The Straits Times, 15 October 1991 (2024)

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    World Bank-IMF meeting 'over-focusing' on Soviet Union

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    742 1991-10-15 35 Tan Lian Choo- Tan Lian Choo More debt-relief packages for poor countries and other issues largely ignored, say delegates By Bangkok Correspondent BANGKOK In an ironic twist of history, the Soviet Union, once a superpower that spurned membership of the International Monetary Fund and the World

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    End Uruguay Round talks fast, IMF urges governments

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    337 1991-10-15 35 BANGKOK The top policymaking body of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) voiced "concern" here yesterday over the delays in the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations and their potential impact on the world economy. It urged all governments to attach "the highest political

    AFP- 337 words

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    Carla Hills: China will gain by co-operating in US 'unfair trade' probe

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    456 1991-10-15 35 Carla Hills: China will gain by co-operating in US 'unfair trade' probe HONGKONG China can improve its trade prospects by co-operating in a US investigation of whether it maintains unfair barriers to foreign products, US Trade Representative Carla Hills said yesterday. Negotiating in good faith would also help defuse increasing

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    Taiwan's overseas investments up by 11%

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    250 1991-10-15 35 local TAIPEI Taiwan approved 283 overseas investment projects totalling US$l.3 billion (about 552.2 billion) by local businessmen in the first nine months of this year, an 11.89 per cent jump in value over a year earlier, the Investment Commission said. Meanwhile, approved investment by

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    EC businessmen in Japan want Tokyo to lift barriers

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    246 1991-10-15 35 TOKYO The leading association of European businessmen in Japan urged the government yesterday to take measures to make it easier for European firms to invest in Japan and pre-empt rising resentment over the issue. The level of Japanese investment in the

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    Japan's September trade surplus is highest ever

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    475 1991-10-15 36 Lower exports, currency changes cause rising trend in imbalances TOKYO Just as the world's top-ranking finance officials warned of Japan's climbing trade surplus, the government announced yesterday that its monthly imbalance in September hit a record high of U559.76 billion (5516.29 billion). September

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    Asia Seoul's No. 1 for construction

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    138 1991-10-15 36 SEOUL Asia is emerging as South Korea's No. 1 construction market, replacing the Middle East, government figures showed yesterday. The figures, compiled by the Construction Ministry, said South Korean contractors were awarded US$677 million 551.13 billion) in Asia in the first nine months of

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    S. Koreans told not to overspend when overseas

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    374 1991-10-15 36 SEOUL South Korea, which has proclaimed 1992 "Visit Korea Year" to lure freespending foreign tourists, is checking credit card records to make sure its own citizens leave their money at home. The Bank of Korea, the central bank, has ordered South Korea's

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    Japanese company failures reach $50b half-year record

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    296 1991-10-15 36 TOKYO Excessive real estate investment and severe labour shortages boosted corporate bankruptcies in Japan to a half-year record level from April to September, a private credit research agency said yesterday. Liabilities left by bankrupt companies in the six months, or the first half

    AFP- 296 words

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    Japanese investments in Britain 'will not help cut trade deficit'

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    240 1991-10-15 36 LONDON Japanese investments in Britain will not cut the British trade deficit or do much to create jobs for the next five to 10 years, a top private Japanese economic research institute said on yesterday. "The belief that Japanese investment

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    EC probes 'bicycle dumping by Taiwan and China'

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    162 1991-10-15 36 BRUSSELS The European Commission said yesterday it was opening an investigation into alleged dumping of bicycles on the European Community market by manufacturers in China and Taiwan. It said in the Community's official journal it had received a complaint from the Paris-based

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    Concern over reliability of Soviet oil output: Analysts

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    484 1991-10-15 36 PARIS It remains a big "if" but analysts are beginning to get edgy about the possibility of a disruption in the supply of Soviet oil and gas and the effect it could have on the world economy and financial markets. Concern about

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      MUMB on Berjaya offer

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      98 1991-10-15 37 MALAYAN United Manufacturing Bhd's voluntary partial takeover of 38 per cent of Berjaya Group Bhd will be made on the basis of 500 new shares of 50 sen each (with a cash alternative of MJBOO underwritten) and MsBoo (Ss4BB) in cash for every 1,000 Berjaya shares.

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      Tractors expects M$64m

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      98 1991-10-15 37 TRACTORS Malaysia Holdings Bhd, a member of the Sime Darby Group, expects to make an extraordinary gain of Ms64 million (5539.04 million) from four proposed disposals which it said would enhance its earnings in the long term. The four disposals are landed property in Gong Badak Industrial

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      Gen Corp to earn M$2m

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      58 1991-10-15 37 GENERAL Corporation Bhd expects the acquisition of quarry assets owned by Trans-Crete Sdn Bhd in Masai, Johor, to contribute about Ms2 million (551.22 million) to group earnings for the financial year ending Jan 31 next year. GCB in a circular to shareholders said the transaction

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      United Malacca forecast

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      82 1991-10-15 37 UNITED Malacca Rubber Estates Bhd's profitability in the current year will be better than in the previous year because of improved prices for latex and palm oil, chairman Choi Siew Hong said in the company's annual report. Its group operating profit before replanting for the year ended

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      KL quality stocks post big gains in active trade

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      240 1991-10-15 37 THE share market strengthened further in active trading yesterday on spillover buying interest from last Friday's rebound, with selected quality stocks posting handsome gains. The New Straits Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index rose 22.27 points to 3,170.6. There were 219 gainers

      Bernama- 240 words

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      137 1991-10-15 37 STOCKS ended firmer yesterday on technical buying in otherwise lacklustre trade, brokers said. They said the rebound was technical as buying interest only emerged in the afternoon when selling interest had faded. Mr Larry Tarn, executive director of Sun Hung Kai Securities said: "The market's fundamentals remained unchanged and

      Reuter- 137 words

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      240 1991-10-15 37 STOCKS slid yesterday, with the Nikkei average back below 24,000 points for the first time since Sept 30. Despite the strong yen, brokers said volume and prices faded as investors stuck to the sidelines awaiting fresh factors and ahead of the restrictions on business by the Big Four brokers.

      Reuter- 240 words

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      89 1991-10-15 37 THE Australian share market made healthy gains yesterday after rallying strongly on hopes of a further easing in monetary policy. Brokers reported strong offshore and domestic buying orders after Acting Treasurer Ralph Willis told Parliament inflation could be below 2 per cent for calendar 1991. The All-Ordinaries Index closed

      Reuter- 89 words

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    2693 1991-10-15 37 Adjusted tor new If ues; Par value MSI unless otherwise specified; P/E ratios are not adjusted for currency differences. TRANSACTION DATE: OCTOBER 14, 1991 1991 Last Vol Day Net High Low Company Sale ('000) High Low P/E INDUSTRIALS 245 165 AISB 50c 185 3 49 185 183 45

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      British pound

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      38 1991-10-15 37 Monday October 14 1991 Open Wfh Low Sett Est Vol Ok 91 1 /050 1 ***** 1 7040A 1 7060 22 Mar 92 1 6878 ha 1 6708 Open M (Fri): 79. Act Vol (Fri): One.

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      36 1991-10-15 37 'US UnUt/Deutschemnk) Open Mth Low Sett Est Vol Dec 91 0.86. 0 58/78 0 5858A 0 5876 65 Mar 92 0 5821 km 0 5769 Sap ***** Opm bl (Fri): ISO. Act Vol (Fri): 97.

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      Eurodollar — 3-month deposit

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      136 1991-10-15 37 Eurodollar 3-month deposit 1 1 00 mphtd interest rite) Open Mfh Low Sett Est Vol Dec 91 9451 9454 9451 94 52 4650 Mar 92 94 59 94 62 94 59 94 61 4702 km 94 39 94 43 94 39 94 41 2300 Sep! 9411/ 94 13 94 11

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      Euromark — 3-month deposit

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      46 1991-10-15 37 Euromark 3-month deposit Open High low Sett Est Vol Dec 91 90 67 90 688 90 6/ 90 6/ 200 Mar 92 90 99 km 9120 Sept 9135 Dec 9143 Mar 93 91 61 mm 9167 Sept 9169 Open M (Fri): 250. Act Vol (Fri): 200

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      Euroyen — 3-month deposit

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      70 1991-10-15 37 Euroyen 3-month deposit Open rffh Low Sett Est Vol Dec 91 93 90 93 93 93 86 93 87 3764 Mar 92 94 48 94 48 94 44 94 44 2648 km 9459 9462 9458 94.60 1333 Sept 9449 9450 94.49 9449 33 Dec 9426 94 26 9426 94.25 80

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      35 1991-10-15 37 Open High Low Sett Est Vol Ok 91 363 206 362 60 Feb 9? 365 20 Apr ***** lun 370 70 t ***** Oct 376 40 Opt« M (Fri) 30 Act Vol (Fri). M

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      Japanese yen

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      33 1991-10-15 37 Open High Low Sett Est Vol Dec 91 0 00/739 000//41 0 00//78 0007/78 16. M».2 000/71/ km *****1$ Sepl 0 00/719 Ok 0007/24 Optn M (Fri) Del Vol (Fri): 1.3

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      Nikkei Stock Average

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      43 1991-10-15 37 Open Hijh Low Sett Est Vol Spot ***** 24 ***** 78 ***** 67 ***** 6/ Oct 91 ***** I Dec ***** ***** ***** ***** 3922 Mar 92 ***** km ***** Dec ***** Open Int (Fri): *****. Ac! Vol (Fri): 1601

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      Dubai Crude Oil

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      71 1991-10-15 37 Open High Low Sett Est Vol Nov 91 1890 Dec 18.50 lan 92 18 15 Open Int (Fri): M. Act Vol (Fri): M. Gas Oil Simei htdei Price (11/10/91) 26 93 Open rifh Low Sett Est Vol Nov 91 27 50 27 60 27 50 27 60

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      Fuel Oil

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      62 1991-10-15 37 Simei Index Price (11/10/91) 85.10 Open High Low Sett Est Vol Nov 91 85 30 8600 85 30 86.00 210 Dec 8430 8480 84 30 84.60 350 lan 92 8300 83 00 82 50 82 70 15 Feb 8300 8300 8300 8300 6 Mar 82 908 82 90

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      Eurodollar Options

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      27 1991-10-15 37 Dec 91 cih Dec 91 puh tffh Low Sett «th low Sett 9275 ?278 227 9250 2028 202 9275 1778 177 9300 1518 152 1

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      19 1991-10-15 37 Closing prices (cents/kilo) Singapore 143 00 cents November up 2 25 cent Malaysia 229 50 cents November unchanged

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      Palm oil

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      50 1991-10-15 37 Crude palm oil (Ms/tonne) Oct 830 (south) Refined palm oil (USS/torm) RBO Palm 01 Oct/Nov 317 50 (seller) Dec 320 (seller) lan/Feb/Mar 320 (seller) RBD Olein Oct/Nov 345 (seller) Dec 347 50 (seller) Jan/Feb/Mar 350 (seller) RBO Stearin Oct/Nov/Dec 267 50 (seller) Crude stearin Neutralised unquoted palm oil

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      14 1991-10-15 37 Closing price* (Ms/kik>) Kl Tin 14 84 -t- 0.030 Turnover 37 54 tonnes)

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      20 1991-10-15 37 (Official closing quotation, USS/MT) Fri Mon Cash 1110-1111 1121.5 1122 5 3 Months 1137-***** 115^-***** Settlement 1111 1122 5

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      Copper Grade A

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      25 1991-10-15 37 (Official cloalng quotation, QBP/MT) Fri Mon Cash 1358-1358.5 *****-***** 3 Months 1352-1352 5 1357-1358 Settlement ***** ***** Source: Outokumpu (SEA.) Pte Ltd

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      23 1991-10-15 37 Closing price* (US$/troy Ol) Fri Mrtn Singapore 404 -405 4.***** Thurt Fri New York 4 06—4 07 4.13— 4 14 Source: Rothschild

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      91 1991-10-15 37 Crude Product Prices CRUDE/PROOUCT MONTH* CHANGE PRICE (USs>a BRENT BIEND Dec 025 0?0 2175 2185 WST TEXAS Intermediate Dec 0 15 -0 20 22 95 23 00 DUBAI FATEH Dec 0 15 -0 lb 18 35 1845 TAPIS BLEND Nov f0 05 000 22 40 22 50 MINAS Oct 0.00

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    556 1991-10-15 37 Monday October 14 HK$ HK Ferry 5.10 unch IMC Holding 5.40 unch Amoy Properties 5.10 unch Jardlne Int'l Motor 475 +0 10 Allied Overseas 0.74 +0.01 Jardlne Math 34.25 -0 25 Asia Sec Int'l 1.54 +0.02 Jardlne War 92 10.70 unch Allied TW 0.76 +001 JSH 17.50 -0.10 Bond

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    362 1991-10-15 37 Monday October 14 Y_M Mitsubishi 1370 -10 Mitsui 821 13 A|inomoto 1650 -50 Mitsui ShipbkJg 619 4-7 Akai 1050 unch Mitsui Smelting 468 -3 Amada 1020 Mitsukoshi 1160 -20 Asahi Glass 1230 +445 Mitsumi 1510 unch Asahi Kasei 1260 Murata Mtg 2300 Bank Of Tokyo 1520 10 Nee 1250

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    389 1991-10-15 37 (n For deposits between $3,001 and $50,000 For deposits between $3,000 and $50,000. For deposits between $3,000 and $99,999. For balances up to $100,000. Rate offered on a monthly reducing basis. PLEASE CALL RESPECTIVE BANKS FOR DETAILS. OCBC OUB UOe DBS TIB POSB KB DEPOSIT RATES Savings 4

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    43 1991-10-15 38 HIGH LOW Straits Times Industrials 1991 High 1565.58 (3/6/91) 1991 Low 1149.08 (16/1/91) All time High 1607.12 (27/3/90) All-time Low 64.83 (29/6/65) Business Times Composite 1991 High 1333.08 (3/6/91) 1991 Low 1022.52 (16/1/91) All-time High 1435.43 (16/7/90) All time Low 64 83 (29/6/65)

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    38 1991-10-15 38 Keppel Inv Wt 3,953,000 City Dev Wt 2,273,000 S Steamship 50C 1,667,000 Guthne GTS 200 1,373,000 Hotel Prop 1,319,000 DBS Foreign 1,213,000 OCBC Foreign 1,016,000 H Prop Wt 946,000 NatSteel Wt 814,000 Chuan Hup Wt94 768,000

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    33 1991-10-15 38 Sector Volume Value Industrials 554,000 920,600 Finance 164,000 454,670 Hotels 15,000 9,710 Properties 154.000 162,335 Loan Stocks 1.044 m 278,490 Plantations 65.000 76,070 Mining 13,000 17,390 Total 2.009 m 1.919 m

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    68 1991-10-15 38 Total Market Mon Fri Industrials 24.606 m 19 981 m Finance 6.603 m 5.825 m Hotels 2.675 m 1.704 m Properties 7.469 m 6 305 m Loans Stocks 14.372 m 7.209 m Plantations 1534 m 1 365 m Mining 361.000 145,000 Total volume 57.620 m 42 534 m

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    2 1991-10-15 38

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    31 1991-10-15 38 600 I I r— i 1 377.00 500 Octl4 450—1 "P 47 I inn L™ 360 XI 300 250 200 J 1 1 1 1 MM Aug Sap Oel

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    3833 1991-10-15 38 TRANSACTION DATE: OCTOBER 14, 1991 Gr'a LEGEND. Al shares quoted hive a par value of $1 unless otherwise specified. Adjusted for scrip/rights. N Tai-eiempted dividend. P/E ratios reflect the last annual consolidated results. P/E ratios and gross yields of foreign shares are adjusted for currency differences. Trustee

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    1792 1991-10-15 38 Oft 1M1 T.I La.i Vol Day LMt Quota Div N«t High Lew Cod* Company S»i. -or- 000 High Low Buyer S«H«r P/E 155 107 X 1139AISB50C 110 112 115 10.0 44.0 86' 52 1301 AMDB 5O« 56 +3 72 56* 55* 55* 56 3.5 224 78 61 1740

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    413 1991-10-15 38 Manager's prices for October 15 Singapore Unit Trust The Commerce 1 17 -1 25 The Savings Fund 101 -1 08 Spore Prog Fund 0.46 0 49«d Spore Sec Fund 0/6 -081 S pore Invest Fund 0 83 -0 88 S pore Equity Fund 0 58 0 62 Asia

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    Stocks rebound strongly as 'hot money' flows in

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    512 1991-10-15 38 Goh Eng Yeow- Goh Eng Yeow By SHARE prices rose sharply across a broad front, buoyed by bullish sentiment that the lethargy plaguing the local stock market may at long last be over. The Straits Times Industrials Index rose 22.66 points its single biggest one-day

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      43 1991-10-15 39 Oct 14 Chance Kuala Lumpur NST Industrial 3170.60 22.27 Hongkong Hang Seng Index 4022.21 4.23 Tokyo Nikkei Stock Average *****.67 297.05 Sydney Australian All-Ordinaries 1563.00 7.90 New York Dow Jones Average (Fri) 2983.68 7.16 London Financial Times 30 (Fri) 1953.90 2.50

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        PRIME RATE

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        15 1991-10-15 39 Average Prime Lending Rate: 7>/ 4% Average of Singapore's Big Four Local Banks

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        105 1991-10-15 39 Contract dale: 14/10/91 CURRENCY 1 MTH 3 MTH 6 MTH 9 MTH 12 MTH CALL VALUE DATE USS 4H 4% 4H 4H IM IM 16/10/91 A$ |M V/t I 3 7V« 7V 4 7'/. 16/10/91 NZS 6 7 /s 6% 6Vs 6V 4 6 3 5 3

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        SPOT RATES

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        27 1991-10-15 39 DM Y SJ HK$ USS USS US Open 1.6920 128.75 1.6930 7.7335 0.7982 1.7203 Close 1.6888 128.99 ***** 7.7427 0.7989 1.7225 Source: Astley i Pearce

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        144 1991-10-15 39 Singapore dollar* to on* unit of foreign currency Buying 00 Selnf US dollar 1.6780 1.7000 Sterling pound 2.8697 2.9317 Australian dollar 1.3193 1 3668 Canadian dollar 1.4775 1.5125 NZ dollar 0.9405 0.9733 Singapore dollars to 100 units of foreign currency Austrian schilling 14.0219 14.5673 Belgian franc 4.7829 4.9133

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        74 1991-10-15 39 Physical (S$) Mon Fri Kilobar 19,583-19,703 19,432-19,552 100 gm 1,964-1,989 1,949—1,974 50 gm 984-999 977-992 20 gm 393-404 390-401 5 gm 98-107 97-107 1 gm 20-28 19-28 Bulon coins (SS/oj) Spore bullion coin 606 -622 603—619 Canadian maple leat 627 633 624—630 Australian nugget 629 -635 622—630 OUB fold

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        30 1991-10-15 39 US$/oz Moo Fri Sincapore 360.30—360.60 357.30 357 60 Fri Thurs NewYorfc 359 30-359.60 358.30-358 60 Mon Fri Honffconf 360 30-360 80 357 30—357 70 London momirtf fii (Monday) 360.31

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    Call for strong umbrella body for private sector

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    452 1991-10-15 39 National Business Forum Business leaders want it to be in ministry's Economic Panel A STRONG umbrella organisation and not the current myriad of business groupings is urgently needed to represent the private sector in the soon-to-be-established Ministry of Trade and Industry Economic

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    S'pore should go more regional and focus on services, says Japanese expert

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    487 1991-10-15 39 SINGAPORE should emphasise its role as a regional economy, said management guru Kenichi Ohmae who also suggested that it should focus on services, such as providing consultancy to countries wanting to industrialise. Speaking at the National Business Forum

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    Tiffany to make its office here a regional centre

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    362 1991-10-15 39 RITZY American jeweller Tiffany Co will make its new-ly-opened Singapore office its regional headquarters for South-east Asia. Disclosing this in an interview with The Straits Times yesterday, Tiffany's visiting chairman and chief-executive officer, Mr William Chaney, added that the Singapore office

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    Kay Hian 'not hit' by merger in Hongkong

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    217 1991-10-15 39 Kay Hian 'not hit' by merger in Hongkong THE merger in Hongkong of the securities operations of James Capel (Far East) and merchant bank Wardley Ltd will not affect its Singapore office, Kay Hian James Capel. Mr George Ives, joint managing director of listed KHJC said yesterday that "if anything,

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    Recession next year or in 1993 not a foregone conclusion, says MTI Perm Sec

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    223 1991-10-15 39 A RECESSION next year or in 1993 is not a "foregone conclusion", said Mr Lam Chuan Leong, the Permanent Secretary of the Trade and Industry Ministry. Mr Lam, who was speaking at the National Business Forum

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    EDB opens overseas talent scouting offices

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    178 1991-10-15 39 THE Economic Development Board (EDB) has set up offices in Boston, San Francisco, London and Chicago to attract foreign talents to Singapore under its International Manpower Programme (Imp), EDB Chairman Mr Philip Yeo said yesterday. Replying to a question at the National Business Forum

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The Straits Times, 15 October 1991 (2024)


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