayers of the city.

I also hand you herewith an approximate estimate of the cost of the planproposed, and also the cost of the tile system of drainage, which will answerevery required purpose; and this with an eye single to the health and pecuniaryinterest of the citizens and taxpayers of the city.

From the committee's report you will see that Messrs. Hill, Newman, andSleeth offer to give the right of way free of cost; but from the engineer'sdiagram, you will find that the survey runs where the right of way willhave to be purchased or condemned.

Why a right of way 100 feet wide and a ditch 10 feet wide at the bottomshould be wanted for the purpose stated, I am at a loss to understand, whenit is a conceded fact that a six inch drain would carry off all the wateraccumulating in said slough.

You are, therefore, asked to give this matter your candid and carefulconsideration, and let your action tend to the advantage of your constituents.

All of which is respectfully submitted.



Cost of right of way: $1,080.00

Cost of excavating: $2,640.00

Cost of fencing: $432.29

Cost of bridge: $500.00

TOTAL: $4,652.29

To this will be added a yearly expense for the maintenance of the bridgeand the erection of other bridges as the needs of the city require, andfor their maintenance for all time.


2,436 feet of the 10 in. tiling at 20 cents: $487.20

Laying the same at 10 cents: $243.60

TOTAL: $730.80

The right of way for this would be freely given, as there would be noobstruction; no fencing would be required, no bridging would be necessary,and in this item alone a great saving would be secured to the taxpayers.

The matter was debated awhile by the council, and laid over till thenext meeting.


Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.


The A. T. & S. Fe Company will run their excursions to differentpoints east, as far as Indianapolis, Richmond, Plainfield, and Danville,all in Indiana. The round trip tickets vary but a trifle from the ordinaryone way fare, and can be purchased of D. L. Means, excursion agent, or atthe Santa Fe depot, until the 18th inst.


A rare opportunity for those desiring to travel east. For informationenquire of

ARKANSAS CITY TRAVELER, From Wednesday, April 28, 1886, through September 1, 1886. (2024)


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